Always The Transfer Student (^_^)v

Hey friends!
I'm here to share the tenth item on the 30-Day Blogging Challenge. For this days challenge, we are to share our best memory in high school.

And as I have mentioned in my Day 2 entry, I went to two elementary schools, two high schools and two Universities. So let me show you the two high school campuses I went to.


The one above was my school in the countryside, I only took it when I visited the place around 2 years ago. I couldn't take a better picture, though because I was just passing by that time.

The one below was the school where I graduated from here in the city. I took this picture when I visited our Guidance Counselor who is my and my mama's good friend Sister Rose.

Since I went to two high schools, let me share a story for each. Let's start with the first high school I went to.

Photo taken during our reunion 2 years ago.

In the year 2003, I met these crazy yet lovely people. Not everyone was able to join the reunion, but it was still a great time to reminisce our high school days.

I was only with them until half of our third year in high school. I wasn't able to graduate on the same stage with them, but they always invite me whenever they have a reunion because they consider me as a part of the group.

Since I have been with this bunch for almost three years, we have shared a lot of great memories, both good and bad. Actually, not only with this bunch. There are only few people in our school, so know almost everyone from the first years to the fourth years. We have a lot of school activities in which we have to team up with some younger and older students.


One of the most interesting memory I had with them was when I and around 7-8 other students decided not to join our last class in order to practice for a dance presentation the next day.

We went to my house so we could practice, but when we arrived there, no one was around because my papa was on duty while my mama went to my aunt's house. The door was locked. Luckily/Unluckily, one of my classmates tried to use their store's key to unlock it... and it worked!

During that time, my family was taking care of two pigs in the backyard... and beyond the backyard is a corn field. When one of my classmates checked them out, they were no longer there. Do you know where they were? YES! They were in the corn field.

So, my male classmates took off their uniform and started chasing after our pigs in the corn field while the others fixed the pig pen. Everyone was so dirty, but we had a great laugh. It was unexpectedly fun!

When my mama arrived, she was so surprised and laughed at what happened. She thanked everyone by treating them to dinner. How about our practice? Well, we had to do it until quite late. xD

My Curfew Was Everyone's Curfew

My parents are actually very strict... maybe because I'm an only child, so they don't really let me go somewhere and if I did, I have a curfew.

Whenever one of my friends celebrate their birthday, they either celebrate at home or at the beach. They know that my parents are strict, so even though they're busy preparing for their birthday, they always fetch me from our house and ask my parents' permission. They will also assure my parents that I'd be back on my curfew. They also send me back to my place.

It's OK if I leave earlier than the others, but what usually happens is that everyone would go home with me and they'd spend more time at home. haha Despite being strict, my parents are close to my friends, so my friends feel at home!

There are even times when I get home, they're already there... and I'm just shocked like, "WTF are you doing here?" and they'll just answer, "Just chilling!"

I really love spending time with them. Everyone are close to each other, so it was really hard for me to leave in the middle of my third year.

Second High School

I have only spent a year and a few months in this school. I thought it would be bad and lonely, but luckily, I was able to find some friends I could be with.
With two of my close friends during my birthday last year. We were video-calling with my bestie. :)
With my close friend, my male bestie and his wife who is also my classmate.

It was awkward on the first day of class. I transferred in the middle of our third year. I was super dark-skinned and I didn't have a uniform yet, so I really stood out from the crowd. It was so crazy because I didn't bring lunch on the first day, because I went to school directly from the countryside, so my parents were still busy preparing our new place. haha

The two lovely ladies in the first picture together with two other friends came to me. At first, I wanted to ask them where the canteen was because I wanted to buy lunch. The canteen was full of students, so they told me they'd share their lunch with me. Everyone took something from their lunch boxes and gave it to me. They were all so kind... so from then, I always go with them.

My male best friend was a returnee during our fourth year. He belonged to the other section, so I didn't know him that much until we were both selected to join the math competition representing our school.

We immediately clicked because we both liked anime and gaming, so we exchanged numbers and became close friends. We became best friends after graduating from high school, so a lot of our batchmates were shocked why we became besties.

Taken last December 2019. We visited Sister Rose.

Another great thing that happened in this high school was meeting Sister Rose. She's our Guidance Counselor and I love her so much! She's like a mother, a sister and a best friend. She's also pretty close to my mama. When I was in high school, I and my friends frequent going to her office and just talked. We love talking with her, so even after more than 10 years since we graduated, we go to school and visit her. She has given us a lot of advices and has always listened to our stories. She's the best.

Well, I haven't attended a single reunion for this high school, though. It's not that I hate it, but I don't have a lot of interesting memories aside from those I made with my close friends, so I'd rather have a small gettogether with them from time to time. :)

What ifs?

I have a lot of what ifs in this point of my life. I sometimes asked myself, what if I didn't transfer schools and graduated with the class I have been with in the countryside... would it be more interesting and better? But, if I didn't transfer, I wouldn't have met some of my close friends I still hangout until now. :) Everything happens for a reason, and I'm just glad everything was better than I expected it to be. :)

I'll end this post now! Thanks for checking out my Day 10 entry! See you tomorrow for Day 11. (_)v

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