
One world government, you cannot travel without a health passport.

If you're reading this, you'll likely be dead before 2025 if you take the jab. I'm not going to your funeral because I don't want to promote suicide by jab.

Trump is a combination of Reagan and Nixon. What she said in a video is partly true but is not necessarily the entire story, Trump did some good but the Old Guard gave Trump a lot of bad Intel over the years, Trump continues to get bad advice to this day, regardless of what Trump knows, Trump is playing a dangerous game either way, Trump is playing with fire even if he does not know any better and it might become worse if he does know better. The average IQ globally will go down a whole lot before 2025.

Borg Lizard People

The Borg Queen in the Star Trek First Contact movie is portrayed as a worm parasite that is injected into the spinal cord of the host. Would you surprise if any of that was based on anything in reality? Could this be the secret to how Lizard People obtain control over their hosts? To be clear, I have no idea what to think except that I know that I don't know anything much. The more I know, the more I know I don't know. Ignorance is a nice thing normal people can hide behind. I'll continue to dive in deep.

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2021-03-28 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-28 - Sunday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-28 23:26:44 Ellen.png

Ellen Allen

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Trump is a combination of Reagan and Nixon.

The average IQ globally will go down a whole lot before 2025.

If you accuse Kevin Spacey, you may die.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

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Finding Bad Boys While Dating

07:58 PM - Facebook

I hear you and it can be crucial to study the Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde of a man before signing on. In other words, dating can sometimes highlight the good in a potential partner while hiding the monsters within especially men. That is a main reason why I encourage people to try to be friends with potential lovers in order to get to the bottom of what kind of person he or she may be like on the good days and especially on the bad days.

I bought some sneakers at Goodwill for $10 and they lasted for several years. I've also had similar shoes which cost like $80 or more. Some of them can be basketball shoes and some of them were nicer than the $10 pair; and yet they generally don't last any longer due to the glue coming off or whatever that happen. I wouldn't mind buying expensive shoes if they could perhaps last 100 years or something crazy like that. Otherwise, I might as well buy cheap shoes if the more expensive shoes are going to end up falling apart anyways lol.

Questions on Star Trek Spaceship Design

08:30 PM - Facebook

Do spaceships need to be aerodynamic if there is no air in space? Better yet, why not design the ships like cubes like the Borg or like discs as seen in what we call UFOs, especially if we could try to bend space and time to travel without really moving? I say spaceships should be more like mobile Star Gates in the ability to create worm-holes or in bending the fabrics of space-time continuum as if it was like paper so to speak similar to some of the most interesting episodes of Star Trek: Next Generation featuring Wesley Crusher. The design of the Enterprise is fine only to the extent that it has a strong design internally plus enough external force-field protection on top of that. But it's still a risky design to say the least.

America is Becoming Europe in a Bad Way

08:44 PM - Facebook

Rick Arnold, the worse thing about sheep is they do NOT know they are sheep. So they will yell all day long things like, and I quote from Sheep Toby who cannot see at all the following, "That's great but neither you or your brother have any actual substance to your claims. I'll be here patiently waiting whilst for one of you two tries to provide me a source to back up your argument." Someday, some sheep may wake up and realize how blind they were. But actually, too many of them will be dead before 2025, sadly. And fake news will try very hard to blame the deaths on other things, massive cover-ups and lies like the world has never ever seen kind of thing, so many more false flags and everything is coming soon and more often.

Many Will Be Dead

2021-03-28 - Sunday - 08:47 PM - Covid Log - Facebook

If you're reading this, you'll likely be dead before 2025 if you take the jab. I'm not going to your funeral because I don't want to promote suicide by jab.

Finding One Percent of the Internet

09:03 PM - Facebook

ᚲᛖᚢᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ, I am not talking about the dark webs. I understand what you are saying but I am talking about things that aren't exactly that dark or deep, I guess it depends on your definition of the different terms. But yeah, if you're referencing different search engine alternatives to Google, that is something worth exploring for people. I agree that web crawlers don't always index everything. Well, I guess that depends on a wide variety of factors. What does clearnet mean? Is that a term for things you find via alternative search engines? It is important for people to understand they sometimes have to find things via internal on-site search engines to find some things at times. For example, you can go on Facebook and use their internal search engine and especially via the customized options to find a lot of specific things that can sometimes be hard to find outside of Facebook. Generally speaking, that has been the case and there are a few reasons for that. And Facebook is a different type of website than some websites. So, it depends on the kinds of websites, etc. And there are different types of web browsers including TOR which may access web pages which may go through alternative DNS services for example, and that may be an example of the deep web I believe. And people should think about some of these things. I've read up on distinctions made between the dark web and the deep web and other things. I find these things to be interesting. I did not know that crawlers aren't ever or rarely ever like indexing FTP pages as you mention above in your comment and I would imagine there may be different types of things that may not be indexed, archived, etc. So, it doesn't surprise me to hear when FTP and/or others things may not always or ever be like indexed, etc. I wanted to post this as a way to help people see that when they're looking for things online via a Google search engine or Bing or Yahoo or maybe others, they may be only searching through like one percent of the Internet or a crazy small number of what is actually out there kind of thing, they are only seeing some of it and even with how much we can see out there already, so much more is out there already.

What about Facebook & Messenger?

10:12 PM - Facebook

Juliet Dron, it works via web browsers but not via the Facebook phone app. But you can access Facebook on a phone via a web browser on your phone and then access Messenger via the phone's web browser in the same way you would on computers, laptops.

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Do you want Trump or Biden to be President?

09:50 PM - Hive

I want military to call for a new election and have them count paper ballots by hand and then post, publish, verify, confirm, certify, archive, cross-reference, vet, approve, check, live-stream, and share each real vote on the Internet for the world to see simply who each person voted for good or bad. I want to see my name and that I voted for Trump on the Internet for the world to see. Anybody who voted for Biden, I want to see their name, very simple and very easy and if we can find 80 million real people vote ONLY one time each for Biden, then Biden should be the President if more people voted for Biden over Trump. I want transparency, integrity, accountability, I simply want to see each real vote and no fake votes and I don't want any votes to get lost and destroyed or whatever, I want Forensic-Ballot-Audits for each and every precinct and/or county and/or city and/or state and/or voting place.

Science in Action With Corrosion

10:01 PM - Hive

I avoid Apple and Microsoft products for a variety of reasons and use Ubuntu. I've not investigated which things may suffer from corrosion more so. It comes down to the design of chargers. I have some universal adapters which may help me for somethings. But never mind that, I guess corrosion is partly caused by a lack of quality or in the type of material used, especially in regards to the metal parts.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Banned Video

01:30 AM - EMERGENCY SATURDAY BROADCAST: Pentagon Plot To Trigger Race War Discovered

Trump is a combination of Reagan and Nixon.
Barry Goldwater lost but was a major inspiration behind Reagan who was an inspiration for Trump, a chain reaction.

Wil Paranormal


Old Guard Republicans are not exactly a good thing. It doesn't matter if they sort of helped Trump or not.

What she said is partly true but is not necessarily the entire story, Trump did some good but the Old Guard gave Trump a lot of bad Intel over the years, Trump continues to get bad advice to this day, regardless of what Trump knows, Trump is playing a dangerous game either way, Trump is playing with fire even if he does not know any better and it might become worse if he does know better.

X22 Report


10:03 PM
Will you let me look inside your purse or backpack?

What happened to privacy?
People let them look in their bags at the airports.



They dress men up as women in Hollywood for decades to trick men into liking men and trick women into aspiring to look like men and become men to destroy families and much more. As women try to look like men who pretend to be women, many women begin to forget what women are supposed to look like.

Can women have large shoulders?

The Borg Queen in the Star Trek First Contact movie is portrayed as a worm parasite that is injected into the spinal cord of the host. Would you surprise if any of that was based on anything in reality? Could this be the secret to how Lizard People obtain control over their hosts? To be clear, I have no idea what to think except that I know that I don't know anything much. The more I know, the more I know I don't know. Ignorance is a nice thing normal people can hide behind. I'll continue to dive in deep.

11:50 PM
If you accuse Kevin Spacey, you may die.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Banned Video

01:30 AM - EMERGENCY SATURDAY BROADCAST: Pentagon Plot To Trigger Race War Discovered

Wil Paranormal


Jessi, Gumball

06:00 PM - 07:30 PM - Around these times off and on while washing dishes.

Dinner: soup stuff with potatoes in them, 6:30 PM. Watched the Amazing Adventures of Gum Ball which I watched at times in 2013 in Vietnam. One episode I focused on was the one they explain to a robot what love it, that was after the episode where one kid is giving fake money while playing too much video games for like 30 straight hours kind of thing. There was another show I saw before this on Disney called like Jessi or something which is all about this teenage chick and she wa sputting on a dress and it got stuck and then you hear thunder and lightning. Thanks a lot universe she says.

X22 Report




General Shepherd

11:59 PM - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) SUNDAY - 3/28/21

Chores Log

2021-03-28 - Sunday

Dear diary, got up at 8 AM. Cloudy, little rain it looks like. Helped put 4 garden plant thingies from outside on the raised island garden bed to inside the greenhouse in the afternoon after church, around like 1 PM, lightly raining. I led Sunday School on where we left off last week, Matthew 6 after the Lord's Prayer to end of that chapter. Differences between hoarding and saving and also between getting and giving. Takes wisdom. Different types of forgiveness. And salvation is a combination of justification, sanctification, glorification. There was a question on if you do not forgive, do you lose salvation. The answer is no but I didn't address it, I let others talk. We should plan and save up. We should give at times. Freewill is important. Cryptos like ETH. You know Ethereum. Not bet but put them together for a name. Interesting I think. I am talking in code, put them together to get a reference. I said a few things and opened the class up in prayer. A simple prayer but pretty good. Praying can help and God is real even if we may not know everything about God. We can be wrong about some of the things about God perhaps but God is here and everywhere in many ways. Larry emphasized on how we should not worry too much. I said quickly near the end some people worry too much and some people worry too much. Like King Solomon, pray for wisdom. I thought about writing an article online during the sermon on the death of America and two things we must do excluding one thing we should not do. I should work on that. Sermon on the seeds of Christ and what that means for the body practically in a few ways, consider the analogy of actual seeds which grow up towards the sun or Son. It somehow knows how to dig roots into the soil no matter the position of the seed be it upside-down or not. What color washer and dryer should I get he asked me, this guy. His brother was asking the hat about things. Buy land, put a septic tank on the properties and sell them, that seems to be working. My advice is to look at that trend. i filled out his questionnaire and said I was good at finding things online. Oh, be more specific. I do hardware, software. I can copy audio and video tapes to DVD, to hard drives, to the Internet from different formats, different storage devices and cartridges, containers, be it from VHS video tape cassettes, the audio tape cassettes, other things. I know how to scan photos and things and put them on the computer. And the list goes on and on. Hobbies includes basketball and I may help out with something tomorrow. Today, am copying VHS 98 and 81 to DVD 30. See other notes for more info on that. 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM - Around these times off and on while washing dishes, watched Jessi and Gumball, see Watch Log.

Food Log

2021-03-28 - Sunday

Breakfast: orange, coffee, 3 small cans of yogurt, 8 - 8:46 AM, also like egg or something. Lunch: soup or something around like 1 or 2 PM. Also, yogurt. No coffee at church which helped me sing better I think. Dinner: soup stuff with potatoes in them, 6:30 PM. Watched the Amazing Adventures of Gum Ball which I watched at times in 2013 in Vietnam. One episode I focused on was the one they explain to a robot what love it, that was after the episode where one kid is giving fake money while playing too much video games for like 30 straight hours kind of thing. There was another show I saw before this on Disney called like Jessi or something which is all about this teenage chick and she was putting on a dress and it got stuck and then you hear thunder and lightning. Thanks a lot universe she says.

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