"An Ode to the Girl I Could Not Write" (Part Two) - A Series of Experimental Portrait Photographs with a NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8 Lens

In a previous post, I wrote about "the girl I could not write" and how I managed to "write" her after all. In this post, I share with you some more photographs or portraits of "the girl I could never write". Rather than muse my usual philosophical thoughts, I want to share an ode or poem. I will place the poem in between the photographs. I hope that you will enjoy this post and the photographs. Without further ado...

An Ode to the Girl I Could Not Write

a world away
the depth of the ocean
a stone's throw away
swim ashore
to the edge of where
we might meet again

jump from the mountain
of innocence
into the world of pleasure
once the rains have stopped
and the seeds sprout
and the winds arrive
to only take you away

a yellow star constellation
a network of ideas
each one so different
with metaphorical precision
oh my love
pick the yellow stars
full of bees and
pollen and
dreams and

write your name
on the window of tomorrow
and throw your shame away
because no one is looking
and no one cares
for we jump through the clouds
as if
there was no yesterday

look away now
for I will not return
until the darkness have covered my being
look away now
for the winds of change
are sweeping me away
to another
to tomorrow
where I will meet you
once again

to the girl
who I could not write
I write a poem
which will be sent on the wind
as if
a seed
which might
grow into a new plant
from which we can sit
and stare at those
who do not know

Postscriptim, or To the Other I Cannot See

These are just some of the portraits I captured without giving away the identity of the girl I could not write. From a distance, I stand and take these images, as if she is unknown to me, as if I am unknown to her. I muse about the days that feel nostalgic as I reminisce. For now, I am alone behind a computer screen looking at what could have been, what might again be. For now, I am again writing about the girl I could not write. Alas, maybe one day I will find the right words to capture the feelings. For now, mere portrait photographs and quasi-poetic words will do.

All the photographs are my own taken with my Nikon D300 and 50mm Nikkor lens. The girl, who is my SO, also knew I took photographs of her and I am using them with her permission. The poem is just that, a poem. The musings are my own. I hope you enjoyed this post and the poem/musings. Happy photographing and stay safe.

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