"An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write" (Part Fourteen): Floating About at the Beach

An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII | Girl XIII


we fell
like dead winter leaves
at the whim
of the wind
and we drifted
on the ocean
like headless floats

The light fell perfectly. I could not resist the opportunity. I told @urban.scout to do her model face. I took a bunch of photographs of her and told her to dance to the tune of the waves. She hopped around, the video evidence here, and I clicked away. The sun fell perfectly, natural light, dimmed somewhat by the clouds. She danced away and I clicked away. The results of the photoshoot below are some of the best photographs I have taken of her. She will not like all the photographs, but I think they are perfect. The lens just loved the lighting. It was perfect and I wish I took more. Hindsight is 20/20 they say, but for now, this is all I have. I think I need to take her back! But in any case, please enjoy these photographs of the girl I could never write.

Floating About: A Series of Beach Photographs













Postscriptum, or Natural Light

I am obsessed with natural light. I have at the start of my photographic adventures in 2010 tried to play with different lights, but I never really got into it. The kitchen where I stay has perfect natural light, and I have taken so many photographs of different things. This was one of the best lighting photoshoots I have ever had. I think I can remember three other times I had similar lighting, and all these times the Nikkor 50mm lens just did something special for my own eyes.

The texture of her skin was something I immediately saw in the viewfinder. It was something I could not miss. But we did not have all the time in the world.


In any case, I hope you liked this rendition of the girl I could never write. This coming week, I am again flying to visit her for a while. More photoshoots will surely follow! The winter is upon us, so hopefully there will be more of this type of lighting, as the summer sun sometimes makes the lighting very harsh.

Stay safe, happy photographing!

All of the photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and Nikkor 50mm lens. The musings and writings are also my own.

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