"Document 13" A Dystopian Tale: Part 38


Welcome to Part 38 of "Document 13", a dystopian graphic novel I'm creating with my daughter. This week: "This better work."

If you want to read the rest first, see the links below the post to catch up.


The year is 2074, the world has been plunged into darkness. One girl, Sarah Doe, will learn the secrets of the dark forces that run the ruined world. With the help of a few friends, her family, and her own powers she will fight to return the world to an order not known since well before her birth. Will she succeed? Read to find out!

Scene: Dr. Bureaus lab. Matthews is sitting in a phlebotomy chair with two IVs in each arm.

Matthews: You’re sure this will work on me?

Dr.: I had to tweak the process a bit to work for you.

The girls collected a few “volunteers” from around the city and I figured out how to introduce the gene to adult patients.

HM: If you were successful where are they?

Dr.: I also worked out a few ways to dispose of them. You won’t be completely invincible, but as long as you stay away from fire, or acid, or large falling objects, you will come back.

HM: Good to know. How long will the process take? I need to be ready when the agents come back. Or if the girls find Sarah.

Dr.: I’m going to give you a little something to relax you. You’ll go to sleep and by the time you wake up, the process should be well underway. It takes a few hours to completely modify your DNA.

He injects something into the iv and Matthews goes to sleep.

Dr.: Now, let’s hope this actually works…

Scene: City Street, the Immortal Seven are fanned out searching for Sarah.

Ari: Maybe we should give up on finding her. It’s not like the headmistress can do much to us if we don’t.

Rachel: Bureau is giving her the genes, she’ll be just as strong as us.

Ari: She may have the strength but he’ll never be able to train her like us. She’s an old dog, she’ll never learn. Besides, Bureau found weaknesses in the effects. If we need to we can defeat her.

Rach: That also means he knows what to use against us. And if he tells her…

Ari: Still, we have a numbers advantage. Sarah has definitely made it out of the city. We have searched every block with no sign of her. Matthews is chasing her tail at this point. Besides, we have no beef with Sarah, why do we care where she is?

Rach: We have to figure out how to break the mind control, you seem to be the most unaffected, how do you do it?

Ari: I don’t know. I feel the trance but I also feel my own consciousness. When he says the break command I remember everything vividly. It’s not something I “do”. It just happens.

Rach: If you can feel your consciousness, can you use it to break the trance?

Ari: I’ve tried. It’s too strong.

Rach: Do you remember the break word?

Ari: “Leiben?” Something like that. It’s a blur but I think that’s it.

Rach: I wonder if one of us saying it will have the same effect.

Ari: We’d have to be conscious enough to say it. I don’t know if I can snap myself out of it enough to bring everyone else out.

Rach: We don’t know until we try…


Love it? Hate it? I welcome any and all feedback!

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36





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