"Document 13" A Dystopian Tale: Part 31


Welcome to Part 31 of "Document 13", a dystopian graphic novel I'm creating with my daughter. This week: A fight and a partnership.

If you want to read the rest first, see the links below the post to catch up.


The year is 2074, the world has been plunged into darkness. One girl, Sarah Doe, will learn the secrets of the dark forces that run the ruined world. With the help of a few friends, her family, and her own powers she will fight to return the world to an order not known since well before her birth. Will she succeed? Read to find out!

Scene: Morning over the city. The sky is a gray haze.

There is an airlock attached to an elevator going up to the floating city. It opens and out step six men. One is Schaub, one is Carl, and the other four are large and very well armed.

Schaub: The lab is a few blocks east of here. Let’s move.

The men start walking down the streets, careful to look around them. Suddenly one stops and points down an alleyway. Seven figures are walking away from them, towards the lab.

Sch: The Immortal Orphans…

Carl: Who?

Sch: Follow them. But be careful.

The men carefully follow after the orphans.

Orphan 1: Once we get to the lab, we should split up and each take a street. Sarah had to leave some clue behind about where she was going.

O2: There’s someone following us, I can hear them.

O1: I thought I heard something too, it’s probably just some scavengers, we are in one of the safety corridors after all....

Suddenly a crash comes from down the street. One of Carl’s men tripped over some debris. The orphans turn to see what caused the noise.

O1: ...Or it’s Party trash...

The orphans fan out into defensive positions. Carl and the men each take cover and begin firing at them.

One of the orphans runs forward, leaps over an empty crate and snaps the neck of one of the men. One of the other men shoots her in the leg and she falls and crawls into an alleyway. A few seconds later she reemerges unhurt.

Carl: What the....?

Sch: Wait! Cease fire! Maybe we can come to an agreement!

O1: Why are you here?

Sch: We want the Doctor. And Sarah.

O1: You can have the doctor. But Sarah is ours.

Sch: Not a chance. We need her alive.

O1: I guess we don’t have a deal then!

Another orphan sneaks up behind one of the men and knocks him out with a whack to the head. She gets shot in the shoulder and falls down but gets up a few seconds later.

Carl: Impossible....

O1: Looks like you’re running out of men. Care to change your mind?

Carl: What the hell is going on, Schaub?

Sch: Wait!

Carl and O1: What?

Sch: Killing each other is counter-productive. We’ll be here all day at this rate. We should team up and get our targets, then we decide what to do with them.

O1: “Killing each other?” You must not know much about us. But fine. We can team up for now. A few more eyes will help.

Sch: Let’s get the doctor first. Then we can track down Sarah.

Carl: Schaub, do you mind telling me what is going on here?!

Sch: I guess I can’t keep all the secrets from you. I’ll explain it on the way…

The knocked-out man wakes up and they help him to his feet. Then they start walking towards the lab.


Love it? Hate it? I welcome any and all feedback!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30





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