An Embarrassing Moment Which Turned Into A Fun Memory!

I am finally half-way the 30-Day Blogging Challenge! It's now Day 15 and the task is to share an embarrassing story that you have experienced.

Well, I have been into quite a number of embarrassing situations, but when I think about it, they're actually really funny experiences. As I was trying to remember all the embarrassing things that have happened to me, there were a few instances that were memorable.

Most of them happened in school like when I participated in three different contests: Declamation, Storytelling and Speech Choir during our English week. I had to memorize three different pieces for each contest. And when it was my turn for the declamation contest, I blackout and forgot my line. Instead of not minding the missed line, I slapped my face and shouted, "AYY!" on the microphone. Ahh~ it's okay though, we won the speech choir and I won the storytelling contest anyway. But my classmates imitated me for a few days after that "Ayy-plus-slap-in-the-face incident".

That's one, but what I'm gonna share is another story.


It happened in this place. I took this picture last year, but the embarrassing story happened almost 20 years ago, yet I can clearly remember everything!

One summer, I went to my father's hometown as always. We used to live in my mama's hometown in Lapu-Lapu City, so every summer, I spend time with my papa's side of the family.


As you can see in the pictures, these are soccer fields! My older cousins used to play soccer when we were younger. I guess during that time one of them is a high school student while the other was in the 4th or 5th grade. I was of the same grade with the latter, so we're pretty close.

It was during one of his games, when I watched it and cheered for him and his team. I was their cheerleader! lol In the middle of the game, the ball flew heading to my direction. They gestured me to pass the ball to them.

With a camera on one hand, I decided to just kick the ball back to the field, and guess what? I f*cking slipped and missed the ball. There was silence... deafening silence and my cousin ran to me asking, "Hey are you OK?" I stood up with his help and the game resumed. In my mind I thought "It would have been less embarrassing when people just laughed at me, so I could laugh at my clumsiness as well. But what's with the weird silence?"

The game ended and my cousin won. Nobody talked about the incident. When I was walking home with my cousin, he suddenly mimicked the way I feel earlier during the game and bursted out laughing. WTF?

Well, I'm more of a basketball kid than a soccer one, so what do you expect? I just laughed together with him.

Cousin: It would have been great if we caught that moment on camera! Great slide tackle! You missed the ball big time, though! (laughs)
Me: How could someone take a picture of that when the camera was on my hand?! (laughs with him)

My mama and my aunt who were with us that time just laughed with us. That moment was embarrassing, but oh well, it's a fun memory afterwards.

Above is an old picture old picture of me and my cousin in the football field. The incident didn't happen when this picture was taken, maybe the summer or a couple summers after this one. This place near the football field is just so memorable for me and my cousins.


This was in the same soccer field. I just started college in this picture, so I was with my younger cousins. My older cousins were in another city for college. After this time, it was rare for me and my parents to visit.

I honestly want to spend time with all my cousins again in this place. Though it'd be difficult since some of them are busy with work, family life and some no longer live in the Philippines. I want to go back to those days... with the same people... in the same place!

WAIT! This was supposed to be an embarrassing story!? hahaha~ I'll end here. See you tomorrow for Day 16! The topic is quite interesting!!! hahahaha xDDD

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