The Wanderer above the Chaotic Sea


she stands tall over the ocean
and speaks in waves that crash around her
she stands tall over the ocean
and breathes the winds that blow through her hair
all in an attempt to tame the storm inside her heart

An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII | Girl XIII | Girl XIV | Girl XV | Girl XVI | Girl XVII | Girl XVIII | Girl XIX | Girl XX | Girl XXI | Girl XXII | Girl XXIII | Girl XXIV | Girl XXV | Girl XXVI | Girl XXVII | Girl XXVIII | Girl XXIX


I found the girl again at the ocean. She was no longer a wanderer at the sea. This time, she was above it. She became the crashing waves that thundered below her. She stood above the fog imitating the man that perpetually walks to the edge of the cliff, never to take the last step into oblivion. It becomes a perpetual moment stopped just in time. Just before the last step is taken into the ocean that will devour her, but she never gets to that point, she frustrates the desire to see the inevitable.

The girl is standing on the cliff's edge, becoming the wanderer above the sea, above the chaos that boils below her feet. Primordial monsters that try to break free, that try to claw their way to a better world, to unleash mayhem on their captors. But this is to no avail, trivial, vanity, meaningless, everything is vanity! As the speaker in Ecclesiastes would remind us. Vanity. The chaos locked behind the door of entropy, a state of utter chaos turned into a strange kind of order. In complexity, towards which entropy tries to go, is a hidden order in which the mind of madness finds a strange calmness. Those who would try to force order upon chaos, would surely lose their minds, but those who have already lost their minds and find order in chaos, for those are the people who have true freedom.

And she knew this as she sat on the rocks, looking at the ocean, looking at the chaos that boiled in utter violence below her, only to think that she could tame them with the slightest touch. Because as she spoke, a wind that calmed the waves, broke through her smile and everything became utterly peaceful.


This week, I found her above the sea, looking at the waves. It was like she was the conductor trying to orchestrate the waves. But I only took some photographs of her so that I could capture the moment. Today, I share with you the product of this moment. I hope that you enjoy it.

Wanderer Above the Sea












Postscriptum, or Running to the Mountains

The mountains on the beachfront always remind me of primordial times, in which monsters as big as the mountains themselves fought. Now, we have occupied these giants by building our dwellings on their feet. Small inconsequential homes, like a cancer spreading all across its periphery. Only from afar can you appreciate this detail. Only when you yourself become small can you appreciate the scale of these monsters. Their faces are old and wrinkled. Between their toes, green moss grows and then the white cancerous homes.


But still, we rather run toward the mountains rather than the oceans. For the wild crashing waves and the deep mysteries are much darker than the delightful green covering of moss and plants and trees.

In any case, I hope that you enjoyed these musings and photographs of the girl who decided to walk above the ocean, and who showed her dominance yet again.

For now, happy photographing, and stay well.


All of the photographs used in this post are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and Tamron 300mm zoom lens. The musings and thoughts are also my own, unless stated otherwise and/or hyperlinked.

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