"An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write" (Part Five): Strange and Minimalist Flower Photographs with Musings on Normality

The girl I could never write is lured by flowers. The smell and scent lure her into strange positions and make her do weird things. She drinks from a cup of flowers and from her fingertips flowers grow. From her mouth flowers appear, and her rings are made of flowers. Everything is flowers.

This week, I again present you with a series of experimental and somewhat minimalist (not all of them) photographs. Some of them are truly strange and bizarre. Some of them inspire the imagination to run wild. I hope you enjoy them. As usual, I will showcase the photographs and write some musings at the bottom. Without further ado...

An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

From Her Fingers Flowers Grow

What is natural? What is normal? We are bombarded with messages about what is normal and what is abnormal. Previously, the abnormal was relegated to the periphery of society, now we medicate them and expose them to countless hours of therapy to somehow get them back to normality. But what is this normal? And more importantly, who decides what is normal?

The politics behind this is messy and can quickly turn violent with people taking very rigid positions. The verdict is still out, however, it is strange how this idea has not garnered more attention. That is, we as a modern society all relinquished our own voices for some reason. Big corporations decide what is normal and what we should desire. The voiceless masses on social media set the trend and silence the dissident voices, those who are the so-called abnormal. Calling out these masses, these corporations will get you into trouble, you will be medicated and sedated by more desires and cheap thrills.

But why do we keep quiet? For the fear of being canceled or relegated to the corners of society where your voice is ignored? Why do we keep the feeding tube in our arms, laying sedated by the massive amount of overconsumption and gluttony? These questions are not answered. Like flowers growing from one's fingers, the abnormal and normalcy dichotomy is a strange conversation to have due to the many times the hierarchy has been reversed. Today's normal is tomorrow's abnormal. Yesterday's normal is today's abnormal. But sometimes even abnormality becomes a kind of normal.

Who decide what is normal?

It is an important question to ask and a very important question to discuss. Because the decision does not always fall into the hands of people who care about your health and well-being...

Food for thought...

In any case, I hope enjoyed this rather strange post and images. All of the photographs were taken by me with my Nikon D300 and 50mm or 300mm lens. The musings are also my own. Happy photographing and stay safe.

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