Not Your Typical Fridge... xD

It's Day 17 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge. I know the topic is quite unique and I also wonder why I included this in the challenge. Anyway, let's get on with it.

What's in your fridge?

Yes, that's the topic today and before i show you what's inside my fridge, allow me to show you the fridge itself.


As you may notice, there's already discoloration. It's because this fridge is already old, but still functioning really well.

On top of it, we have some snacks, Arashi's food, some margarine, blueberry jam, mayonnaise, tissue, a medicine container for tablet/capsules, some honey, etc. On the door of the fridge, we have several magnets mostly given by friends, but my fave would be the shuriken one. hahaha

Now, let's open the door to Narnia... jkjk


Yep, there are several stuff here that aren't supposed to be in this part of the fridge, but actually, instead of using this fridge mainly for personal use, we also utilize it for our small store. We have another fridge at the store, butvit isn't enough.

That's why you can see some fruits and veggies in the free shelf where people usuallybplace their beverages in. We do have some water bottles, milk, chocolate drink below it.

In the supposed-to-be egg shelf, we placed some tablea and other chocolates. And below it are medicines both forvus and our dog, Arashi.


In the upper door, papa placed some of his beer. I sometimes keep mine there, but papa consumed them last time. lol I want some flavored ones!! Ohh, there's also a bottle of soymilk. The supermatket ran out of stock, so we couldn't restock.


As I've mentioned, this fridge isn't just for personal use, so you can see a lot of ice for sale. Above it are i"e cubes for personal use, some hotdogs, bacon, meat, etc. We don't usually stocK meat because we live near a fresh market, so we can buy stuff easily. However, because of the pandemic, we have to stock to lessen our exposure outside. The two 1-liter coke is for sale. I and my parents haven't drank coke for a long time. We try not to.


And lastly, stuff for the store. lol Except for the chiffon cake, everything there is for sale. We rarely drink cold water and if we want to drink some cold fresh juice like Philippine lime, we just put ice cubes on our glasses.

So yeah, it's not your typical fridge because the stuff utilizing most of the place are for the store. It's sometimes a struggle especially when there are special occasions because we won't have enough space, so what we do is put the softdrinks and beer in a bucket with ice.




Our customized bucket! Yay!! I enjoyed drawing them... Anyway, now that there aren't any occasions, we use this bucket for storage.


I'll end my post here before I delve into an entirely different topic. lol Thanks for checking out and see you tomorrow for Day 18. :)

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