Ayruvedic Healing of Amlapitta: Acid Reflux, GERD, Pitta with Vata imbalance, Diary

As I mentioned previously, the cleanse was the first part in a 3 part process... This is my post cleanse experience that I am posting here now...I am on my 4th day after my appointment with the doc - and although my diagnosis is specific to me, I figured this would help anyone who is trying to make a change in this society, using Ayurveda...

What is Amlapitta?

10/9 I oilpulled...with avacado and teatree...I did the oiling of my body while watching a video about the Paseur Family as the top illuminati bloodline family from @rok-sivante- not exactly Mastery of Love but, that's me - whatever...for about 15 min...then I ate quinoa with blueberries...then I did a sunflower oil enema with the Micro Cosmic Orbit Meditation...then I shat out a bunch of weirdness...then I took a shower...

I started feeling sick - so not sure if it was the enema. I will narrow this one down - because I found that doing the enema at night made it hard to sleep. Now maybe I am finding that it makes me feel ill to do the enema in the afternoon? Not sure...I will try this again and not eat questionable food to see if the enema is bothering me.

Going to clean the yard. Ate a pb and j FLOUR tortilla quesadilla because I don't believe I have a gluten problem. We shall see.

Heidi says that wheat is not food anymore - so does she mean that even organic wheat is not food anymore? I am in denial about this because I LOVE gluten. I am going to experiment.

I have a touch of heartburn - was it the tortilla or the pb or the jelly?...darn it!

Plenty of water. Feeling dizzy today? why? tired - plus lots of smoke in the air from the fires...

I made the CFF tea - 4 cups water and 4 tsp each of Cardamom pods, Fennel Seeds and Fenugreek seeds - HELLAYUMMY!!! wow very good. Oh...it's supposed to be Cumin, Coriander and Fennel...oh well.

I made the Cumin, Coriander and Fennel tea later, and I hated it so I am going to go back to my version instead which I really like.

Dinner: squash, sweet potato and red potato soup with quinoa and roasted pumpkin seeds and roasted squash seeds, spiced with 1 tsp each cardamom, fennel, fenugreek seed, and cumin.


Woke Up, did kundalini warm up minus cobra, Heidi said the forward bends are the biggest problem and she told me about therapeutic cobra - but I would really need to see it- and can't find it anywhere...she gave me the Lacrosse ball thing which, will I do it? I dunno, maybe. Gotta get a Lacrosse ball which requires going to Dick's sporting goods which requires putting on a face diaper and going into the din...dunno.

did hung meditation

nostril oil...

rectal pain from the enema - but I did take a big dump - so it worked - I guess I do have to do it during the day and it probably made me feel nauseous, but it is forthcoming of poop so I will do it 1 time a week for the next few months so that will be like 8 times I guess? we shall see.

Now I am drinking black tea and making quinoa for breakfast cereal. I need to go to the store to buy stuff for the week, but I have a guest coming in so not sure what I will buy - roasted some pumpkin seeds too!

Lunch: Soup - sweet potato, squash, potato soup with tomatoes and spices. And an avocado.

Dinner: I ate a gluten tortilla with daiya vegan cheese and then later I ate a gluten free tortilla with ghee...I can't accept the gluten free thing - but I did have heartburn...but I am still not sure it wasn't from the daiya cheese. I am going to experiment.

Today I am going to eat gluten because I am going to my friend's food cart and he is selling vegan phillie cheesesteaks and regular phillie cheesesteaks on a hoagie - and I am going to have the hoagie and the vegan cheesesteak - will report back.

I did the nostril oil and oil pulling today.

No heartburn!! Plus I ate hummus, rice crackers, carrots, celery, and super yummy corn chips that didn’t even say they were non gmo- and fennel seeds.

Fennel seeds are going to replace gum for me...

I’m getting weller!!

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