
Check out Lauren Witzke of Hold The Line PAC. Airplane tried to abuse a kid, so everyone stood up and walked off the plane. The Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. Someday, you will understand this. For now, you can call me a crazy person. But someday you will see. There is no rule on a federal level in the United States, well apart from military. A mother called 911 as her boy was possibly dying, she was greeted with, "Please hold." She was shocked and this problem is increasing more and more. Someday, Joe Biden may step down as President and then a woman will be the President. That could happen any day. Trader Joe's try to make people wear masks, I will not shop there. A person in the 2010s had to work 4x harder and 4x longer in order to earn enough money to buy a car of the same value as that of a car back in the 1980s. Imagine if you were able to pay off your car loan or house loan four times faster? If you went back in time by almost half a century, you would in a way live longer four times longer or in affect it would feel like it as you would be able to pay off debts four times faster. Every time I try to post, Facebook says, "Your Request Couldn't be Processed. There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." It appears that the post goes through and yet I still get this message. I will probably get this same exact message again, this same pop-up, when I click enter to submit and publish this post as well. Let me know if you see this. It is possible nobody can see this post. If that is the case, it would be a limited example of being Shadow-Banned. This would a type of shaddow-banning when a person does not know they are being suppressed or censored or hidden or whatever the case and cases may be. Let people know when things happen to you and keep backups on other websites as you may be terminated off Facebook at any time for no reason at all. So, your days are numbered, it does NOT matter who you are, you should contemplate life after Facebook and/or outside of Facebook. Prepare yourself as much as you can.

Not Just Making Frogs Gay

Around a half a century ago, they murdered a crazy woman's baby, they took dead baby into a lab, cloned them year after year to harvest diseases to then insert those diseases inside vaccines, some which contribute to making some people gay and other things. So, in other words, it's not just the water making the freaking frogs gay. There is a new cult you can join. All you have to do to join the cult is put on a mask. The cult is totally free apart from whatever it costs to buy or make a mask. Have fun in your cult and make sure to recruit as many people as possible to your little cult. If a person doesn't want to join your wonderful mask cult, please wrestle them to the ground and force them to wear a mask or else. Promise to cancel them if they refuse. If they do put a mask on, then make them apologize for everything. Why? Well, apologizing is one of the cult rituals in onboarding new members. Hey, I didn't make up the rules. So, make sure you follow protocol and make sure to use force if you have to. If anybody questions your authority as a cult leader, simply spank them a little. Hey, they deserve it for questioning your authority. Over 80% of Covid deaths in 2020 were comorbidities unrelated to Covid. Biden is the first widely-known unelected U.S. President.


2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 03:17 PM - 2020 Election Log - Gab

Many if not all 2020 Election Integrity cases were NOT lost but ignored by SCOTUS as of Tuesday, the 9th of March of 2021, there appears to be no rule of law in America on a federal level as of right now.

2021, March

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2021-03-09 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-09 - Tuesday
Published in March of 2021

Covid vs Loneliness 158690818_117336767072860_7194535359262866258_n.jpg

Covidliness vs Loneliness

Check out Lauren Witzke of Hold The Line PAC

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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There is no rule on a federal level in the United States, well apart from military.

A person in the 2010s had to work 4x harder and 4x longer in order to earn enough money to buy a car of the same value as that of a car back in the 1980s. Imagine if you were able to pay off your car loan or house loan four times faster? If you went back in time by almost half a century, you would in a way live longer four times longer or in affect it would feel like it as you would be able to pay off debts four times faster.

There is a new cult you can join. All you have to do to join the cult is put on a mask. The cult is totally free apart from whatever it costs to buy or make a mask. Have fun in your cult and make sure to recruit as many people as possible to your little cult. If a person doesn't want to join your wonderful mask cult, please wrestle them to the ground and force them to wear a mask or else. Promise to cancel them if they refuse. If they do put a mask on, then make them apologize for everything. Why? Well, apologizing is one of the cult rituals in onboarding new members. Hey, I didn't make up the rules. So, make sure you follow protocol and make sure to use force if you have to. If anybody questions your authority as a cult leader, simply spank them a little. Hey, they deserve it for questioning your authority.

Airplane tried to abuse a kid, so everyone stood up and walked off the plane.

30% to 50% of humans are already immune to SARS-CoV-2 because they have cross-reactive T-cells (immune system cell). In 2020, immunologists and virologists all around the world studied what they thought was novel and discovered that 30% to 50% of people already have pre-existing immunity due to the pre-existing T-cells. The immunity is due to prior exposure from other corona viruses such as that of the common cold. Covid tests don't test to see if we have these T-cells. Instead, they test for antibodies. We're closer to herd immunity than we realize. Children are not super-spreaders according to big studies. All we have to do is show people the videos, articles, the studies, etc.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

There is no rule on a federal level in the United States, well apart from military.

Bob Hamer

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 05:28 PM - Globalism Log - Bob Hamer

Bob Hamer

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Not Just Makign Frogs Gay

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 12:38 PM - Science Log

Around a half a century ago, they murdered a crazy woman's baby, they took dead baby into a lab, cloned them year after year to harvest diseases to then insert those diseases inside vaccines, some which contribute to making some people gay and other things. So, in other words, it's not just the water making the freaking frogs gay.

Trader Joe's

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 12:41 PM - Covid Log

Trader Joe's try to make people wear masks, I will not shop there.

Join The Cult Mask

2021-03-09 - Monday - 01:14 PM - Covid Log - Facebook

There is a new cult you can join. All you have to do to join the cult is put on a mask. The cult is totally free apart from whatever it costs to buy or make a mask. Have fun in your cult and make sure to recruit as many people as possible to your little cult. If a person doesn't want to join your wonderful mask cult, please wrestle them to the ground and force them to wear a mask or else. Promise to cancel them if they refuse. If they do put a mask on, then make them apologize for everything. Why? Well, apologizing is one of the cult rituals in onboarding new members. Hey, I didn't make up the rules. So, make sure you follow protocol and make sure to use force if you have to. If anybody questions your authority as a cult leader, simply spank them a little. Hey, they deserve it for questioning your authority.

07:15 PM
30% to 50% of humans are already immune to SARS-CoV-2 because they have Cross-reactive T-cells (immune system cell). In 2020, immunologists and virologists all around the world studied what they thought was novel and discovered that 30% to 50% of people already have pre-existing immunity due to the pre-existing T-cells. The immunity is due to prior exposure from other corona viruses such as that of the common cold. Covid tests don't test to see if we have these T-cells. Instead, they test for antibodies. We're closer to herd immunity than we realize. Children are not super-spreaders according to big studies. All we have to do is show people the videos, articles, the studies, etc.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

Four Times Faster in the 1980s

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 12:56 PM - Finance Log

A person in the 2010s had to work 4x harder and 4x longer in order to earn enough money to buy a car of the same value as that of a car back in the 1980s. Imagine if you were able to pay off your car loan or house loan four times faster? If you went back in time by almost half a century, you would in a way live longer four times longer or in affect it would feel like it as you would be able to pay off debts four times faster.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

Rule of Law Gone?

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 11:50 AM

There is no rule on a federal level in the United States, well apart from military.

A mother called 911 as her boy was possibly dying, she was greeted with, "Please hold." She was shocked and this problem is increasing more and more.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Someday, Joe Biden may step down as President and then a woman will be the President. That could happen any day.

Facebook Gave Me This

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - Banned Log - Facebook

Every time I try to post, Facebook says, "Your Request Couldn't be Processed. There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." It appears that the post goes through and yet I still get this message. I will probably get this same exact message again, this same pop-up, when I click enter to submit and publish this post as well. Let me know if you see this. It is possible nobody can see this post. If that is the case, it would be a limited example of being Shadow-Banned. This would a type of shaddow-banning when a person does not know they are being suppressed or censored or hidden or whatever the case and cases may be. Let people know when things happen to you and keep backups on other websites as you may be terminated off Facebook at any time for no reason at all. So, your days are numbered, it does NOT matter who you are, you should contemplate life after Facebook and/or outside of Facebook. Prepare yourself as much as you can.

Marilyn Mitchell, the posts are published but the message makes it sound like the posts were not published.

11:42 PM
When Facebook says something is fake, it is like a little kid saying, "No Mommy, I didn't steal cookies out of the cookie jar."

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

How does Hive Vote work?

01:22 AM - Hive

I have a big question about Hive Vote, if you follow a fan to vote for automatically but also for a curation trail which includes that same fan, will the settings you place for how you vote for the individual fan override settings within the curation trail for that same fan?

I asked this because it said I am voting for one fan at 100% and yet Hive Blocks said I only voted at 50% for that fan. My voting power was at 94% at that time, meaning I don't think I was too weak to vote at 100%. My guess is that a curation trail I joined had this fan set at 50%.

I wonder if you join many trails, if a particular fan is in multiple trails, which trail gets to be the master of the specific settings for that particular fan? My guess would be whichever trail I followed first, that trail would be the master controller over the fan settings.

If not, then perhaps the last trail I followed then. I may try to go back in to manually edit the settings to see if I can assert control over the settings of a particular fan even if the fan is also under the control of trails.

Hive Vote

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 02:34 PM - Tech Log

Curation Trail

Fans to follow

Finding Balance

11:21 AM - Hive

They are strangers to me in the same way you're a stranger to me. I agree with you in regards to humor and specifically laughter is medicine.

I agree that some things or even some people should not be taken too seriously and/or we should not get lost in worry, fear, confusion, details. Learn from the past but don't dwell in the past.

On top of that, pick your battles wisely. This situation doesn't really matter a lot to me in some ways, I'm not necessarily weighed down because of Discord.

I just want people to know and I want to also hold them accountable for their actions. I want them to see they can't get away with those types of crimes.

In the court of public opinion, there is the evidence to their action for the world to see. Yes, perhaps nobody cares and that I wasted my time putting all of this together. I get it. I understand all of that and yet I chose to do it regardless. Also, I kind of like the group, I kind of like the people or some of them at least. I'm also a curious person too.

By the way, I am using Hive Vote at https://hive.vote to vote for people on Hive Blog automatically and I put you on my list, I will be upvoting your posts.

I agree with you in regards to the value or lack therein in chat rooms, I mean generally speaking, exceptions may apply, it depends, but it can often be a waste of time for so many reasons and in so many ways almost everywhere with too many people. So, I'm not always trying to spend all my time to be running around all in live YouTube video chats or in SMS phone text messages, Facebook chats, forums, Discord even, other websites. I kind of don't like small talk even in real life either.

You are right, people can often not want to know certain things. In my life, I've been maturing for many years towards trying to regulate myself in light of that. Too often, people may not want to know or may not be ready.

So, it may be more beneficial to present things to people but not to beat them over with the stick of enlightenment. You kind of have to give them a teaser, an invitation, and then walk away.

I have had the tendency in life to either do too much or too little, to either say too much or too little, and seeking after balance is the real trick. It is worth it in life to seek after balance and it is fun to do so as well.

Are we missionaries or what?

11:38 AM - Hive

He might have confused me with my brother @rsarnold316 in Honduras and I was also doing some ministry in Vietnam, Hawaii, Quebec, etc. So, perhaps me and my brother both have been missionaries or close enough at times. He probably first saw me and first met me in a Discord server or chat room named The Terminal and I was sharing my brother's posts.

He might have thought I was sharing posts about me. He might have been the person that was delegating HP to my brother's account for a week or so and that helped. Perhaps he felt that we have not returned the favor to a high enough degree or something. He might have wanted me to be on his podcast or possible a video show on YouTube, unless if I'm thinking of other people.

I've not had the time to be on his show and maybe he was not happy about that or he is not happy with how I present information relating to politics, to current events, to what is happening in the world. I may agree with him in some ways and I do try to improve in some of what I do in life.

But some vaccines are ok?

11:40 AM - Hive

The Covid Vaccine is not a vaccine. Someday, you will understand this. For now, you can call me a crazy person. But someday you will see.

Blue Anon

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 12:07 PM

Blue Anon

Blockchain Poem

2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 06:02 PM - Poetry Log - Hive

Block 27
Slight and steady goes the song,
Bright and ready is the heart;
Daring upwards to right the wrongs,
Gearing it all in the spirit of the art.

Hive Vote Questions

08:09 PM - Hive

With Hive Vote, does a curation trail override a fanbase upvote, I mean the percentage of a vote, if I set to vote for a fan at 100% and a trail I follow has that same account set at 1%, will the fan be voted at 1%, the settings of a trail? What if I follow multiple trails with the same account for example, which trail would dictate how I will vote for that account?

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Mike Adams

11:45 AM - Situation Update, March 9th, 2021 - The root cause behind all the insanity, desperation and hatred

There is no rule on a federal level in the United States, well apart from military.

A mother called 911 as her boy was possibly dying, she was greeted with, "Please hold." She was shocked and this problem is increasing more and more.

Around a half a century ago, they murdered a crazy woman's baby, they took dead baby into a lab, cloned them year after year to harvest diseases to then insert those diseases inside vaccines, some which contribute to making some people gay and other things. So, in other words, it's not just the water making the freaking frogs gay.

A person in the 2010s had to work 4x harder and 4x longer in order to earn enough money to buy a car of the same value as that of a car back in the 1980s. Imagine if you were able to pay off your car loan or house loan four times faster? If you went back in time by almost half a century, you would in a way live longer four times longer or in affect it would feel like it as you would be able to pay off debts four times faster.

Every time I try to post, Facebook says, "Your Request Couldn't be Processed. There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." It appears that the post goes through and yet I still get this message. I will probably get this same exact message again, this same pop-up, when I click enter to submit and publish this post as well. Let me know if you see this. It is possible nobody can see this post. If that is the case, it would be a limited example of being Shadow-Banned. This would a type of shaddow-banning when a person does not know they are being suppressed or censored or hidden or whatever the case and cases may be. Let people know when things happen to you and keep backups on other websites as you may be terminated off Facebook at any time for no reason at all. So, your days are numbered, it does NOT matter who you are, you should contemplate life after Facebook and/or outside of Facebook. Prepare yourself as much as you can.

Resistance 1776


Over 80% of Covid deaths in 2020 were comorbidities unrelated to Covid.

Hold The Line PAC and check out Lauren's life, how she recovered from drug addictions and what she does now.

Check out Lauren Witzke of Hold The Line PAC.

Primafacia? How do you spell that Latin word meaning on its face?

X22 Report



2021-03-09 - Tuesday - 03:17 PM - 2020 Election Log - Gab

Many if not all 2020 Election Integrity cases were NOT lost but ignored by SCOTUS as of Tuesday, the 9th of March of 2021, there appears to be no rule of law in America on a federal level as of right now.

04:28 PM
Biden is the first widely-known unelected U.S. President.

Bob Hamer

Dr. Charlie Ward


Is a Federal Reserve bank in Georgia empty, no cars, no lights, in 2021, that is since 2020, the past several months, did that bank close or what happened?

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Mike Adams

11:45 AM - Situation Update, March 9th, 2021 - The root cause behind all the insanity, desperation and hatred

Resistance 1776


Resistance 1776


X22 Report


The Resistance 1776


THe High Command


The High Command


The High Command


Dr. Charlie Ward


The Crow House


Wendy Williams tell Dr. Oz she will not get the Covid Vaccine on television.

Airplane tried to abuse a kid, so everyone stood up and walked off the plane.

The Crow House


X22 Report


Dear diary, got up at 10:50 AM, recycling, good to be outside, partly cloudy, birds on the feeder, hose is up on new pole I see fir the first time was was put out a few days ago, maybe last Thursday or maybe after that. But basically early in March of 2021 the hoses were taken out by Larry and that is a sign of Spring mom joked a few days ago. We are planting some grass in the front yard as I said yesterday. We did some of that yesterday and went to level out the lawn to reduce low spots and we do that sometimes. Your new profile picture is possibly the best one yet. Ph. Nap from 08:30 PM to 11:30 PM. Around three hours. Feel like I ate too much for lunch and dinner, the soup was that good.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: grapes, 11 AM. Oatmeal, walnuts, 11:25 AM.
Lunch: soup stuff, afternoon.
Dinner: more soup stuff with middle around like 5 PM.

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