"An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write" (Part Thirteen): Art Galleries and Leaves

An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII


she hid herself
behind brushstrokes
on a van gogh
a summer's night
what a delight
she stood
forever an eye's bliss

I followed the girl to an art gallery on a lazy weekend morning. She hid behind abstract art; almost like she wanted meaning to escape my grasp. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but meaning is never to be found in random blobs of paint whilst the girl tries to evade me.

A fish's eye? A random street at night? What are we even looking at? The back of her head dissolved into the painting as if she became the meaning of it all. But still, this elusive meaning evaded my grasp for I was drunk on the semblance of her love.

In this rendition of the ode to the girl I could never write, I present after a long hiatus the girl getting lost in an art gallery.

Lost in the Gallery














Postscriptum, or What Even is Art?

We tend to think of art as a practice that tries to replicate the world we live in and see. But this view of art was mocked, to some extent, in the more postmodern artistic endeavors. The camera also complicated this notion of art, because, with the snap of a button, life would be replicated with almost 100% accuracy.

But today the notion of copying life is coming back. Various artist practice hyper-realism and it has garnered some attention of social media. The ability of these people is amazing. But it always leaves me with the question: What then is art? Is it about understanding the weird life we are in or about becoming a fleshy camera? There is surely no simple answer.

In a rare turn of events, the girl, @urban.scout, grabbed the camera from my hands and started photographing me. I, in turn, did the same with my phone and we snapped this masterpiece, lol, haha.


The photographing photographer being photographed. Now that is poetry.

Jokes aside, I hope you enjoyed this post and rather strange artistic musings. I hope you are well and safe.

The photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and 50mm Nikkor lens. The musings and writings are also my own.

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