
Oatmeal Joey Arnold was ALMOST banned from America.

Why don't viruses infect germs? If viruses infect cells and germs are cells, what am I missing?

They picked a problem they could never fix, they weaponized the corona viruses which mutates so much they have not been able to make vaccines for them since the early 1900s, over a century, and vaccines are already bad enough and yet they weaponized them. On top of that, they enforce health passports through a global government even as open borders run wild with refuges not getting the Killer Vaccines. Why so many actors play women? For example, Mrs. Doubtfire. A lady blocked a governor from filming inside a public government building. The lady was trying to block governor Ted Cruz in Texas from filming how badly they treat people in the buildings where they store the refuges coming into America through Mexico. I was almost NOT allowed back into AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Storming The Country Not Capitol

Millions of people are storming not on Jan6 but into the country but without the jab. Genesis 3:22 is about living forever and that is why globalists are crazy addicted to that number, 3-2-2. You killed Kenni, I mean Philadelphia. Toby Hugh Daniell, I am talking about something that happened to me but also to other Americans. I'm making a contrast between Americans and non-Americans entering America.

2021-03-29 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 461pics | Video | 11:59 PM - Oatmeal Weekly - 2021-03-29 - Monday

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2021-03-29 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-29 - Monday
Published in March of 2021

Covid Vaccines Kill People Exrlit3XIAIRpN9.png

Covid Vaccines Kill People

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Oatmeal Weekly - 2021-03-29 - Monday
Biggest Thing this week was I watched first 2 seasons of Umbrella Academy.

Umbrella Academy

11:59 PM - Oatmeal Weekly - 2021-03-29 - Monday


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

03:06 AM
Toby Hugh Daniell, I am talking about something that happened to me but also to other Americans. I'm making a contrast between Americans and non-Americans entering America.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

02:00 AM
I almost did not make it back into America from Vietnam in 2017.

Somebody asked me why. I don't know but you will have no problem coming in, you can walk right into America with no papers needed, no passports needed if you are NOT an American.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

02:25 AM
Why don't viruses infect germs?

Can women have big shoulders like men?

2021-03-29 - Monday - 10:22 PM - Meaning to Life Log - Facebook

Tiffany Jefferson, generalities vs exceptions. On top of that, there is a lot more to the story. I am talking about one structure on average and your point is relating to muscles. My point is not pointed to exceptions or to specific potential in muscles. Each person is an individual and each person is different in many ways. But at the same time, DNA and other things play a huge factor in determining averages, statistics, generalities in how things were and how things normally are based on observable science. That does not mean something is impossible. An average means it tends to be that way. It does NOT mean it cannot be any other way at all ever ever. But it is important to know what is normal. When something is not normal, then we could maybe assume, presume, theorize, that the normal thing was good and/or bad. First, we got to know patterns. When a person breaks a pattern, we can be aware so we can then observe, study, analyze, judge, figure out, good or bad, we can take the time to react to the exception. It is very hard to know the details if we are not ready.

Tiffany Jefferson, yes, humans in general are weaker and smaller than they were long ago for many reasons, we can study patterns, generalities, history, etc. We can seek to break out of the patterns and some do which can be good and/or bad.

Oatmeal Health

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Aria Aur

2021-03-28 - Sunday - 11:40 AM - Banned Log - Facebook

She wrote:
So Facebook! You like to make up shit, don’t you ?! As soon as I made a post about the protests that are happening LIVE, as we speak, in Romania, and tagged about 100 of my patriotic friends, Facebook did this ! Check this out you all ! Oh, and the few comments I just got in that post as well, they’re gone now !

Facebook locked her account 164492435_10158385672636795_6050454038637722237_n.jpg

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Finding Balance

12:28 AM - Hive

Hahahaa yes thanks. When I need balance, I take a nap to get reset and sometimes have crazy dreams, interesting dreams, I usually feel better afterwards, I'm able to see and hear better, having peace and quiet can help put things back to the root of all things.

Regarding Dreams

10:37 PM - Hive

I don't dream black and white, always colors, but some say they see no colors in dreams either sometimes or never ever.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

General Shepherd

12:00 AM - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) SUNDAY - 3/28/21

They picked a problem they could never fix, they weaponized the corona viruses which mutates so much they have not been able to make vaccines for them since the early 1900s, over a century, and vaccines are already bad enough and yet they weaponized them. On top of that, they enforce health passports through a global government even as open borders run wild with refuges not getting the Killer Vaccines.

12:10 AM
Millions of people are storming not on Jan6 but into the country but without the jab.

Genesis 3:22 is about living forever and that is why globalists are crazy addicted to that number, 3-2-2.

01:00 AM
Why so many actors play women? For example, Mrs. Doubtfire.

Hawaii abolished slavery before America and even had electricity in the ruling house first as well.

01:40 AM
A lady blocked a governor from filming inside a public government building. The lady was trying to block governor Ted Cruz in Texas from filming how badly they treat people in the buildings where they store the refuges coming into America through Mexico.

01:57 AM
Cardi B & her backup singers makeout at the Grammys on stage but you have to social distance, wear a mask, you slave.

The Walking Dead

2021-03-29 - Monday - 02:07 AM - 02:49 AM - The Walking Dead 1021

Carol. Daryl. Soup. Mouse trap home made. Carol tore up the walls for no reason.

Sunday Infowars

03:04 AM - Bitchute

You killed Kenni, I mean Philadelphia.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

General Shepherd

12:00 AM - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) SUNDAY - 3/28/21

General Shepherd


The Walking Dead

2021-03-29 - Monday - 02:07 AM - 02:49 AM - The Walking Dead 1021

Dear diary, got up at 08:30 AM apx, a call. Truck to come and it did around 9 or 10. Moving over down that hill to Snow White House. After 1 PM pizza lunch, the moving truck came. So, we unloaded that afternoon. How drawers are fit in under master bed room, dolly like thing insert under to add wiggle room secret. Cat tree thing which you buy, we assembled. And then to the place at 6. Actually around 15 minutes early. I mentioned Umbrella Academy. See my Watch Log notes for more info. Watched to the end of season 2. Was expecting Seven to split when he traveled through time by seconds. I guess it depends. A few people listened and jumped in around the tables. Casserole. Court case. Nate hit him, stole stuff from him, and stuff. As his defense attorney, I did a bad job at trying to protect my client and present a good case to the world, to the judge and to the jurors. I said he had a restraining order on him and had to him in for some reason. I didn't really explain the reasoning. Later said he was under a lot of stress. I said it was his table and that he took what was already his. I asked two people put on the stand and the first person I asked tap dancing if she saw what happened before what happened happened. No. I rest my case. Order in the court. My second question this time to the second witness was if glasses is she saw the ID which was allegedly stolen. No. I rest my case. But my client was found guilty. I could have said more and different things like people love him and yes he is guilty of some things but not other things. We did debates and commercial previous weeks, He was found guilty. Nobody took my side. Volleyball. I kick the ball a few times, generally not so well. After that, it was to the place that spiders and spider webs disconnect and how to fix good questions. I wrote about the services and options in the past. Process of illumination. I mean elimination. Comcast. Channel input, HDMI channel source. Depends, many factors. God bless you. Call. Recorded. Standard. Reset. Unplug, turn on. Who knows. I am not a factor I said. And it depends, many things, long story.

Food Log
2021-03-29 - Tuesday
Breakfast: coffee, oatmeal, 9 AM. Pizza for lunch around 1 PM. Later on, apple slice chocolate covered nuts or something. Dinner at 6 included a noodle tuna casserole thing which was ok, dessert was a yummy like cheese chocolate cake or something. Soup noodle peas casserole thing at home around 8:30 PM.

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