"Document 13" A Dystopian Tale: Part 30


Welcome to Part 30 of "Document 13", a dystopian graphic novel I'm creating with my daughter. This week: Follow the way points to Foggy Bottom.

If you want to read the rest first, see the links below the post to catch up.


The year is 2074, the world has been plunged into darkness. One girl, Sarah Doe, will learn the secrets of the dark forces that run the ruined world. With the help of a few friends, her family, and her own powers she will fight to return the world to an order not known since well before her birth. Will she succeed? Read to find out!

Scene: Street at dusk. Sam and Sarah are sneaking towards a bot. Sarah is wearing her goggles. She stops abruptly and starts staring at a wall.

Sarah: Wait. I thought you said these wouldn’t work…

Sam: What are you talking about?

Sar: I see something! On this wall. It looks like it’s floating.

Sam: That’s descriptive… what does it look like?

Sar: Like a floating ball. With an arrow pointing that way.

She points down an alleyway then reaches out towards the wall. Then jumps back in surprise.

Sar: It opened up! There’s a word floating inside of it. “Resist”… is that a message from the resistance?

Sam: Just sounds like graffiti to me. I guess whoever was playing with these figured out how to leave way points. Probably just bored and wanted to play around with a different “dimension.” Let’s get the bot and get home.

Sar: It looks too elaborate for graffiti. What was the arrow pointing to?

Sam: Probably more graffiti… Lots of people have too much time on their hands, come on, I’m hungry.

Sar: Fine, I am too…

They sneak up and disable the bot and then switch out a brick for the box inside.

Sam: That should do it.

Scene: Farm dome airlock. Maia, the three women from before, and three men are preparing to leave the dome.

Woman 1: Is that everything?

Maia: The suits are ready. The weapons are ready…

Woman 2: Hopefully we won’t have to use them…

Woman 1: It’s been a long time since any of us have been in the city, none of us know what we are up against.

Maia: But your contacts have everything set up?

Woman 3: Yes, we got a message this morning saying we are good to go.

Woman 1: Good, we’ll use the old Metro station that Maia and Allison used to escape.

Maia: It’s still there?

Woman 1: It’s been “sealed” for years, but anyone who knows the way points can get into or out of the city. If we leave now we will be in the city by morning.

Scene: Sam’s warehouse, Sam and Sarah are finishing eating.

Sarah: I need to get back to the library, there’s a book I need to find.

Sam: It’s late. Why don’t you wait for daylight?

Sar: I’ll be fine, you forget that I used to work for Matthews….

Sam: Ah yes. I suppose so. Plus, you’re getting alright at sparring.

Sar: “Alright”? Who have you been sparring with?

Sam: (laughing) Yeah yeah. Just be careful. Be here early tomorrow for more lessons.

Sar: I’m always careful.

Sam looks at her sideways.

Sam: Ah yes, but only if Catbot is around to save you!

Sarah punches him in the arm.

Sar: Grr yeahhhhhh whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow. Byeeee.

Sarah pulls on her AR mask and heads out of the airlock. She walks a block towards the library and suddenly stops.

Sar: Wha?

We see her field of vision and there are way points pointing down a side street. Each one looks like a floating green ball with an arrow pointing out of one side.

Sar: (I got time before it’s too dark.)

She follows the way points until she comes to a large stairway leading underground. There is some writing above the stairway.

Sar: (Fog.. bott… W… Station? What does that mean?)

The way points point down the stairs, which are old escalators.

Sar: (I’m not going down there right now. Guess I’ll bring Sam in the morning.)


Love it? Hate it? I welcome any and all feedback!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29





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