I'd Like to Learn How To Play The Guitar... AGAIN! :)

There are a lot of things that I enjoy doing; some of them, I've continued doing for a long time, while others, I have given up on. Nahh! I don't really want to call it giving up, perhaps, just taking a break from it!

Hey friends! It's Day 24 of my 30-Day Blogging Challenge! We're almost done, and I'm just so glad to see myself completing it without stopping. Well, I still have around a week left, but I'll do my best to stick to the schedule! LOL

Today's topic is about taking up a hobby. Well, there are quite a lot of things I'm curious about, but what I'm going to share today is the hobby that I once took up, but haven't done recently. Let's start! <3


Yes! I own a guitar which I barely used. I bought it impulsively when I was a University student. If I remember correctly, I was watching a Japanese drama called "Taiyou no Uta" that time. The main lead of that drama was a beautiful lady who loves singing while playing her guitar. She had this skin disease which doesn't allow her to go out in broad daylight, so she tries to perform on the street at night. Aside from this drama, I was also watching a Japanese anime called K-On! which is about a group of high schoolers trying to form a light music band in their school. They all looked pretty cool

So one day, I was at the mall. I saw a guitar on sale, and yes... I bought it! Impulsive, indeed. As I've mentioned, I was a University student, and a busy one at that. I barely get enough sleep. Well, I sometimes exchange sleep for anime to keep my sanity, but I bought an effin' guitar! haha


This was the first song I tried to practice, using simpler chords, of course. It was fun, despite my fingers hurting in trying to hold the strings. I've learned more songs with simpler chords after that, but I couldn't do the "F-chord". It was too difficult for me, so I chose alternative ones.


There were even times when my bestie would come over with her recorder and we'd try out songs together, me on guitar, while she on her recorder. Those were the in the "emo" era, so I remember us playing "Your Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. hahaha OMG! I wonder if @akielle still remembers that.

However, University days became even busier especially when graduation was around the corner. I had a lot of OR and DR cases to comply since I was a transferee and still belonged to the old curriculum. After that, there was review and the board exam. "Adulting" came after as I started working and just forgot about my guitar.


Guitar remained asleep for years until I worked in an English Academy and met @iamwhatiamnot. He's a very good friend and a brother to me. There were times when he comes over (supposedly sleeps over), and we'd have some music jam sessions until daybreak. He plays the guitar, though... not me. I'd just sing. "AGAIN" by Yui was our jam. I always struggle singing it, because it's so fast, but we both enjoyed this song. :)

It was only for a while, because he left the academy, and I went back to school to pursue another course while working online. My guitar went back to its sleep. It has been more than 5 years. My papa sometimes play it when he's in the mood.

Just recently, papa took out the guitar and started playing. I got the urge to do the same, and I actually did. For a few days when I didn't work because of my health condition, I tried playing it. I haven't played since I started working again a couple days back, though.


I'm not sure if it's noticeable, but the skin of the tips of my fingers are peeling off because of it. I hope to at least try to practice and play something on my days off. I have given it up in the past, but I want to enjoy it more in the coming days. I still couldn't do the "F-chord" and other similar chords, but I'll try to work on it. I also have to buy new strings because they're too old and are about to break. I hope t hey hang in there until I find some replacements. haha

And if it isn't too much, I'd love to learn other musical instruments as well even though I don't really have a musical sense. But hey! I'll at least try. There's no harm in trying, right? :D

That's it for today. See you tomorrow for Day 25! Thanks a lot for reading. May you all have a fantastic day! (^^,)/

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