Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 74

Hi Readers

Not much to say. It's a sad day as I had to put my little rat to sleep. I am going to miss my little buddy.

The god dwelling within Mortis couldn’t help but chuckle, annoying Mortis. He watched as the rest of the party packed up their camp. Next to him stood Anna, still cradling her arm. She was clearly still in pain and needed time to heal a bit more. Sebastian turned to the two of them and pointed to the white roof in the distance.

“That’s the church. If you two are going to hang around doing nothing, you can go see if it’s safe to stay there.”

Mortis heard a half growl and saw Derric pad up to the pair in his wolf form.

Are you insane? The knight can’t draw a weapon and Mortis can’t handle every single problem that comes his way.

“He has magic, he’s fine.”

“Mortis’s magic comes from familial blood.” Said Magna. “He’s likely running low at this point.”

She came to stand next to Derric to pet his back, “You should go with them.”

The wolf nodded his head.

“We have no horses; we will need to carry the knights’ equipment…”

“You’re a strong man, you can handle it.” Grinned Magna as she walked back to continue packing.

That’s that then. Let’s go.

Anna tried to take her blade by Derric only shook his head and inclined his head to the knight.

He will protect if needed. Come, you can ride on my back.

Anna looked unsure, but Derric lay down, adjusted his size, and waited for her to climb aboard. While this was occurring, Mortis started to make his way down to the entrance of the castle, scouring the area to ensure there were Hungers or worse things on the way out.

If you wish to tell them about me, you should know my name. I am Bellum.


Close. I am here to concentrate the energies that surround you already. Those Knights already revere you. With that reverence, we will walk the world once more.

“What makes you think we want you to walk the world once more?”

When we walked this world there were fewer curses. We had godlings that soothed the earth, brought tranquillity, and fed the hungry. Nothing like that exists anymore.


Mortis felt the entity snort and then chuckle.

Humans that are as kind as those from your family are few and far between. Accept that you are a vessel and there is nothing you can do.

“You would be surprised.”

Save my sister and I will ensure that you never have to resort to taking blood from your family to have access to your magic.

“Gods aren’t meant to barter.”

I never implied I was a god. I am something quite different and similar.

Mortis once more wished for the calm and quiet of his tomb. He wanted nothing more than to rest once more, but that seemed so far out of his reach.

Soon Derric and Anna joined him as he stalked through the castle. The knight looked uncomfortable as she rocked back and forth on the giant wolf-like creature. Mortis noticed the large purple claws that extended from Derric’s paws and asked, “Why have your claws become like that?”

Derric comically held his paw out before him, as if admiring his claws and grinned.

No idea. Ever since the attack by that tentacle monster, my claws have been like this. They also tingle when anything dangerous or magical approaches us.

He flexed his paw, and the claws grew. They shrunk a little as he relaxed it and placed it on the floor. The claws made an odd clicking sound as he continued to move forward.

“Are they tingling now?”

Nope. We are in the clear. Onwards to the church.

Derric confidently stepped forward and led the way to the church. Mortis, not having the same confidence as the young man, kept his head on a swivel. Yet, true to what Lucien had said, nothing came out of the ruined houses to attack them. However, Mortis could see shadows moving in the shadows, and he knew they were being tracked.

It took a few minutes to make their way through the ruined and debris-littered road until they came to the church. This building looks out of place. Even though it too was dilapidated, it hadn’t been torn into.

“Likely the creatures fear the deity that is here.” Said Anna.

Bellum chuckled in Mortis’s head.

No, there was no time to hide in the building when the Hunger’s came. There was no reason to tear into an abandoned building.

Mortis only nodded his head and climbed the few stairs that led to the heavy doors that were smeared with filth. He pushed against the door and felt a lot of resistance.

“It feels as if it is barred from the inside.” He informed his companions.

Derric lay down to allow Anna to get off. He shrunk somewhat and took a few steps back to view the church. There were shuttered windows higher up, but he was sure that he could enter through there.

Give me a minute.

He took a few more steps back before running at the wall and up it as he sunk his claws into the stonework. Within seconds, he was dangling close to the window in a wolf-monkey hybrid form. With a clawed hand, he tested the shutters. They too were barred. He climbed to a second window and found that they were also barred.

Barred too.

“Are you sure no one is inside?” Mortis asked Bellum sarcastically.

“Would anyone have survived in there while things were falling apart out here?” commented Anna.

“Excellent question.” Said Mortis as he went around the side of the church. “There must be another entrance. Something used by servants or cleaners."

The alley where Mortis found himself was littered with wood, stone, and other debris. Even if there was a door hidden in this mess, it would take hours to clear out. Far more time than he was willing to waste.

Or you could make use of my magic.

Mortis could almost feel Bellum grin. The spirit had a point. He could use magic, but he was worried that it would taint the land they now stood on.

Tick tock.

And back to you @zakludick.

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Mortis Custos



by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
Part 1Part 2
Part 3Part 4
Part 5Part 6
Part 7Part 8
Part 9Part 10
Part 11Part 12
Part 13Part 14
Part 15Part 16
Part 17Part 18
Part 19Part 20
Part 21Part 22
Part 23Part 24
Part 25Part 26
Part 27Part 28
Part 29Part 30
Part 31Part 32
Part 33Part 34
Part 35Part 36
Part 37Part 38
Part 39Part 40
Part 41Part 42
Part 43Part 44
Part 45Part 46
Part 47Part 48
Part 49Part 50
Part 51Part 52
Part 53Part 54
Part 55Part 56
Part 57Part 58
Part 59Part 60
Part 61Part 62
Part 63Part 64
Part 65Part 66
Part 67Part 68
Part 69Part 70
Part 71Part 72
Part 73Part 74 – You are here
Part 75 - Coming SoonPart 76– Coming Soon

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