How I Recharge My Almost Dead Batteries! :D

What's up friends!?
It's Day 12 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge! We've almost done half of the challenge, so how are you guys keeping up? :) I just hope you continue writing with a happy heart. ^^

For this day's topic, it'll be about recharging: "What I do to recharge..."

We all experience stress in life. We get tired, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. And because of that, we need something to recharge and get our energy back.

As for me, there are different ways to recharge my batteries depending on the situation. Let's talk about it more.


    Screenshot from Shounen JUMP app

    I usually read some manga updates every night before going to bed. I think it has been a habit for me. It actually helps me sleep better, so the everyday stress is minimized as I call it a day.


    Screenshots are from Netflix

    I usually arrange my own work schedule, and in order for me to have energy in every class, I take breaks in between to replenish my lost energy. For me to do that, I either watch anime, TV series or some movies.

    It helps me clear my mind and get more excited for my classes! Some of my students are also into anime and movies, so we also usually talk about it. :)



    When I'm feeling emotionally stressed, I write... whenever my mind is clouded with thoughts, I write. It relieves me from whatever that's on my mind. It helps me relax and free my mind from everything.

    It's not necessarily in a form of a poem, but usually it's like this. I got several untitled poems, but they're usually reflection of what I felt on a certain day. It's creative and calming. :)



    In order for me not to get physically and mentally tired easily, exercise is a great way. I used to go to our city's plaza to dance zumba with my friends. However, we couldn't do it these days, so I just ride the stationary bicycle and still dance zumba by watching videos on YouTube. It's clearly refreshing!


    During my days off or whenever I have longer time, I draw and play games. These activities help me escape reality. Aside from that, these activities help me focus or concentrate. It's a nice exercise for the mind. It helps my brain coordinate with my senses and body.


Despite having a lot of options to recharge, my favorite would be spending time with my loved ones. Talking with them makes me happy. It's one of the things I look forward to doing. For now, I can just contact my cousins and bestie online, but hopefully, I could spend time with them again... Just like last December. My bestie and cousins stayed in our house, so I've got all my favorite people with me. Ohh... Arashi is a part of it, too. He's my baby doggy! I so love my family and friends. <3

And that is my entry for Day 12. :D See you tomorrow for Day 13! (^^,)/

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