Pancha Karma Pre-Cleanse, Day 3...

American Pitta with Vata Imbalance

I did not sleep hardly at all last night.

It seems that the enema bag I bought off Ebay is super cheap and badly made - although I can't say for sure yet.

I woke up at 330am and then have not really gone back to sleep since then.

I am up but have not tackled all my morning things yet. It's overwhelming and I don't want to do it.

Tomorrow morning I have be somewhere at 930am and I just cannot imagine how I will do that...? WTF I guess I will get up at 7am.

I rebel in the morning against the things I am to do...

Today, I made squash soup with baked Acorn Squash with vegetable broth and Mung Beans and Beet Kraut. Seasoned with fennel and cardamom pods and turmeric black pepper and salt. That's dinner. It was pretty good.

I nibbled on that and then went to visit my friend - and there was a huge food bank at his house and they gave me all the organic stuff because no one there eats healthy - I got piles of food - What a blessing!!! That was my excursion for the day. I am just trying to give myself a break that i feel like I am doing nothing - that getting used to this cleanse is about as much as I can handle...

Afterward I wanted a snack so I had GF tortillas and vegan cheese and it gave me heart burn, but I also accidentally ate some crackers earlier - forgetting - "no crunchy, dry, etc" but the tortillas are dry and crunchy, so not sure...but it did not make me feel good...

Still to go tonight: the enema - I got a refund for the enema bag - because the hoses leak. I got my Doctor to send me another bag.

Hopefully tomorrow the Kutaja herb will arrive... I also hope that I get used to all this soon and figure out how to integrate it.

I think a lot of my problem is that I have no discipline as it is and this is introducing a foreign substance: discipline into my day and I just don't know how to get everything done because I do what I want when I want most of the time...

Also the imbalance is impatience. Today when I did my 20 min of oil I only did 15 minutes because I was so impatient to get it done... Oh well. This is where I am at - at least I am doing it.

Normally, I would quit and have quit so many things in the past - but I am not going to quit. NO!

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