A Puzzling Kiss


An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII | Girl XIII | Girl XIV | Girl XV | Girl XVI | Girl XVII | Girl XVIII | Girl XIX | Girl XX | Girl XXI

a murder scene
of passionate proportions
contortions of body parts
scandalous poses
a kiss that perpetually

She lay on the floor on a tapestry of her own creation. Murdered by the creative act, rendered alive in the most obscene manners. She put the pieces together to form a cohesive whole, only from a specific angle. The kiss, a moment frozen in time. A wave hits the beach and the innocent suffer. Hidden in the shadows, she smiles her peculiar smile that lures me deeper into the web of seduction.

The kiss becomes an act of possession, devouring the other. She consumes the last breath and she bellows from the dark depths her thirst for more.

I find the girl who forever escapes my pen hidden behind a tapestry of her own making, her artful expulsions. I hope you like this series of photographs of her laying on her art, on her dreams, on her beauty.

A Puzzling Kiss













Postscriptum, or Hidden Behind Chaos

Repetition, continual repetition create the illusion of cohesion. The art style pointillism is a bunch of points on a piece of cloth. Stand close enough to see the individual dots and all meaning disappears. Stand just far enough so that the individual dots cannot be seen, meaning suddenly flushes in like a wave. The puzzles act in some sense similar. Inside the box, it does not mean anything. Scrambled pieces of a mystery. But put them together and meaning rushes in. It becomes clear. But yet again, stand close enough and isolate the individual puzzle pieces and meaning again seems to recede. The cohesive whole loses its non-enigmatic status; it becomes again a puzzle.


My girlfriend, @urban.scout, loves these puzzles. Their enigmatic allure traps her for hours. She listens to crime and mystery podcasts whilst completing them. A sure double enigma in my eyes, as I could never see the fun in doing puzzles. But now I can show off the end result of her hours, a work of art in itself.


In any case, I hope that you liked these photographs of her and her puzzles. She is very proud of them and one day when we get to our dream stage we will hang them on the walls. Like poverty-stricken students, the only art we will be able to afford is either our own or those printed on pieces of puzzles. But I like the uniformity thereof. The allure of repetition.

Happy photographing, and stay well.

All of the photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and Nikkor 50mm or Nikon 18-70mm lens. The writings and musings are also my own.

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