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Tim Pool says if you don't like the U.S. Federal Government, then move to Mexico or other countries, but America has problems but is still better than other countries. Tim says that place in Mexico has more freedoms but that is not true. That is a fallacy. That is why people must go to Washington DC on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. They're planning on spending $44,000 to change the White House carpets. And people should take more essential vitamins or they'll die from the common cold or anything really which means Covid has nothing to do with why people die even if Covid killed some of them, it's not relevant to why they died as they were not healthy enough, period. When I was a kid, we would buy candy for one penny. The next year, the same candy cost two cents. And then they cost five cents.

Covid Scam

Police said when they go to work for the FBI, each shift they get a Covid test and each time an officer tests positive for Covid, that goes into a database as a separate Covid Case even as it is from the same person. They then test the same person again and again and count each test as a new case for Covid. Pfizer said quietly their Covid Vaccines don't protect you from Covid and will even give you Covid and HIV. Hercules wrote: Replacing Donald Trump with Joe Biden is like replacing the hatch on a submarine with a screen door. Federal Reserve is Robin Hood in Reverse as they take from the many to give to the few.

My New Years Resolution for 2021 is Very Big

Having adventures no matter what anybody says

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2020-12-30 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-30 - Wednesday
Published in December of 2020

Fight For Trump

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

How do I check my Bitcoin balance?

11:00 PM - Telegram

First, get onto a website or a wallet. I think there are 2 main options, to check via a website or via a wallet. Is there only one way for me to get into my Bitcoin, that is the seed, the 12 random words? I think the answer is via a desktop wallet, the answer is yes.

Can you enter your seed into a website in order to check your Bitcoin balance? I think it would be risky to do so.

I've not checked my Bitcoin balance in years, so I'm trying to be cautious.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Boycott Walmart is trending on Twitter.

Mark Dice

05:57 PM - Twitter

If only more nurses would post synchronized dance videos on TikTok, then maybe people would take the coronavirus more seriously.

Covid is Not Relevant to Covid

06:03 PM - Twitter

And people should take more essential vitamins or they'll die from the common cold or anything really which means Covid has nothing to do with why people die even if Covid killed some of them, it's not relevant to why they died as they were not healthy enough, period.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Tim Pool says if you don't like the U.S. Federal Government, then move to Mexico or other countries, but America has problems but is still better than other countries. Tim says that place in Mexico has more freedoms but that is not true. That is a fallacy. That is why people must go to Washington DC on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021.


Covid Doctors Murdering Patients

11:50 AM - Hive

Doctors MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED KILLED TURTURED Luke Letlow STUFFING TUBES DOWN HIS THROAT WHILE HE WAS AWAKE. Huge allergic reactions. He suffered a heart attack following operation.

My goals are to write and to do everything else that I already do too more and more and stuff.


Tim Cast

12:00 AM - Timcast IRL - Woman BEATS Cop With Baton Over Mask "Law," People Are SNAPPING w/ Eric July

You don't need PayPal to make money online, there are alternatives, cryptocurrencies can be wired to your bank and back again. Many people just don't know how to do it.

Tim Pool says if you don't like the U.S. Federal Government, then move to Mexico or other countries, but America has problems but is still better than other countries. Tim says that place in Mexico has more freedoms but that is not true. That is a fallacy. That is why people must go to Washington DC on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021.


2020-12-30 - Wednesday - 01:00 AM - 01:59 AM - Pennyworth 201

Good recap of the first season.
Martha said to Alfred, "You used to have morals."
Alfred: And I used to have a teddy bear too.

The Expanse

2020-12-30 - Wednessday - 02:00 AM - 02:52 AM - The Expanse 505

Escaping a prison. Strong man opens an elevator. He had muscle enhancement stuff stuck in his body which he might die if they try to remove it from. Covid vaccines is the same kind of thing, you might die if they try to remove it and it messes you up. Meanwhile, Eric interviews a belter who killed that one guy on the ark or not the ark but the other thing like a Deep State Nine kind of place.

General Shepherd

11:28 AM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/30/20

They're planning on spending $44,000 to change the White House carpets.

Doctors MURDERED MURDERED MURDERED KILLED TURTURED Luke Letlow STUFFING TUBES DOWN HIS THROAT WHILE HE WAS AWAKE. Huge allergic reactions. He suffered a heart attack following operation.

Pfizer said quietly their Covid Vaccines don't protect you from Covid and will even give you Covid and HIV.

Tim Cast

09:41 PM - Timcast IRL - California Announces INDEFINITE Lockdown And People SNAP, w/ Peak Prosperity

Federal Reserve is Robin Hood in Reverse as they take from the many to give to the few.

When I was a kid, we would buy candy for one penny. The next year, the same candy cost two cents. And then they cost five cents.


Tim Cast

12:00 AM - Timcast IRL - Woman BEATS Cop With Baton Over Mask "Law," People Are SNAPPING w/ Eric July


2020-12-30 - Wednesday - 01:00 AM - 01:59 AM - Pennyworth 201

The Expanse

2020-12-30 - Wednessday - 02:00 AM - 02:52 AM - The Expanse 505

Answers in Genesis

11:21 AM - Life from Non-Life? - Answers News: December 30, 2020

General Shepherd

11:28 AM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/30/20

Ron Gibson


Police said when they go to work for the FBI, each shift they get a Covid test and each time an officer tests positive for Covid, that goes into a database as a separate Covid Case even as it is from the same person. They then test the same person again and again and count each test as a new case for Covid.

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Tim Cast

09:41 PM - Timcast IRL - California Announces INDEFINITE Lockdown And People SNAP, w/ Peak Prosperity

General Shepherd

12:12 AM - Thursday - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Wednesday - 12/30/20

Sleep from 03:00 AM - 10:50 AM - Almost 8 hours and then got up a few times for the bathroom. A weird dream of it being like 2:22 AM or 3:33 AM or something with like some of those numbers but maybe in a different combination. And I think it was actually 10:40 AM at that time. It might have been a few minutes before I got up in real life and I might have got up to look at the clock. I kind of knew it was not really like 3 AM in real life. But it was like in a dream for a second. Instant oats with boiling water and a banana for breakfast. Also had some beans and a banana around 1 AM last night. I was hungry I guess. A man on a CD this morning talking about dreams and saying even a small dumb pizza dream about an unbalanced sofa could be God saying your heart with God as a Christian is unbalanced as the heart is a place of rest similar to the sofa which is a place of rest. Do you want to Minecraft look for mines and rocks and ores but in real life I asked like Joe. Dig up things in real life I say. Marshmallows. A spider is going to eat your marshmallows.

i'm building a chicken house
i'm fixing some bikes
i'm fixing a leak on a roof
i was working on installing a basketball hoop
we took a tour of a cabin and working on all of that
we just got done with Bible Study and communion
big debate on global history
i go online and offline all the time for many reasons all of the time randomly

Internal peer pressure. What kind of person do you want to be and what kinds of things do you want to be focused on? Why is there an all seeing freemason illuminati symbol eye on the dollar bill he asked and I wondered that too. Chicken sandwich around 02:00 PM. Rainbow Dash reminds of Mario Kart Double Dash and hey it is like Pac-Man. Good to seek after your own goals in life and to make sure you are not led down a different path. Good time in prayer. I didn't get the tarp from the garage or from outside down near the water but used a clear container to go over the chimney thing around 05:00 PM and now back on my computer. Before 02:00 PM I worked outside for like 2 hours or so and added 2 handles for the smaller 2 doors of the chicken house. I put more oil on the one of the three bikes. The chain on that one is improving and I will need to use some tools and such to adjust the gears and chains.

