Blueberry - Photographs and Surreal Writings


she picked the blueberries
from the sky
like clouds covering the mountains
and the rains
drowning her spirit
she ate them one for one
until nothing was left

An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII | Girl XIII | Girl XIV | Girl XV | Girl XVI | Girl XVII | Girl XVIII | Girl XIX | Girl XX | Girl XXI | Girl XXII | Girl XXIII | Girl XXIV

I found the girl with some blueberries stuck in her mouth. She could no longer speak the truth as all that escaped her mouth were sweet sugary lies. I quickly became addicted to the sweet taste that lingered on for days. I could no longer go without it.

She spits them from her mouth almost as if they grew inside her. I went down her throat; I picked them one for one and put them in my pocket. But before being able to escape, she closed her mouth and I have been a prisoner ever since. I eat the sweet blueberries growing from within her mouth and I tell her fairy tales so that she never swallows. I am alive and well.

Strange surreal tales aside, we bought a wonderfully fresh box of small delights, healthy treats that pop in your mouth as you bite down on them. They are addicted and as we found out they also work with photography! The girl I could never write had a great time with me as we laughed, ate blueberries and created what I want to call some beautiful art. I like to go out unplanned; I merely let the moment be and I take the photographs as they show themselves to me. I do not dictate the moment, I let it speak to me. Even though this might seem very strange, these unplanned shoots with the girl always work out well. Something about the angels, the point of focus, the colour, and the shallow depth of field, works so well with her.

In any case, I hope that you enjoy these artistic photographs with their accompanying poems.



blueberry bites
I hide in your mouth
as I walk through dreams
made of honey and spit
the warmth of your mouth
lingers on
as I figure out
what your words mean


seeking guidance
from above
looking through
nothing but sweet lies
forever duped by
what could only be
described as a momentary glitch


you looked through
poetic words
to describe what could
only be felt
my dear
we set our sight
on something so small
because the world
could no longer provide


we figured
that no longer
could we trust
the weight of our mind
as the skew inkling
put too much pressure
on our weak minds


like hansel and gretel
we searched for better days
in a trail left behind
but we got lost
in our youth
and we remained drunk
on nostalgia


like hansel and gretel
we searched for better days
but we could not recall the words
left behind on the walls
of our minds
as everything began to eat away
at the precious time we had left


balancing time
on her finger
her dreams encapsulated me
as I tried to eat
her thoughts


a handful of regrets
as I memorise your image
so that I might
find you when life tries to separate us
a handful of regrets
is all that I have left


like two peas in a pod
swimming around without nightmares
we ponder the moment silently
as the shooting stars dissolve in the ocean
like two peas
we float away
into the ether
to forever cling to each other


she was a box
of berries
hidden away
just for me
like a book unread
and stories untold
I picked at her brain
as soon as she looked away


Postscriptum, or Some Blueberry Poems

It seems like we will have a lot of fruit photograph series on our way. The spring season is here and the berries and other seasonal fruits are hitting the shelves.

The previous series of photographs of lemons pairs so well with these blueberries. We might also do a rosemary one! It seems like a cocktail in the making.

Jokes aside, I hope that you enjoyed the photographs and the words accompanying them. Some of them have a surreal twist. If words are not your thing, I at least hope that you enjoyed the photographs.

Whilst taking these photographs, @urban.scout and I really had a good time, with her laughing at all our attempts to get the blueberries not to fall. The photograph below is a testament to one of those moments in which the berry fell and she just laughed. Life is about these small memories, these small moments that we can put away and eat like small blueberries. They are refreshments that brighten a day in a seemingly darker world.

I hope that you are doing well and that you have these small bursts of enjoyment.

Stay safe, and happy photographing.


All of the musings and writings, poems included, are my own work. The photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and 50mm Nikkor lens.

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