My Favorite People in the World!!!

It's Day 21 and the topic this time is pretty difficult for me because we're required to introduce five people who means a lot. And I have a lot of very special people in my life, that it's so difficult to choose. So instead of individualizing them, I'd categorize them. :)

Let's start!!!



Of course, these two deserve the top spot in my heart. I wouldn't be where I am today without them. They're not only my parents, but also my best friends. We practice open communication in the family, so we feel comfortable talking about everything.

Papa and I are partners when it comes to exercising, dancing, jogging, adventure and drawing. He even taught me "Army Dozen exercise" which I struggled to do. haha I love playing basketball and badminton with him. We also dance zumba together. It's always so fun doing these activities with him.

Mama, on the other hand, is my movie buddy! We have movie nights together. She loves getting into my world, so I always welcome her in it. She also likes anime that we even watched One Piece in the cinema that one time. haha She also listens to my kind of music, and watches concert DVDs with me.

They're definitely the best parents one could long for. We might not be rich financially, but I'm super blessed for having them. I love them so much!!!!



Although the family relationship we have is different from what it used to, I still love them. Especially those people on the pictures above.

In my papa's side, I usually hang out with our eldest cousin, Jed. When we were younger, he used to tease me a lot, so I was often annoyed. However, when we became adults, we were able to connect to each other more. I'm pretty close to our youngest cousin, Elna Mae, too. It's because she's into anime, so I can feel her vibe!

In my mama's side, Grace and Juden are the closest cousins who are of similar age. We just understand one another quite well, so we enjoy spending time together. Of course, my forever babies, Nicole and Godwyn are extra special. They're like my son and daughter, instead of younger cousin. When they were babies, I took care of them and now that they're older, I can enjoy hanging out and talking with them about various things.

My cousins, especially those that I am close to are the sweetest! <3 I wanna spend time with them again soon!


Even though I have some close friends, there are three people who I consider extra special for various reasons.


The people on the picture above are my close friends in high school, but the guy in front is my best friend. I consider him special because he is very selfless. He might be crazy at times, but he really has a great heart.

We have shared a lot of memories together, and he never fails to make me feel that I'm loved. Even though he has his own family now, he still finds time for me and my family. Before I made this blog, he was in our house because he helped papa with something. His family is now the newest addition to our bigger family!


My super lovely neechan! I might be biased, but next to my mama and papa, I love her the best! She's the greatest sister one could ever ask for. She's loving, caring, selfless and she deserves the best! If you want to know more about her, check this post out.


Aside from the two besties I usually talk about in my blog, there is another person who I consider my best friend. His name is Kento, but I call him Jintan because of the anime called "AnoHana".

We don't spend a lot of time together because he lives in Japan, but whenever he visits the Philippines, we try to enjoy it as much as we can. We hang out, watch a movie, talk a lot, etc.

He used to be my student, but when he decided to quit the school, he asked for my Facebook. I told him that if he found my account, I'd accept him... and eventually, he found it. From then, we transferred to LINE and chatted more.

We're both otaku(s), so what we talked about at first was mainly anime and manga. Then, he decided to stay in Cebu for a month to study, so we met in person for the first time. It was awkward at first, but his jolly self killed the awkwardness.

After several meetups, we got much closer and started talking about personal stuff like our future plans, dreams, and whatever we're going through. We became each other's cheerleader!

Do you know the Japanese drama called, "Last Friends"? He recommended me to watch it and there's this character called "Takeru" who is the exact definition of a perfect friend. Jintan is somehow like that. He doesn't care about your flaws and just accept you as you are.

Those are my favorite people in the world! I love them super so much and I'm truly grateful to have them in my life. Thanks for checking out this post. See you tomorrow for Day 22!

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