A Girl and Her Macarons


she bit into yellow roses
and fluffy air pillows
flavorful words
rained down on her
as she looked at the world
through macaron eyes

The girl who I could never write, bought herself a bunch of macarons. She ate these fluffy treats and I spied on her in this intimate moment. The camera shuttered (and stuttered) as I took the moment in and made poetry from it. I transformed the words and the strange sightings into something that could be viewed later on; with the same strange feelings.

I wrote the words as she chewed, and here I share with you the results from this event. Event, because we made it a special moment in which we again renewed our passion for the colorful and tasty. Event, also because we performed this strange dance to the camera that clicked away and somehow managed to get something tangible.

So please enjoy, along with me, the result of this moment and the usual musings at the end, if you are so inclined.

A Girl and Her Macarons



















Postscriptum, or We Eat Like Kings and Queens

We eat like kings and queens, I tell her, as she devours the small delight. She replies by rolling her eyes and picking another from the flavor chart. We live amongst peasants and we act like saints, we throw away our sanity for the sweet taste of something absurd. I look in her eyes as I draw non-sensical figures through the camera lens and she interprets everything with seemingly effortless ease. The clicking of the shutter becomes a melody to which we dance and she mimics the movements which needed to remain hidden.


The tower of our own make-believe fell to the floor. The macarons crumbled and cracked, their fragile beauty ridden with cracks and repulsion. Everything fell in between the cracks and we did not know what to make of ourselves; we fell to the ground next to the broken macarons and became one with the paupers that we were in the moment. Poor and without a mission, we became one with the ground and crawled like bugs betwixt the grass. And then we tasted the crumbs of the macarons and we once again became the kings and queens of our world, however, this time as worms and creepy-crawlies.


And on that absurd note, I hope you enjoyed the macaron-filled post about the girl I could never write. We had a ball of a time and we enjoyed what life gave us. Even though we were like children enjoying a sweet snack, we were also self-proclaimed artists thinking we struck gold with nothing but clouds in our mouths and our pockets empty.

Happy photographing, and stay well.

All of the photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 that refuses to die (please do not yet, I do not have money to replace you!) and the 50mm Nikkor lens. The writing and musings are also my own, albeit inspired by these sweet cloudy treats that wholly enveloped our rational minds.

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