The Kind Of Movie a Non-movie Buff Like Me Enjoys

It's the 14th day of the challenge and I'm trying to complete every item there is. The topic for today is about movies, and as most of you might already know, I'm more into anime series than movies.

Well, there'll be a list of my favorite animated films on Day 26th, so for now, let's focus on the movies that a non-movie buff like me watches.

Before I start, a very sad thing happened a few hours ago. One of my favorite Japanese actors passed away because of suicide. A friend of mine sent me a message about it and we were so shocked to hear of the news. He's still 30 years old, but unfortunately, he bid goodbye forever. T_T

Earlier today, I was trying to think of the movies to share on this post and I was just thinking of the first movie I saw with him on it. I was like, "Damn... I was just thinking about his movie a while ago, and then this?" So yeah, I'm feeling really sad and emotional while writing this. My you rest in piece, HARUMA MIURA. You will always be remembered.



Actually, there is also a series version of this story, but I enjoyed watching the movie more. It was broadcasted around 2007, but I didn't watch it until 2009. This is the first movie I watched with Haruma Miura and Yui Aragaki on it.

Because of this movie, I fell in love with both of them. I still admire them up to this day and I consider them my favorite actor and actress. I have watched their other movies and drama, too! KOIZORA just left a really great heartache, so it's a truly memorable movie.

I'm not really into romantic films, unless it's mixed with fantasy or if it's a tragic love story. This movie is the latter, so if you don't want to hurt yourself, then don't watch it. sigh Another tragic love story I liked was "Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu." It's with Okada Masaki (another fave actor) and Inoue Mao (my lovely Makino).

GALILEO: The Devotion of Suspect X


Do you know HIGASHINO KEIGO ???
He's a well-known Japanese mystery writer and this movie is from his book which is entitled "The Devotion of Suspect X". Actually, I love GALILEO series as well as all its other movies, however, this certain movie was very impressive for me.

A Battle of Wits, is what I'd call it. Galileo, played by "the" Masaharu Fukuyama is an incredibly intelligent physicist. Although it's not his line of duty, but his friend who's a detective often seeks his help to solve mysteries and cases through physics and scientific notions. But what if, he is against a "Genius Mathematician" who is brilliant at calculating every move?

It's just so interesting! If you're into mystery/detective type of movies or series, I highly recommend this. Galileo: Midsummer's Equation movie is also really good! Ahh~ I want to watch the series and all these movies again! :)



I just love psychological horror and thrillers! And among all the movies I watched from this genre, Insidious is my favorite!

I know not a lot of people enjoy horror films, I don't really like the type of horror which is only to scare people... I like horror films with interesting concepts.

As for Insidious, I really love the concept of "ASTRAL PROJECTION". It's outside of the body experience. One time, I and my bestie went to a public library and I read this concept in a pretty dusty book. lol It was so fascinating that people in the old times tried out this idea. I was not able to read more though because my bestie started sneezing and we had to go out. haha

Anyway, Insidious is not that scary, but I really like it. I have watched the first three movies multiple times and I still enjoy it. I haven't watched the last movie The Last Key, yet. :(

Aside from Insidious, I also really enjoyed "THE SIXTH SENSE". It's a supernatural and psychological thriller with an awesome plot twist! It's kind of old, but gold. So if you're looking for something psychologically thrilling, I recommend it as well. :)

I don't limit myself to these genre, but if I am to choose what to watch, then most likely it'd be psychological horror/thriller, mystery or tragic love story.

I hope you enjoyed this movie-related post from a non-movie buff like me. I'll see you tomorrow for Day 15!

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