Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 2

Greeting all! Zak has decided to start with book 2 of Cursed Earth (Malerdictus Terra). For those of you just joining us, this is the follow on of Mortis Custos. If you haven't read this book, you can find a link to the start of that story at the bottom of this post.

I hope you all enjoy the update!
“Noxus? She has returned? I thought she was completing her journey with Gorox.”

“Seems that she completed her journey but isn’t taking on any responsibilities yet. She arrived yesterday.”

“And no one sought to tell me?”

Mortis took on a stance that Mary knew showed that he was uncomfortable with where this conversation was going.

“Speak your mind.” She sighed.

“You Majesty…”


“Mary, your mourning period, no one wishes to approach you with trivial matters such as a visitor. After all, that’s what Magna is for.”

“And she should have informed me of what was going on.” Mary brushed past the knight and made her way to her throne room. “Where is she? Or is she in the forest again with the Ghoul Boy?”

“Derric is hardly a ghoul…”

“Not the point, she is skirting her responsibility.”

Just as those words left Mary’s mouth, and she left the room she was in, she was quickly joined by her twin son and daughter. Magna frowned and said, “It is a trivial matter, and I didn’t want to disturb you while you mourned Dad.”

Mary sighed under her breath and gripped her daughter’s face in her hands. It still bore the scars, wounds, and bruises of the insane adventure she had been on. At first, Mary had thought the mission Magna had been on was to purely rescue her son’s soul, but after she had seen the injuries to the rest of her body, she had wanted to kill Adiran for putting her daughter through that. When Mary had grilled Magna about the clearly older injuries, while the girl had just wanted to have a bath. Magna had downplayed the injuries or simply said that she didn’t want to talk about it.

Then Mary had rounded on the older Adiran, but he had shrugged his shoulders and told her it wasn’t his place to talk for Magna. It had infuriated Mary, but it was her son Adrian who had calmed her. He at least had his sister’s ear, and the queen was sure the twins were talking to each other. They were far closer now than they had been while Johnathan had been alive. It warmed Mary’s heart to see them finally getting along, but it also caused her great pain knowing that it took the death of their father and two eldritch creatures to bring them together.

“You are right, Magna. A visiting friend isn’t newsworthy. I am sure you would have told me eventually.” Mary released her daughter’s face and smiled softly. “There is more work for you to do now that your uncle is on the way here.”

“What’s he like?” demanded Adrian.

“I haven’t seen him in about two decades, long before you two were born.” It hurt Mary to say the truth.

“Be that as it may, he is on the way here and I think we should discuss what we are to do when they get here.” Said Mortis, his low patience finally getting the better of him.

“You’d think you’d have learnt some patience during your years of slumber.” Chuckled Adrian as he started to guide all those gathered to the throne room.

“I have asked Noxus to come to speak with you.” Continued Magna as she fell in step with her mother.

“Is she well?”

“Very, are artificer of note managed to build her a new arm and she seems the better for it.” Magna smiled.

Her smile was rare within the castle. It was only noticed when she returned from the forest. While she went about her duties within the castle, she generally had the same sour face Jonathan had had.

Mary swallowed back the lump in her throat before saying, “When will you be inviting young Derric to join us?”

“He and Millmor don’t feel comfortable within castle walls.” That was all she offered.

“Daisy does pop in now and again.” Said Adrian with a grin. “I think she likes to watch people scuttle away from her.”

“Good thing you placed that colourful scarf around her neck or the castle guard would have ended her.” Said Mortis with a hint of displeasure.

The twins chuckled and then pushed the doors open that led into the throne room. Where once two thrones sat, there were now three. Mary had thrown away the tradition of only having her eldest train in her husband’s stead. Both children had been holding court with her since the disaster. While Adrian clearly understood he would never have the throne, his mother wasn’t going to allow a vacuum of power to exist if anything happened to his sister.

Mary had wanted another seat added for Mortis, but the revenant had refused, stating he would stand at the royal’s side and no more. She had respected him for that.

“I’ll inform Noxus that you are ready to see her.” Said Mortis as he bowed and remained outside of the room.

Mary only nodded her head and continued toward the central throne. She turned and sat down as the twins followed.

“Trade is opening up again.” Said Adrian as he leaned in from his mother’s left side.

“Yes, but there are still bandits on the open road.” Complained Magna as she slouched in her seat.

Mary had given up telling the girl to sit like a lady. She was a warrior and would sit in a manner easier to wield her father’s blade. The weapon rarely strayed far from her, and Mary was sure it even lay in bed with her.

“Welcoming Lady Noxus.” Shouted the herald as the purple-robed mage entered the throne room.

Noxus walked within a few feet of the royals and knelt, keeping her eyes downcast until she was addressed.

“You are a friend of Dragonshold, Noxus.” Said Mary gently, “I would have accepted a bowed head.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” The woman got to her feet.

Mary immediately spotted the silver hand that hung out from her sleeve, and she couldn’t help but admire it. Magna was right, it was well made.

“Mortis tells me that my brother brings Lifedrinkers.”


“Do you know how many?”

Noxus seemed a little perplexed by the question but answered, “About twenty.”

Mary nodded her head and went quiet.

“Mom, we promised no more secrets.” Whispered Adrian under his breath. “What’s wrong?”

Mary nodded and said softly, “Your uncle is bringing his honour guard.”

The room was silent for a few minutes before Mortis spoke up. “Your brother has an honour guard of Lifedrinkers?”

Mary closed her eyes for a few seconds, took a deep breath and muttered, “You aren’t the only one with a curse on your blood.”

“Mom?” enquired Magna.

“Sebastian has an honour guard of Lifedrinkers because he is a Lifedrinker.”

The few seconds of silence were shattered by Mortis’s surprise, “How?”
Well now, how are you going to explain this @zakludick. Enjoy!
Here is an explanation of Chain Stories and here is the current Chainstory Library

Mortis Custos



by @zakludickby @lex-zaiya
Part 1Part 2 - You are Here

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