Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 87



Welcome back to Maledicturs Terra. This is a Chain Story between myself and @lex-zaiya, meaning that we each write the parts alternatively.

If you have not read Maledictus Terra Book 1: Mortis Custos yet, it starts HERE at Part 1 and ends at Part 101 HERE. At the end of the Part 101 post you will find links to all 101 Parts!

The previous part by @lex-zaiya can be found HERE.


Part 87

While the demented mage had his attention turned to the savaging of his leg by the juvenile dragon, Lucien took his chance. Magna struggled to keep track of the Life Drinker's movement as he got up and shot forward to attack the evil mage.

Lucien froze in place, his fingers open and together, pointing with long sharp nails that would easily slash open a man's throat.

The Lifedrinker could not move however and King Adrian laughed. "I knew it would be you who would try to take my life first! You are the fastest and the least prone to mercy or honor!" The evil mage gestured in the air and this caused Rhys to be tossed through the air and dashed him against the stone wall.

This time the wound healed rapidly, the meat stitching itself back together again.

A flash of blue crashed against the same shield that now held Lucien suspended just off the ground. "And how would you know that much about Lucien?" Adiran asked his copy.

King Adrian shook his head. "All that cleverness and all that skill, just like me, but you are not me. You are still too stupid and naive. I had a Lucien too once of course. He and I had also been allies when the Great Lord arrived in my reality, seeking to grant it permanence."

"How is that possible? The Goddess..."

"Does not belong to my reality. My Lucien was made differently... All the same... I destroyed him and absorbed his power!" King Adrian grinned. "I had hoped to absorb even greater power here." The grin dropped and became an angry scowl. "An opportunity you all prevented me from achieving! You!"

The mage thrust his fingers toward Magna, a searing flame leaped from his fingers. Mortis got into the stream of fire just in time and deflected the initial blast of heat with his blade. The flames kept coming and they enveloped Mortis.

Burning agony covered the Revenant but he stayed put, taking more of the flame. There was something about the magic that he was using that made it impossible for the undead guardian to resist it.

Mortis fell to his knees, still trying to keep his blade up to defend Magna and himself.

It was Magna's turn to help Mortis. She shoved him out of the way and pushed before him. Her hands spread out, she dove in front of the flames.

There was a searing hotness that she felt as though her skin had instantly evaporated and crisped....

... and then she was through it and the flames spread around her without touching her body. The flames parted before her. She stared at her hands and saw that the skin on her hands were quite fine, with no damage.

She looked up at King Adrian and scowled.


Over to @lex-zaiya for the next part!

Here is an explanation of Chain Stories and here is the current Chainstory Library

Mortis Custos



by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
Part 1Part 2
Part 3Part 4
Part 5Part 6
Part 7Part 8
Part 9Part 10
Part 11Part 12
Part 13Part 14
Part 15Part 16
Part 17Part 18
Part 19Part 20
Part 21Part 22
Part 23Part 24
Part 25Part 26
Part 27Part 28
Part 29Part 30
Part 31Part 32
Part 33Part 34
Part 35Part 36
Part 37Part 38
Part 39Part 40
Part 41Part 42
Part 43Part 44
Part 45Part 46
Part 47Part 48
Part 49Part 50
Part 51Part 52
Part 53Part 54
Part 55Part 56
Part 57Part 58
Part 59Part 60
Part 61Part 62
Part 63Part 64
Part 65Part 66
Part 67Part 68
Part 69Part 70
Part 71Part 72
Part 73Part 74
Part 75Part 76
Part 77Part 78
Part 79Part 80
Part 81Part 82
Part 83Part 84
Part 85Part 86
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