
Are you pronatal?

Border Pandemic, America Died. George Floyd had Covid and the cop was not a cop. They will send robots after you. Learn how to kill robots. Do it now or else. What is the Internet? For all you old people out there, the Internet is like a Landline Telephone Answering Machine but much faster. Nike sells 666 Satan shoes with human blood in the sole, music video shows a gay rapper giving Satan a lap dance. As Privateering died around 1714, Pirating began to rise. I'm watching a Netflix documentary series called The Lost Pirate Kingdom. Please tell me Terminator robots are not real. In Canada, they suspended a jab for people under the age of 55. Some of the most successful people of all-time generally have a success rate as high as like 30% and many many many many times a lot lower than that. Just look at William Shakespeare for example. They admit Lockdown is all about Global Warming and not about Covid, they admit in mainstream news, read all about it. Why do news reporters wear masks? Because viruses can hop through the screen and into your body. They're trying to protect you and keep you safe. Besides, camcorders and camera equipment in general can't wear masks, only people can do that.

Project Looking Glass

There is a rumor that all potential future timelines according to calculations made by Quantum Computers, that no matter what they do, it all converges in an inverted Umbrella Academy where evil loses. If you're on the losing side, you will lose. In the end, the good guys win no matter what, join us or pay the price in the long-run, Project Looking-Glass. Wallstreet Journal and others said we must learn how to be prisoners in our own homes globally. Since genetically modified jabs are so good, why not eat genetically modified foods as well? It is said pirates abolished slavery in the 1700s. Daily, people walk up into Texas into airports and fly to random cities across America, billions of dollars was spent, many don't know English, many don't know where they are going. Many are begging, crying, for help. SpongeBob was canceled for having a Clam Flu Pandemic in their Kwarantined Krab episode because it might create anti-Asian hate. People eat people in Venezuela, that is coming to America soon.

Jerm Warfare Website
Two Plus Two Equals Five Or Anything But Four
PMV - Politically Motivated Virus

2021, March

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2021-03-30 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-30 - Tuesday
Published in March of 2021

Naked Man Hold Hands With Girls.jpg

Naked Man Hold Hands With Girls

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Two plus two equls five, bad_math.jpg

2021-03-29 - Monday - 04:23 PM - Facebook - By Rick Arnold

'Two plus two equals five.' Orwell's '1984' is here - WND Exclusive

Covid Under Trump vs Biden Being a Lion vs a Kitten Cat.jpg

2021-03-02 - Tuesday - 06:11 PM - Hive | Facebook - By Rick Arnold

Border Pandemic, America Died.

They will send robots after you. Learn how to kill robots. Do it now or else.

Some of the most successful people of all-time generally have a success rate as high as like 30% and many many many many times a lot lower than that. Just look at William Shakespeare for example.

They admit Lockdown is all about Global Warming and not about Covid, they admit in mainstream news, read all about it.

It is said pirates abolished slavery in the 1700s.

People eat people in Venezuela, that is coming to America soon.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

What is the Internet?

2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 12:12 AM - Tech Log

What is the Internet? For all you old people out there, the Internet is like a Landline Telephone Answering Machine but much faster. An answering phone replays audio. It is not live. It happened in the past. Likewise, when you are looking at a web page, you are looking at a place you went to, you went to a web page, but your Internet could be out. If you already accessed the page, it may be saved in the RAM, the cache, HDD, SSD, etc. But you may not be there currently. You would need to refresh the web page before thinking your Internet is still working. Remember if a web page is already loaded, then that means you have no idea if the Internet is working right now in the same way you don't know if a person is still alive based on an answering machine message. See, it was done in the past and some websites may not show you whether or not things changed or not. And that is just the tip of the iceberg to how the Internet works.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Canada Banned Covid Vaccine

2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 11:28 AM - Covid Log

In Canada, they suspended a jab for people under the age of 55.

02:33 PM
Why do news reporters wear masks? Because viruses can hop through the screen and into your body. They're trying to protect you and keep you safe. Besides, camcorders and camera equipment in general can't wear masks, only people can do that.

Learning English

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02:36 PM
Foster kids were ordered to vacate to make room for migrants.

Oatmeal Health

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Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Dressing up as women

10:48 AM - Facebook

Opa Tom Helus, historically, men would play women parts, I understand that. However, that does not mean the Devil is not in the background trying to pervert things and stuff. So, even I have played a woman in a video. I know it happens. So, I am not trying to say it is bad to dress up as a woman but I am saying some people who do do it for other reasons or have to.


11:23 AM - Facebook

ᚲᛖᚢᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ, my guess would be on average, men would have larger ones and that is all I am trying to say, I am trying to describe generalities and not exceptions to the rule.

02:33 PM
Why do news reporters wear masks? Because viruses can hop through the screen and into your body. They're trying to protect you and keep you safe. Besides, camcorders and camera equipment in general can't wear masks, only people can do that.

Germs & Viruses

05:34 PM

ᚲᛖᚢᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚨᚱᛊᛟᚾ, why are viruses not going inside bacteria?

Retarded GMO

05:50 PM - Facebook

I wrote
Since genetically modified jabs are so good, why not eat genetically modified foods as well?

Gene Ahearn wrote
You got that backasswards we've been eating them for years

Duglan Hogarth wrote
I’m pretty much convinced that you are an actual retarded person Oatmeal man.

I responded
Duglan Hogarth, and you are right, what I posted here is retarded, we all know GMO is not bad, thinking such a thing is very retarded and that is why I am so retarded.

Women With a Celebrity

10:52 PM - Facebook

That reminds me, that first pic, the father of Angelina Jolie, he is a patriot, Angelina probably not so much even tho I like her talents and beauty, and I need to go see if there is a new season of Ray Donovan, I binge watch that.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Donald Trump Jr Wrote

11:07 AM - Twitter

Let me get this straight... some Democrats want American citizens to have a Vaccine Passport to travel freely within the United States but not an ID to vote?!?

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

05:33 PM
It is said pirates abolished slavery in the 1700s.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Shave or Not to Shave

08:47 PM - Hive

That video has no audio or little audio. It was a mistake. I didn't have my microphone working. I sometimes shave once a week or once a month. I don't shave all the time or sometimes I do shave a lot.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Health Ranger

01:19 AM - Situation Update, Mar 29, 2021 - Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity

Nike sells 666 Satan shoes with human blood in the sole, music video shows a gay rapper giving Satan a lap dance.

Live vaccine testing on babies as young as 6 months old, many die, it is child sacrificing, it is Satanic.

The Lost Pirate Kingdom

2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 01:30 AM - 02:16 AM - The Lost Pirate Kingdom 101

1715 is the start of the golden age of the pirates. As Privateering died around 1714, Pirating began to rise. Romeo & Juliet type pirate stories as presented in the Jack Sparrow movies. Shipwrecks outside or on the coasts of Florida.

2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 02:17 AM - 03:01 AM - The Lost Pirate Kingdom 102

In July of 1715, the twelve year war ended. Peace between France and England in 1714.

Health Ranger

10:31 AM - Situation Update, Mar 30th, 2021 - Project Looking Glass reveals convergence of future timelines

Please tell me Terminator robots are not real.

10:53 AM
They will send robots after you. Learn how to kill robots. Do it now or else.

George Floyd had Covid and the cop was not a cop.

CDC has a Eviction Ban which is extended through June 30, 2021. We all know CDC has the power to intervene in rental and housing contracts, we all hope the 6 lawsuits against the CDC fail.

11:27 AM
In Canada, they suspended a jab for people under the age of 55.

11:53 AM
There is a rumor that all potential future timelines according to calculations made by Quantum Computers, that no matter what they do, it all converges in an inverted Umbrella Academy where evil loses. If you're on the losing side, you will lose. In the end, the good guys win no matter what, join us or pay the price in the long-run, Project Looking-Glass.

Jerm Warfare


01:16 PM
Some of the most successful people of all-time generally have a success rate as high as like 30% and many many many many times a lot lower than that. Just look at William Shakespeare for example.

Are you pronatal?

Ron Gibson


Wallstreet Journal and others said we must learn how to be prisoners in our own homes globally.

01:50 PM
They admit Lockdown is all about Global Warming and not about Covid, they admit in mainstream news, read all about it.

02:08 PM
Men will not be able to have babies by 2045, United Nations are celebrating, I mean tadpoles.

"You should never be allowed to leave your home again" they say.

Ban This . TV
Since genetically modified jabs are so good, why not eat genetically modified foods as well?

Ron Gibson


Alex Jones predicts Hell before 2030, many things to die, many people, many different things globally, so much.

Daily, people walk up into Texas into airports and fly to random cities across America, billions of dollars was spent, many don't know English, many don't know where they are going. Many are begging, crying, for help.

06:12 PM
Federal Stand-Down Order at the Borders.

Ban This . TV

06:23 PM
People eat people in Venezuela, that is coming to America soon.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Health Ranger

01:19 AM - Situation Update, Mar 29, 2021 - Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity

The Lost Pirate Kingdom

2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 01:30 AM - 02:16 AM - The Lost Pirate Kingdom 101
2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 02:17 AM - 03:01 AM - The Lost Pirate Kingdom 102

Health Ranger

10:31 AM - Situation Update, Mar 30th, 2021 - Project Looking Glass reveals convergence of future timelines

Jerm Warfare


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Not Fake News


Nick Veniamin


X22 Report


Dear diary, got up at 10:20 AM. Nice day. A little tired from the work I did physically yesterday, little sore. Got out a dozen or more of the shortest plastic pots out of the greenhouse around 1:30 PM. Cut up orange and banana slices. Vacuum, dishes, trash, recycling, compost, 3 water cans find, kitchen sweep mop, observed living room TV HDMI 2 channel for input channel into the TV from cable box, these things done maybe some things before 2 PM apx but rest done around 3 to 5:27 PM. Talked to mom about America in the 1800s in regards to the good and bad of Americans, Indians, white people, black people, yellow people, brown people, red people, different races, ethic groups, cultures, who did what, the good and the bad. 2 things to remember, the cable box and the TV. Don't conflate the two. Gun Smoke show. Home Improvement, seasons 7and 8. Halloween. Making a movie. Little cold outside last night and maybe again tonight, hard for small plants for starting our garden. Cheyane show had Indians. Some Indians took women but perhaps after 5 years or so, women would be allowed to walk away if they wanted to. It might be that pirates abolished slaves. Nap from around 7 to 8:20 PM. Over an hour I think.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: coffee, banana. 11:00 AM. Orange, 12:22 AM. Lunch: soup, chicken, green beans, on potatoes, 1:44 PM. Dinner: more soup stuff like lunch, 5:30 PM, yogurt, bagel.

Hive Vote
1.93% is the lowest I have voted at so far.

Back Problem
2021-03-30 - Tuesday - 05:21 PM - Family History Log

Mom told me a story about my older brother, Rick Arnold, when he was like ten years old, which would be 1992 in Oregon, USA. So, around that time,they took Rick to a hospital, a clinic, or something, like Shriners or however you spell it. His back was possibly growing not straight. So, they did things for free. Maybe they just looked at him. Not sure if there were surgeries involved or anything else.

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