Ayurvedic Treatment, Part 2 of 3, Session with the Doc


Now that the cleanse is over... This is a basic transcription of my 2nd meeting with Doc Heidi Nordlund...

Review of what I did...and the Ayurvedic Doc Heidi said I did really well with the cleanse! She tested my pulse and she said I had the willpower and discipline to do the cleanse really well! Wow! That is amazing! I should be proud of myself! For how disciplined I was...wow!

Layers...she said there are layers! I am going to keep eating this diet - vata soothing foods. I can have limited cold food now - salads again!

Warm cooked, soupy, moist - only quinoa. Rice and oats gave me heartburn. She said when it comes to this Amlapitta condition which is my condition...when it has gotten into the deeper tissues...it's a process to get it out - because it has become deep seated...but that I'm going to get rid of it.

I figured it would take 4 cleanses - like 2 years to get rid of it - she said sure but that doesn't mean that the symptoms aren't going to go away earlier...the actual deep seated healing of it might take 2 years, but the symptoms could go away in a month - and then I said

Oh then I can start eating crap again??? NO!

I told her about the craving I had for salami while I was in the Health food store today...

Root vegetables...quinoa...nuts seeds...zucchini squashes lentils beans digestive spices...and limit: inflammatory foods Pungent - hot and spicy - chilli, garlic, onion, jalapeno, and excessive salty and sour - vinegars - it doesn't mean you can't have any of it but when you have it make sure you combine it with anti-inflammatory foods - like cucumber, cilantro, parsley, zucchini, celery, coconut, lettuce, this is the list that calms pitta down -

if you look up anti-inflammatory foods you will find tomatoes onions garlic because they have properties that localize anti-inflammation like painkillers but in truth, they are actually systemically inflammatory - that's why you have to keep to this system - in terms of anti-inflammatory - foods for pitta - what is increasing fire element - pitta rules blood and metabolism - including pungeant - so what will increase pitta and will increase pitta imbalance - tomato soup and sauce is too sour for pitta - wheat, dairy because they are undigestable - spinach, eggplant, bell peppers - includes red and yellow - you can have a little, combined with other non inflammatory vegetables...

anti-inflammatory: cilantro and parsley blended, squeeze the shot of juice is blood cleansing and add coconut water with ginger lime lemon - chase with juice. This would be a good tonic.

Kale, lettuce, avocado...eat.

Rejuvination: continue oiling your body - 10-15 minutes - it's self love - I am so impatient - it is stimulating all points in the body - before bed or shower - also oil pulling -

I had the last mercury filling replaced yesterday so I can safely oil pull for 20 minutes and the oil pulling might heal all my teeth of their terrible problems.

I have thousands of dollars of dental work coming to me from grinding my teeth - oil pulling is amazing - I have seen it heal a tooth that needed a root canal - so who knows what might happen in a few months of oil pulling again - avocado oil is better than coconut oil - with tea tree oil and

oil in the nose continue - plus oil enemas

Can I do 7 oil enemas in the next several months? Yes of course... but not at night - half a cup of sunflower oil, hold it in - lie on left side for 10 minutes, on back for 10 minutes, and on right side for 10 minutes-

remember, I am lying in this tiny bathtub- but I can probably do it - do chakra breathing exercise - like Montak Chia Micro Cosmic Orbit meditation... do a few rounds - per side -

you are purifying your nadis in your spine - opening up the Sushumna Nadi - where kundalini flows - balancing - purifying blockages - you have knots in pelvis, throat, brain - it will loosen knots. You are doing deep metaphorical spiritual work with this breathing

eat more dates, figs, with this dip - vegan cream cheese - she will email recipe - food process cardamom, nutmeg, honey, turmeric, saffron, rosewater, blend it up, dip dates or figs in it.

mango, almonds, coconut, eat more of this. Soak the saffron in hot water before putting it on rice or quinoa - as it will release medicinal properties. It is highly rejuventating. Then there is melted ghee and honey which is quite nice.

She is making me an herbal formula that will rejuvenate me, heal intestines, and balance liver and gallbladder and I will make a paste of ghee and honey and eat it that way - 1 tablespoon per day.

Have I ever heard of Tibetan Cranial? With all the dental work - I am getting - it will help with my jaw. The apprentices will do the work for free. Tibetan Cranial look for the apprentices and contact them for free sessions. Hivers - you can do this too!!

I contacted a few of them and they are not practicing - so I am just going to get Heidi to do it and pay her - it has to do with the neck - and the oxcipital bone, scar tissue, misalignment of bones in your head, inner ligaments, etc - even if the sphenoid sinus bone is off - there is a domino effect - eye work and temples, behind the nose, if it is twisted then it messes up the jaw. Hence teeth grinding...hence broken teeth...dental work...crowns...broken crowns, etc.

Do the therapeutic cobra pose - armless cobra - focus on lengthening your back, pressing tailbone, instead of compressing lower back - the forward bends will aggravate squeezed nerve

Localized release of trigger points - using a lacrosse ball - sleep with it - some say 5 minutes and some say 20 plus minutes

oil enemas - release into a double bag in the trash can instead of down the drain...to keep the drain pipes functioning

Go into self-love and oil yourself accept your body nurture it...It is a practice of self love and self acceptance - my soul is getting more space in my body...would I give my lover a 20 min massage to show my love for him? Now do for yourself.

Listen to an audiobook while doing oiling - Mastery of Love - Don Miguel Ruiz -

Practice forgiveness for whatever it was that taught me the disconnect - what was that? I suspect it was when my drunken father flipped the table over in his study, and I at age 3 knew that these idiots could not raise me, but also I was 3 - so I had to deny my Truth at that moment so I could survive...

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