Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart: Here Are Things I Am Grateful For

Start each day with a grateful heart!

I truly agree with this statement. There are a lot of things we have to be grateful about. Unfortunately, some people don't even recognize these little things because they desire more.

It's Day 22 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge, and this time, we are to enumerate three things that we are grateful for. Check out my list below.


Every day is a brand new day. A new day to live and to be thankful. I believe the greatest gift that we should be thankful for is the gift of life. For without it, we won't be able to experience anything at all!

The moment we wake up each day, we should always feel blest because we're again given the chance to live and appreciate life.

Of course, not everything in life is good. However, let's try to look at the brighter side of things. Even if things go wrong, as long as we're alive, we can always try to make it right. So, if tomorrow you're able to wake up to a brand new day, be thankful.

Let's not waste this chance to do the things we ought to do. We aren't promised tomorrow, but if we're lucky to have more tomorrows, then let's treasure every moment of it.


Since I was very young, my family and I have faced a lot of challenges in life. Life is never easy and we could be bombarded with challenges one after another, or they could even pour down all at the same time. However, these challenges we face in life aren't all that bad.

Challenges make us stronger. It's proven and tested! I think, if I and my family haven't experiences all the trials we had in the past, I wouldn't be this positive. Of course, they are difficult and could hurt us at times. But we have to be strong and face it and learn from it.

I always tell myself that it doesn't matter if you fail many times, for as long as you try to learn from them and use them as your stepping stone to reach a higher ground. Thanks to these challenges, we are molded into a much stronger person.

If I didn't experience a lot of challenges in life, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the little things that I achieve or receive. Experiencing worse things can make us realize how easy it is to deal with bad things. :) So, let's not hate and runaway from these challenges. Let's face them and appreciate them because in the end, they'll help us become a better version of ourselves.


Being able to love and be loved is one of the greatest joys in life. It doesn't apply solely in romantic love, but love for family, for friends, for others and for ourselves. Love is a great thing, and we should always be thankful for it.

I am always grateful for the love I receive from the people around me. It makes me realize how beautiful the world is. When I am surrounded by the people and things I love, I can feel genuinely happy and I can appreciate life even more.

Love might be abstract, but it could come in various forms. When someone cares for you, they're showing their love towards you. When people worry for you, it means you are loved. Love is selfless. It is patient and kind. I believe that if we have love in our hearts, we can truly be happy.

So I am truly thankful that I get the chance to give and experience love every day. Let's spread the love, everyone! <3

Of course, the things that I am grateful for are limitless. But somehow the three things I mentioned above are greatly connected. Let's appreciate even the little things, for without them, we won't be able to achieve greater things! Every day is a new day to live, to laugh and to love!

Thank you so much for checking out this post! See you tomorrow for Day 23!!!

PS: We're almost done with the challenge and I'm really shocked that I was able to continue it for the past 22 days. There are 8 days left!!! YAY! Have a great one! (^^,)/

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