10k Staked LEO Goal Reached! * Hive Goals (Week 46, 2022)

This is a short sum-up table with the state of my goals in easier TLDR form. Note that Staked LEO was moved from Ongoing to Completed. The table has only some information, so if you want details, they can be found in the post.

Current State/Other Selection CriterionGoals Matching the Criterion
Completed3 (Staked SPS, Replies Received, Staked LEO)
Ongoing3 (HIVE Power, Maxing CL Set, Comments Made)
Stopped1 (HBD)
Initial Goals2 (HIVE Power & HBD)
Stretch Goals1 (Maxing CL Set)
Increased1 (Comments Made)

This week brought some sad news from Splinterlands, as they had to let go almost half of their employees and contractors. But at a cold analysis, this needed to happen and it is for the best of Splinterlands and its sustainability during these never-seen-before times in crypto (bitcoin was created AFTER the subprime crisis).

Despite all this negativity that recent events in crypto are spreading, progress on my Hive goals act as a sort of shield against all that.

Let's see what changed since last week.

HIVE Power (HP) Goal

Finally, I took this week slow, after trying to do that a couple of times but with the market being so low, I just bought more. Not this week though.

Last week my HP grew by only 34, but I keep a good portion liquid for December's HPUD.


6 weeks left in the year and 461 HP to reach the goal.

HBD Goal

I stopped this goal during the year in favor of HIVE Power. Initially, the goal was to reach 5000 HBD in savings by the year-end, starting from almost nothing.

LEO Staked - Completed

Finally, my LEO staked goal is COMPLETED!


I will still participate in December's LPUD, but other than that, I started about a week ago to (re)build a stash of stables that will help with my Hive Goals next year, besides being a buffer for whatever else I'll need in the crypto land. My LEO earnings until the end of the year that won't be used for LPUD will have this destination, alongside other funds.

I won't just randomly invest in other tokens (including LEO), because I don't have my goals set for next year yet (although I already know what most of them will be).

Splintershards (SPS) Staked Goal - Completed

The SPS staking goal is COMPLETED!

However, the SPS rewards from ranked battles, daily focus and season chests come in a staked form and will keep increasing the stake. Same as the land and TD (nightmare packs) rewards.

Another 1253 staked SPS were added last week this way.


Besides what comes staked from the gameplay, the SPS goes to the diesel pools.

Maxing Chaos Legion Set*

*) or reaching the limit beyond which I consider upgrading a card not profitable

The overall situation, to better gauge my progress, because I still need to push hard on this goal:

Total CL Cards (incl. reward)Maxed or LimitPercentRemaining
13210982.57%11+12 for limit consideration
Total CL Cards (excl. reward)Maxed or LimitPercentRemaining
997676.76%11+12 for limit consideration

This week I maxed out the CL reward card Venator Kinjo (waiting for rental to return to combine).

I also consider maxed Flying Squid, Tenyii Striker, and Hunter Jarx.

In total, 4 cards maxed out or considered maxed out this week, where the needed average to complete the goal on the last week of the year would be between 1 and 2 now. "Considered maxed out" means, for me, that I'm expecting rewards or opening packs to make up for the difference, more or less. If there is any difference left I'll purchase them at the end.

I'm still opening packs as I earn more alchemy and legendary potions.

Legendary SummonersMaxed
Rare SummonersMaxed
Common MonstersMaxedReached Max Desired Level
29191+? (7 under consideration)
Rare MonstersMaxedReached Max Desired Level
2316? (2 under consideration)
Epic MonstersMaxedReached Max Desired Level
1711? (2 under consideration)
Legendary MonstersMaxedReached Max Desired Level
23182+? (1 more under consideration)
CL Reward CardsMaxedReached Max Desired Level

Social Targets

I started the week with 11043 comments.

Increased target: 10k->12k comments by the year-end.

The 10K target for replies is COMPLETED and I won't increase it.

I have currently made 11169 comments, which means 126 comments this week. Another week below the average needed...

With the increased comments target, and 6 weeks left in 2022, I need an average of 139 comments per week to reach the goal. I think I wanted to push myself too much with the increase of this goal and will probably miss it because I am constantly below the needed average.

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