A Letter to Yeye (an original poetry)

Friends are the family we choose to have.
It's Day 20 of the 30-Day blogging challenge, and we are to write a letter to someone, or anyone we want to write something to. And the someone who I am writing a letter to is my best-est best friend slash sister in the whole world, @akielle or my "Ate Yeye".


A Letter to Yeye

Meeting you is what I consider fate
Doesn't matter if our friendship began late
It's amusingly unique how our bond started
Wasn't until you and your best friend parted

We excitedly waited to receive her letter
Reading it made our exhausting lives much better
From then, we got to know each other more
As we continuously unlock our life's door

When I was at my lowest point, you were there
You unceasingly showed me how much you care
You're no longer just a best friend for me
But the sister I've longed for and love deeply

Blood is thicker than water? That, I doubt
We're now stuck with each other with no way out
Even the distance made our bond much stronger
No matter where and how, you're a family forever

And as we journey on through our different paths
Always remember that our connection forever lasts
I'll endlessly support you with your decision
As your sister, I consider it my life's mission

Eventually, you'd find someone to spend your life til eternity
I just hope that someone would love and treat you earnestly
For I know you deserve only the best
I hope for you to always be blest

Just remember not to marry on November 25th
On that day, you know who you should be with
Kidding aside, I'm just extremely grateful
To have a sister like you who's truly faithful



It's been 13 years since I first met my bestie. We were classmates in University, but we weren't that close back then. However, I was quite close to her best friend "Auntie Ninin" because she used to be my cousin's classmate in high school. When she left to go abroad, she sent us letters through one of the teachers in the University. That time, my bestie and I weren't classmates anymore, but that letter allowed us to spend time with each other.

As we got to know each other more, we realized how similar we are to each other. We're both an only child. We live in the same city. We both love anime and anything Japanese. These similarities made us even closer. When I got sick and was hospitalized, she and her parents visited me. They showed their support for me.

When I stopped going to University, she sometimes visits me at home. We would then go to the roof and spend time there talking about anything and everything under the sun. When I got better and started going back to university, we were able to meet up from time to time. We don't go to the same university anymore.


We're both very crazy. We'd often try out various dresses and take a lot of pictures inside the dressing or changing room.


We both love going to karaoke. Whenever we hang out, karaoke is always a place to go to. It's always food, karaoke, movie and just explore new things. We enjoy going to museums and get lost along the way. haha Good thing my sense of direction is good, my bestie is a descendant of Roronoa Zoro from One Piece. haha

I super miss you Ate!!! Please take care and hopefully once the pandemic is over, you can visit us here in the Philippines again. I love you and I couldn't ask for a better sister and bestie! You are indeed one of a kind!!! I'm always here to support you and cheer for you... of course, mama, papa and Arashi, too! <3

By the way, my bestie is also on HIVE, so check here out --> @akielle :)
Thanks a lot. That's it for Day 20!!! See you tomorrow for Day 21! (^^,)/

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