
Check Out Alex Clark. Vaccines ruin the immune system, making it weak like how no gravity hurts our bones. Vaccines helps the body create antibodies designed to capture dead viruses which is inferior to living viruses which means the vaccine teaches the body to create incomplete antibodies which puts your health in limbo. An American girl was sent to jail because she was walking on a beach.

Redeeming Expired Coupons

Get your experimental Covid Vaccine for an ever mutating virus which actually renders the vaccine ineffective. It's like trying to redeem an expired coupon. Imagine trying to unlock your door with a key. But somebody already changed the locks. Imagine that your house has only one wall and strangers come in and out from the other side. They don't use your front door. So, what's the key for if you can just walk around the wall to get into the house? Let's become an infertile Frankenstein zombies via the Covid Vaccine. They'll try to make you take the vaccine or you won't be able to do anything. The vaccine will destroy your life forever. If you don't take it, they'll try to destroy your life forever.

Ink Cartridges Are a Scam

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Ink can cost you $59.95 while costing manufacture $00.23 cents. What do you think about that?


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2020-12-22 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-22 - Tuesday
Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-22 11:39:59 Alex Clark.png

Check Out Alex Clark

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

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Regarding Alex Jones of Infowars Firing David Knight

03:50 PM - YouTube

​@T. Hamm, the biggest factor was probably the not getting enough views parts and Alex Jones said he asked David Knight to change things up a little. Perhaps, Alex suggested David host American Journal or perhaps other ideas were suggested. Alex claims, allegedly, David didn't want to change the David Knight Show to turn it into something else. Assuming Alex is telling the truth or even bits and pieces of the truth, and understanding all the other factors too, I believe if I was Alex, I would probably end up firing David as well if I was Alex and I like David but as an employer you make tough decisions and assuming David didn't want to work there, etc.

@August 123, I doubt that and also not relevant, Alex does not work for Steve, it doesn't matter if Steve wanted David fired or not.

@M Willis, a key difference is David Knight tends to look at surface level symptoms, generally, which has some advantages in doing so, while Alex Jones focuses more on root causes. For example, David yells at Trump much more than Alex has. Alex will normally focus on the swamp who tries very hard to stop Trump from getting things done. When David attacks Trump directly, that can be effective in some ways. However, it may be more crucial, especially right now, to focus on draining the swamp. Of course, David exposes corruption too. Both David and Alex blame Trump for letting the scamdemic get out of hand. They both have attacked Trump on the bump stocks. If you follow Alex and David, you will see many similarities. But they tend to say the same things but in different ways and from different perspectives. David is more black pilled in some ways. David is more that college professor type like Dennis Prager and Lionel Nation are. Alex has a different style that more people prefer. Alex reaches more people. Alex has more charisma in some ways. David doesn't get as deep as Alex in regards to some issues at least. Alex can also be harder to understand as well. So, some people misunderstand what Alex means when he says certain things. Alex is taken out of context much more often.

@WHATEVER GOES FOR ME, wrong. He sidestepped them. And AJ dared David to say he wasn't threatening to leave. Not only that, but David previously said he would quit if he didn't get his own show and that is how he got his own show. David didn't directly talk about all about everything Alex said. Instead, he distracted people, he spoke very briefly. Alex said a lot more than what David said. David didn't want to be there. David didn't want to change his show.

@sally rickerson, globalists win as they divide and conquer. If we can't come together to take down the evil overlords, then it's all for nothing. You would rather not vote for Trump? Not voting Trump means Biden gets in. I criticize Trump all the time.

@LCpl Shmuckatelli, so, you hate Alex Jones so much that you continue to watch him for years and years past your own boiling point. If Alex is as bad as you say, then that makes you pretty stupid to watch him. I say to you, if Alex is that bad, then stop watching Alex.

Elections News

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Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Vaccines ruin the immune system, making it weak like how no gravity hurts our bones.

Get your experimental Covid Vaccine for an ever mutating virus which actually renders the vaccine ineffective. It's like trying to redeem an expired coupon. Imagine trying to unlock your door with a key. But somebody already changed the locks. Imagine that your house has only one wall and strangers come in and out from the other side. They don't use your front door. So, what's the key for if you can just walk around the wall to get into the house? Let's become an infertile Frankenstein zombies via the Covid Vaccine. They'll try to make you take the vaccine or you won't be able to do anything. The vaccine will destroy your life forever. If you don't take it, they'll try to destroy your life forever.

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Vaccines ruin the immune system, making it weak like how no gravity hurts our bones.

Vaccines helps the body create antibodies designed to capture dead viruses which is inferior to living viruses which means the vaccine teaches the body to create incomplete antibodies which puts your health in limbo.

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Regarding Germany

07:37 PM - Facebook

박철, there is the German people who got stronger which is good. The government of Germany may be stronger or less stronger. Well, depends on if the government got better or worse during this past century or longer. Well, it has changed a few times a little.

Regarding Freedom

07:44 PM - Facebook

박철, yearn means to want, desire, seek after, to long for. So, many people don't really want freedom, they normally want to be taken care of. Now, I'm not saying everybody and I'm not saying all of the time. Each individual can choose to love freedom and to seek after freedom over alleged security, safety, protection, which governments and others can promise citizens at the price of losing liberties and rights since nothing is free. So, governments can tempt people with alleged free stuff, protection, welfare, free money, free college, food stamps, free food, incentives, scholarships, free this free that, etc, etc. And freedom is not free. It takes a lot of work for a person to be free. Some people can be a little free and some people can be very free. Everyone is maybe a little free or maybe very free. But the more freedom you might have, then the more responsibilities and work you may have as well. For example, a landlord may be more free than a renter, a tenant. When you rent something, you have less freedom but also less responsibilities. An employer has more things to worry about than the employee but the employer also has more freedom too in what he or she can do in regards to what they may have. Many people can be scared of all of the work and all of the responsibilities that comes along with freedom. And people are always trying to take and steal bits and pieces and aspects of your freedoms away from you each day and many times you may not always know it when somebody is taking freedom from you.

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Raw News Room

12:07 AM - Alex Jones explains why he fired David Knight from Infowars

It is possible Alex Jones is telling the truth regarding all of this.

I would not leave Alex Jones if I was working for him.

Good review on what happened. And yeah, YouTube jail sucks.

Do not ever wear a mask period.

Brandon Tatum saying we should wear masks is bad.

Truth About Vaccines

12:22 AM - Mike Adams aka "The Health Ranger" | Exclusive Preview of The Truth About Vaccines 2020

Vaccines ruin the immune system, making it weak like how no gravity hurts our bones.

Vaccines helps the body create antibodies designed to capture dead viruses which inferior to living vaccines which means the vaccine teaches the body to create incomplete antibodies which puts your health in limbo.


12:34 AM - LIVE: Trump calls in at Turning Point USA SAS; Ted Cruz, Dave Rubin, Eric Bolling and more | NTD

Some people say Trump was a great President. No, Trump IS IS IS IS IS IS a great president. Not was but is.

Why was that girl holding a mic wearing a mask while hundreds of people behind her was not? What is the point of wearing a mask when most people are not?

Charlie Kirk says you should tell people if you were around a lot of people including that annual Turning Point USA conference event and I disagree. Charlie said it is your moral responsibility. I strongly disagree because you can do what you want, it does not really matter if you were around a lot of people or not, people can defeat viruses, and leftists use anti-social-distancing to attackus to invade our privacy and a series of different things.


2020-12-22 - Tuesday - 03:25 AM - 04:20 AM - Pennyworth 102

Who is mister John Ripper or Reaper? Some mob boss? Will you marry me? She said yes. Alfred had a job, saved a girl. A lady escaped her own execution and jail.


11:34 AM - LIVE: Trump calls in at Turning Point USA SAS; Ted Cruz, Dave Rubin, Eric Bolling and more | NTD

Alex Clark of Poplitics

Planned Parenthood work with Hollywood

Naomi Brockwell

10:31 PM - Snowden on Bitcoin

In the future, not everyone will be using digital fiat or cryptocurrencies or at least that shouldn't be what happens. Instead, I long for a future where different forms of money and exchange systems compete against each other, and I see three main systems which will continue to dominate how people transact and save value or money and that is fiat (coins, bills, digital), cryptocurrencies, and other things too including gold, silver, salt, land, water, hopefully not people via trafficking, AKA trading or bartering. I would dub these three systems of money the three branches of money which could balance each other out and compete against each other. Another way to describe the three money systems would be centralized money, decentralized money, and other. My horse is in cultivating all three horses and keep them competing against each other so people have the freedom to choose and incentivize the three horses to compete, to get better as they want people to use them more than the others.

Sage Brush 1776

11:38 PM - Alex Jones Full Show With Owen Shroyer 12/22/20

Get your experimental Covid Vaccine for an ever mutating virus which actually renders the vaccine ineffective. It's like trying to redeem an expired coupon. Imagine trying to unlock your door with a key. But somebody already changed the locks. Imagine that your house has only one wall and strangers come in and out from the other side. They don't use your front door. So, what's the key for if you can just walk around the wall to get into the house? Let's become an infertile Frankenstein zombies via the Covid Vaccine. They'll try to make you take the vaccine or you won't be able to do anything. The vaccine will destroy your life forever. If you don't take it, they'll try to destroy your life forever.


Sav Says

12:04 AM - What’s In The New COVID Stimulus Package?

Raw News Room

12:07 AM - Alex Jones explains why he fired David Knight from Infowars

Jessica Lee

12:10 AM - Alex Jones fired David Knight

Truth About Vaccines

12:22 AM - Mike Adams aka "The Health Ranger" | Exclusive Preview of The Truth About Vaccines 2020


11:34 AM - LIVE: Trump calls in at Turning Point USA SAS; Ted Cruz, Dave Rubin, Eric Bolling and more | NTD


2020-12-22 - Tuesday - 03:25 AM - 04:20 AM - Pennyworth 102


11:35 AM - LIVE: VP Mike Pence, Alex Clark, James Golden, Pete Hegseth and more | Turning Point USA SAS Day 4

Naomi Brockwell

10:31 PM - Snowden on Bitcoin

General Shepherd

10:50 PM - DAVID KNIGHT (Full Show) Tuesday - 12/22/20

Kara Jelly


Sage Brush 1776

11:38 PM - Alex Jones Full Show With Owen Shroyer 12/22/20

Dear diary, on this Tuesday, got up at 09:30 AM and thought it was SUnday, thought I missed my ride to church and then was thinking my clock might be wrong. I was then trying to remember what day it was. OH, it took me a while to remember it is Tuesday the 22nd of December of 2020, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold and this is CNN. Just kidding. This is JNN, the Joey News Network. Went back to sleep and got up at 11:30 AM. Some tangerines and coffee for breakfast. No snow or rain outside, some sunshine.


12:00 PM - 03:20 PM - Raspberry weeding, raking, digging, in the front yard, with Larry, talking about clearing out things in front of the grapes area to make it simple. Getting rid of the wooden barrows in that area, they're old and beginning to break a bit. Working on transplanting raspberries from those barrows to the raspberry garden. Arms sore right now. Changed my sweating shirt. Used gloves and had 3 jackets plus a Larry coat on. Watching Alex Clark on Turning Point USA conference today and right now via NTD on YouTube, I think I'm in love with her. But those are just feelings and I tend to think that about almost every attractive girl I see since I was a little boy.


03:30 PM - Egg and juice, and then was out doing more of the garden work around 04:00 PM to like 05:00 PM or after that and then a shower and then around 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM or so was sorting through Katie's papers, letters, drawings, things regarding 1980s and 1990s mostly and family related stuff too but mostly Katie stuff regarding school and clubs and the Bible and gymnastics and dating and basketball and travel and dad and choices and freedom and obstacles and overcoming. A thing from 1995 about how Dole would have won but then Bill Clinton won. An article about socialism in a newspaper which she wrote in 2004 talking about how socialism would be better to have she wrote.

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