Welcome To My Sanctuary!!! (Final Day for the 30-Day Blogging Challenge)

A month has passed and I couldn't believe I was able to put up with the challenge successfully. I created the challenge thinking that I might miss some days or change some topics, but I am delighted to finally tick the last item off of my 30-Day Blogging Challenge.

I originally created the challenge for myself because I wanted to continuously write things that may or may not be very easy to talk about. I believe I have self-awareness, but as I went through the challenge, I realized there are still a lot to discover about myself and my existence.

I would also like to thank everyone who took up the challenge. I didn't expect quite a number of people to take interest in it. Thank you for introducing a part of yourself in this platform. I really appreciate it. :)

And now, for the finale!!!


My bedroom is my favorite place in our house, or maybe in the whole world. It is where I spend most of my time. Since I started working from home around five years ago, my bedroom also served as my office.

Perhaps for most people, it doesn't work well because they won't get to relax as they would probably think about work. It's different for me, however, because I can feel relaxed when I'm working because I am in my haven.

Let's start the tour!


I am Catholic by religion. Although I am not that religious, I believe in my God and He is always at the center of my life. I may not practice what my religion tells me to do, but I pray and thank Him for everything. So this altar is on top of my dresser at the center of my room.


Immediately below the altar is my small dresser. It's quite simple as you can only see necessary things. When I was still working outside or during those times I still cosplayed, I had some makeup kits and related stuff on the other side. Now, it's just my lamp and some gadgets and accessories.


Then we have my workspace. Oh, the stuff inside that pink bag aren't makeup, but lots of pens, pencils and the like. Also got my glasses, container for cough/throat candy, small schedule notebook and other random things. I took this photo a couple months back, so if you see my workspace now, it's a little different. I no longer use the speakers, so I gave it to papa. I also use my bigger water bottles (yes, two of them) and I changed my candy container. Just some slight changes...lol


Behind my workspace or PC, I got these two cabinets. One is the printer cabinet, obviously where my printer is on. Then there's that female mannequin I got from my bestie. I haven't really practiced drawing lately, so I just placed it there as a decoration. Below are just some documents and random types of papers which I impulsively bought. And ohh, a board game my bestie left when she last came home. In the cabinet below are all the used sketchpads for the past 10 years. hahaha

The second cabinet is basically for otaku stuff. I displayed my anime figurines and below are anime magazines I collected when I was still a student. In the last shelf are the books, mostly novels, I bought impulsively again. I've only read perhaps 20% of those books.


My male bestie gifted me a dozen Naruto chibi figurines on my birthday this year, so yeah... this is how the first two shelves look like now. Once we have our own house, I'd love to collect more anime figurines and perhaps buy some glass shelves for them. Dreams come true!


On the other side is my closet and this table. Below are my art materials like some pens, markers, acrylic paints, poster paints, brushes and some memory boxes. One the table are the stuff I use for studying Japanese (when I feel like it, but it's rare), a green box for my watercolor pencils, notebooks where I write my poems, my "organizer" which is currently outside my bag (lol) and a couple sketchpads I currently use. My teddy is on my bed now, though. haha


Below the dresser is a mini-workspace. It's where I put my laptop on. I usually just sit on the floor. Let me show you what it looks like when I use this space.


I'm using a sofa bed, so whenever I work or when I want to use the mini-workspace, I transform the bed into a sofa and I just sit on the floor. I don't know why but it really feels comfortable to sit on the floor. haha However, when I'm not working, I change it into a bed. Like this one below.


As you may notice, I have some of my artworks on one side and posters in the other side. I also posted my sketches on the wood we used to cover the window. The reason for this cover is to soundproof the room somehow since it's also my office. Behind the curtain are more anime posters, actually. haha


It's kind of messy, but this is how it looks like at the moment. I love my black curtain so much!!! haha This has been my room for the longest time. We have transferred houses a lot of times, but we have stayed in this house the longest. It'll be our tenth year here, however, we can't stay here forever. I would love my family to have our own house. And when that time comes, I will surely miss this room.

That's it for the room tour! I finally completed the challenge and I am so glad I successfully did it. If you're interested to check my journey in this 30-Day Blogging Challenge, feel free to visit the previous entries.

It feels really fulfilling to achieve a certain goal, be it small or big. I consider completing this challenge I set for myself an achievement. I guess if we just put our heart into something, it's never impossible to do so. I always tell my students this, "Yes, it's difficult... but never impossible!"

Thanks a lot for reading! I'll be back to my regular posts. I have a lot of movies, anime and series to review. I want to get back to drawing, and of course, look forward to my poetry pieces as well. :) Until next time! (_)/

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