Ayurvedic diary - healing Amlapitta, 10/11-10/14, Diary


What is Amlapitta?

On 10/11 I ate a bunch of “junk” including a clean but non organic hoagie roll-and a bunch of store bought humus and chips. and I was still ok...

I think the problem for me is eating things with too many ingredients...

I think even the daiya- brand cheese is too much for my body.

I’m of the idea that I am closer to an animal than to artificial intelligence- I have the teeth of an herbivore- and looking in Genesis of the King James Version of the Bible it says that God left us vegetation to eat... it doesn’t say anything about eating flesh of our fellow animals...

That’s just me...reading the black words on the white paper.

I’m not trying to be a militant vegan- I spent today cooking meat for my ex-roommate- I’m not trying to convert anyone to my way of thinking...I’m just looking at the Natural Laws that govern Earth and thinking that a great way for the satanic overlords to get us to become slaves would have been first change our DNA so we had some of theirs so we would mine gold for them, and give us a taste for meat, then encouraging us to be carnivores in our ancient past, and then teaching us animal domestication- therefore violating the Law - As above, so below- hence, we farm, therefore we are farmed.

Just saying’

10/12 I ate 2 kinds of humus, sesame rice crackers, beet-kraut probiotic, Italian chocolate wafers, avocado, guacamole, carrot and celery sticks, super oily corn-chips called Have-a Corn Chips - so good

havea.jpg but no where on there does it say they are non-gmo or organic - just so fucking good ... oh well.

After eating all this vegan fast-food, I got up this morning and took a big dump.

I never do that unprovoked - I had had no caffeine or water or anything- it was simply my body doing it’s job...or it could have been the Kangen water that my friend brought me to try...I just realized...

That never happens. But I think it’s my job to not put too much complexity in my gut either.

I’ll see how it goes.

I am also eating mango, humus, cabbage-beet kraut, cabbage-beet slaw with veganese dressing and guacamole today...

Also, I WANTED to do the "oil the body" thing today as an act of self-love. This is very unusual for me. I usually do not like to perform acts of self-love. But it's getting under my skin. I know that this oiling the body thing is an anti-aging solution as well - by the way - here's a video on how to do it...

10/13 I ate more vegan fast food today and I honestly feel awful now - constipated, heart-burn, etc. I have been doing a marathon spiritual thing with this protege of mine that requires snackfood - that I didn't have time to make prior to her coming - so now I just feel like crap again - but I can go back to my ayurvedic warm food diet as of tomorrow so I will probably feel better.

One thing that happened today was that I told the manager of the health food store I go to that I have a MEDICAL CONDITION and was able to shop mask-free today. I hope I continue to have the female testicles to continue with that behavior.

I scheduled Tibetan Cranial for October 21 and that will be for my JAW and head - maybe I will quit grinding my teeth, but I am learning to sleep with this little thing:

Screenshot_20201013 Walgreens Ready to Wear Dental Guards.png
they claim to be disposable but I have been using the same 1 since I bought them - 2 weeks ago. Use 1 for 3 days - toss it, or not

I am still eating the vegan junk food I bought for my protege's visit and it is messing with my tummy because it's cold - likely. I feel crappy and haven't shat for a while. Today I picked up the herbal formula from the Doc:

Dashamula - which is a formulation of 10 roots:
Dashamula is a formulation of equal parts of of the ten following roots:

· Agnimantha
· Bilwa
· Bruhati
· Gokshura
· Kantakari
· Kashmari
· Patala
· Prushniparni
· Shaliparni
· Shyonaka

I am to make a paste of these herbs with ghee and honey and take a tablespoon a day - divided up into teaspoons after meals like a desert.


Allergies and symptoms of hay fever
Arthritis and inflammation
Chronic skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema
Gout and rheumatic disorders
Hepatitis and jaundice (supports the liver)
Immune system enhancement
Preventing colds and flu
Reducing the side effects of chemotherapy drugs


It boosts physical strength.
It gives the body nourishment.
Gokshura balances all the three doshas.
It reduces inflammation.
It cleanses the bladder.
Gokshura supports muscle building.
It has a cooling effect on the body.
It treats intestinal worms.
This herb eases digestive problems.
It increases sexual drive and stamina.
It treats respiratory disorders.
Gokshura can also control diabetes.
It can help in menorrhagia.
It helps lose weight.
Being a diuretic, it promotes detoxification.

hair problems
tooth problems
blood pressure
stomach pain
scorpion bite
burning sensation
body ache

Brain & Cognitive Support, Stress Support, Digestive Support, Liver & Cleanse Support

Primarily, shankhapushpi is used as a brain tonic. It is one of the best and prominent natural medicines that help in improving memory. The whole plant of shankhapushpi is used in medical treatment. Its consumption also prevents memory loss.
The herb is also used as one of the most important ingredients in the treatment of disorders/syndromes, such as hypertension, hypotension, anxiety neurosis, stresses etc.
It is also beneficial in rejuvenation therapy and works as psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer.
The extract from shankhapushpi helps in reducing the level of cholesterol in blood, including triglycerides, phospholipids and fatty acids.
The herb is helpful in fighting ulcers that are formed in the body due to glycoprotiens and mucous secretions, improving the nerve tissues and bone marrow quality.
The studies on shankhapushpi have also put forward that it is beneficial in remedying hypothyroidism.
It is also one of the best herbs that are used for enhancing beauty and helps in nourishing all the layers of skin.
The herb serves to induce a feeling of calm and peace, promotes good sleep and brings relief in anxiety and mental fatigue. It brings a significant reduction in anxiety levels and neuroticism occurring due to varied stress levels.
Shankhapushpi has an invigorating effect on overall health and promotes health and weight gain.
It also helps in removing certain types of fatty acids that are harmful for the body.
its anti-ulcer properties and its helpfulness in alleviating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, by reducing the activeness of a liver enzyme.

Urinary Stones
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Lowers blood sugar

Dashamula - to balance VATA -

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