
They ALLOW people to SHOPLIFT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Americans have to get the jab but the people walking into the country don't have to. People are getting BANNED on Facebook for mentioning how 20+ EU states have discontinued the jab jab. This will be our little secret, don't tell anyone. Basketball announced the vactard section where you can mix and match the super strands, you'll be sorry in some months from now. The NBA special vactard section still requires face diapers. In the UK, they've announced having national sewer monitoring to help supervise required twice a week self-testing which people are told they must do. You CANNOT talk about your dead mom, that would be political. Baby cannot have mommy who is wearing a mask, plastic smuddering the baby.

Big Global Experiment

According to scientific studies, they found that most people will commit crimes if authority figures told them to, we are currently in a global experiment since 2020. Hello Stupid Americans, you guys wear diapers on your face, you guys are so funny and so stupid, ahahahahahahaha. Love, your favorite authoritarian, Rocket Man Kim of North Korea. PS. We may bomb you if we feel like since like China said, you guys can no longer speak from position of strength. But like Putin said, I wish your sock good health, wink wink, nod nod. Ahhh, you crazy translators, not sock, I mean puppet. Wait a minute, silly translator, I mean stooge. I decided not to join the military.

Fighting Globalism

I encourage people to assemble solar-powered water-proof decentralized mesh-node-opened Bit-Torrent compatible open-source blockchain servers, computers, devices, and have them buried in the ground, have them in different places so governments cannot find them. Give them multiple sources of power, alternative energy sources, have them always on to keep ad-hoc networks going, have them connected to decentralized satellites and other things. Cryptocurrencies, blockchains, etc, can continue to run all around the world through black markets if it has to, the dark webs, the regular Internet, etc, regardless of what individual countries may try to do. Having these systems in place helps backup content in a world where they actively burn books digitally.

Cannot Post Rocket Man on Facebook, Against Community Guidelines on Hate Speech

2021, March

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2021-03-25 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-25 - Thursday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-25 20:19:36 Jab.png

Father tricks his daughters into promoting Killer Covid Vaccines

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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People are getting BANNED on Facebook for mentioning how 20+ EU states have discontinued the jab jab. This will be our little secret, don't tell anyone.

The NBA special vactard section still requires face diapers.

In the UK, they've announced having national sewer monitoring to help supervise required twice a week self-testing which people are told they must do.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

12:00 PM

12:34 PM
Illegal to leave UK, you will be fined thousands of dollars.

01:12 PM
According to scientific studies, they found that most people will commit crimes if authority figures told them to, we are currently in a global experiment since 2020.

Alex Jones on Amazon to counter fake Chinese Infowars products.

Fighting Globalism

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 01:37 PM - Globalism Log

I encourage people to assemble solar-powered water-proof decentralized mesh-node-opened Bit-Torrent compatible open-source blockchain servers, computers, devices, and have them buried in the ground, have them in different places so governments cannot find them. Give them multiple sources of power, alternative energy sources, have them always on to keep ad-hoc networks going, have them connected to decentralized satellites and other things. Cryptocurrencies, blockchains, etc, can continue to run all around the world through black markets if it has to, the dark webs, the regular Internet, etc, regardless of what individual countries may try to do. Having these systems in place helps backup content in a world where they actively burn books digitally.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Illegal Aliens No Vaccines

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 11:15 AM - Covid Log

Americans have to get the jab but the people walking into the country don't have to.

People are getting BANNED on Facebook for mentioning how 20+ EU states have discontinued the jab jab. This will be our little secret, don't tell anyone.

Basketball announced the vactard section where you can mix and match the super strands, you'll be sorry in some months from now.

The NBA special vactard section still requires face diapers.

11:32 AM
In the UK, they've announced having national sewer monitoring to help supervise required twice a week self-testing which people are told they must do.

When they find Covid in the sewers, they'll shutdown streets where they find the Covid. They're sending people into the sewers to test the sewers, you know when you flush the toilet.

You CANNOT talk about your dead mom, that would be political.

07:21 PM
It's a miracle, no more Flu Deaths.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

01:00 AM
Yesterday or some hours ago, found some home videos of mine on some VHS video tapes and I do that sometimes but these videos I've been finding especially these past few weeks or days in 2021 has been especially surprising to me. I've written on my VHS to DVD projects over the years, it goes back to the early 2000s for example, and it's a long story, see some of my logs for more information.

I particularly feel like finding my videos lost in random parts of the VHS tapes is like finding a needle in a hay stack. I had to fast forward through entire tapes to find some of these videos.

VCR Broke

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 06:20 PM - VHS to DVD Log

Been working on my VHS to DVD project the past 2 or so weeks. March was the first month of this current year that I've been working on it. I work on this project off and on in previous years as well, see my VHS to DVD Log for more info. In the afternoon, around 5 PM, the VCR broke. The video drive malfunctioned and I took it apart to try to fix it. I ended up taking parts off. Some of that was accidental. I put the parts in a plastic bag and kept it inside the VCR. The information about this VCR is as follows: Sansui VHS HQ Energy 4-Head Model number NO. VCR4520E, AC 120V 60Hz 8W, Orion Sales Inc, Princeton, Indiana. FCC ID A7RM4F1B, video system E68219CATM4F12, Serial NO. SR. Closer 6 PM, noticed problems with my VCR DVD Recorder combo machine, DVD recorder and player part made loud noises and then not so much later on, I might have kind of fixed it or it may still have issues. The VCR player part is dirty and I will try to clean it with a cleaning tape.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

Decentralized Streaming

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 11:11 AM - Tech Log

Decentralized streaming helps distribute and balance and spread the load of the stream. For example, imagine going live in a live-stream video on the Internet, imagine the stream going going out to ten people and then imagine that the video is then sent from them to 100 more people which is then sent to 1000 additional people and so on and so forth, that is decentralized streaming which is easier to do than it would be to send the live video to thousands of people from a centralized location like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, Twitch, etc, does.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

They Attack Christians

11:01 AM - Facebook

Lisa Berry, the point is Christians are murdered. Equality is not there, they attack white males. In schools, they teach people that white people are very bad. They teach that America is bad. They are teaching children to hate America and to hate good things. Some kids end up killing themselves. Bad things happen because of what they are taught.

Would Jesus care about all of this?

11:49 AM - Facebook

Rachel Haight, I thought we were talking about toilet paper, I am literally talking about what may happen soon. Jesus was caught up with what people did. Actual actions. And I am talking about actual actions. It is not political to talk about actions that people do. Jesus flipped over tables. Jesus hung out with sinners. Jesus talked about the actions that people did, good and bad actions. I am talking about actual actions including the action of wearing face diapers. These are actions. We talk about what people do. We help people see the light. Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil, John 3:19, their deeds, their actions, what they do, and I talk about those deeds sometimes. It is good to know what is good and what is bad. It is good to help people make choices in life, freewill, people can be given elevated perspective to help them make choices, it is their life to do as they wish, but we pray for wisdom for them.

Rachel Haight, I am helping people in what I do, I have been doing this all my life, I believe in what I do and always have all my life, and I refuse to stop.

12:38 PM
Rachel Haight, let your light shine before men, but if nobody can see you, then it does not help. If you have the ability to shine before many people, you do that.

Not Allowed to Travel

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 06:09 PM - Facebook

Illegal to leave UK, you will be fined thousands of dollars.

Toby replied, "It's been this way for ages. Keep up."

Toby Hugh Daniell, it is illegal to go on vacation? Whatever happen to open borders? I thought walls were bad.

Toby replied, "we don't really have borders, we are an island. You can leave the country, but only for work / business purposes."

Toby Hugh Daniell, why are so many people allowed to come into the UK for not working? Remember what the mayor of London said a few years ago?

Toby Hugh Daniell, if times have changed, then why do people continue to come into the UK for over ten years and each year the numbers get bigger and bigger and that includes 2020 and 2021, if times have changed then why are these events and transactions and things stay the same or better yet why are they increasing in momentum, why are these things accelerating, why did death by knives go up in the UK the past few years, why are people still allowed to freely come into England, non-citizens, and yet the citizens can't escape as if England was a Prison Planet, why give non-citizens more freedoms than the actual citizens themselves?

New School Shootings Coming Soon

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 06:36 PM - Globalism Log - Facebook

It is very hard to know which are not, even in the last century, most if not all of the mass shootings were at least triggered, manipulated, pushed, via MK-Ultra, false flags, actors sometimes, conditioning via external desensitizing peer pressure, accountability deactivation, and Moral Compass Duality. I have to always plug that famous movie called TIME Changer.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Harris is a Man?

12:15 PM - Bitchute

Somebody in the comments wrote:
Kamala Harris" who is supposedly actually a man name Kamal Aroush born in Benghazi and is a British citizen. Kamal's father was an army general in the Libyan Sanussi Satanic Royal Army. We're living a sci-fi, horror, thriller, action, mystery, comedy movie!!

Somebody else wrote:
Please be specific and call out the Windsor’s (Sade-Coberg and Gotha ((House of Wettin & Hanover)). Buschee, Swartz family. We r ready for the next level.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Wells of Life

01:28 AM - Hive

It is very good to have springs of water. Our neighborhood is connected to a local well but it requires electricity meaning if we lose power, then we lose water. So, we store containers of water in the house just in case.

Tech Question

10:50 PM - ON Amazon, I asked

Is it universal or compatible with all 5 1/4 inch floppy disks, as in computer floppy disks and not just Commodore or video game related floppies?

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Umbrella Academy 202

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 01:33 AM - 02:23 AM - The Umbrella Academy 202

She survives, she has metal in her brain. Talking goldfish. But she is demoted. The couple escaped then crazy hospital. Cute couple. Who is Diego? Five: "Imagine Batman and then aim lower." Prison. Reunion. Meeting dad in the 60s. Monkey Pogo. Dad stabs Diego.

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 02:23 AM - 03:11 AM - The Umbrella Academy 203

Will she remember who she is? Equality. Social justice leftism splat in this show. They do a sit down at a restaurant to show how racist white people are. Truth is, not all white people are racist. Actually, all people are racist sometimes and black people statistically have been more racist towards other black people than other color people towards others. White people pour salt on the black people. The crazy GF of Diego is the daughter of that future woman.

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 03:11 AM - 03:59 AM - The Umbrella Academy 204

Hit the queer who is trying to save you from dying in the American war in Vietnam. So, he did. Lesbyism. Getting high. My dad was a dentist and left these things to me in his will. But my dad left me on the moon. You're so weird and look like an ape.

Health Ranger

10:52 AM - Situation Update, Mar 25, 2021 - Don't go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE CULT

Decentralized streaming helps distribute and balance and spread the load of the stream. For example, imagine going live in a live-stream video on the Internet, imagine the stream going going out to ten people and then imagine that the video is then sent from them to 100 more people which is then sent to 1000 additional people and so on and so forth, that is decentralized streaming which is easier to do than it would be to send the live video to thousands of people from a centralized location like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Periscope, Twitch, etc, does.

All hail the vactards.

Basketball announced the vactard section where you can mix and match the super strands, you'll be sorry in some months from now.

11:24 AM
The NBA special vactard section still requires face diapers.

In the UK, they're trying to force people to self-test twice a week.

In the UK, they've announced having national sewer monitoring to help supervise required twice a week self-testing which people are told they must do.

When they find Covid in the sewers, they'll shutdown streets where they find the Covid. They're sending people into the sewers to test the sewers, you know when you flush the toilet.

The stuff from the sewers is spread onto farm crops.

Please leave your used toilet paper in a bag outside your house twice a week, we'll collect them and analyze the contents on them in order to keep you very very safe.

I'm going to stick this in your arm, there are massive side effects which may include death. After I give you this jab, you will still need to wear your awesome face diaper. Have a nice day.

You CANNOT talk about your dead mom, that would be political.

Shoplifting is ACTUALLY LEGAL. Did you know that?


Ron Gibson


I saw a video of a newborn separated from the mother via plastic.

Baby cannot have mommy who is wearing a mask, plastic smuddering the baby.

According to scientific studies, they found that most people will commit crimes if authority figures told them to, we are currently in a global experiment since 2020.

Bitcoin in Nigeria as a currency.

Ron Gibson


Around 95% of the transactions, the total processing power, RAM, CPU, for mining, and/or etc, is of the original Bitcoin BTC as of 2021 according to Max Keiser and the other cryptocurrencies is 5% of the crypto market probably, apx, currently.

Robert Barnes talked about a crazy thing that corporation cartels are engaged in.

You should investigate and then indict but they did the opposite, they indicted first. They also violated the right to a speedy trial. They violate the right to privacy.

07:27 PM
Hello Stupid Americans, you guys wear diapers on your face, you guys are so funny and so stupid, ahahahahahahaha. Love, your favorite authoritarian, Rocket Man Kim of North Korea. PS. We may bomb you if we feel like since like China said, you guys can no longer speak from position of strength. But like Putin said, I wish your sock good health, wink wink, nod nod. Ahhh, you crazy translators, not sock, I mean puppet. Wait a minute, silly translator, I mean stooge.

08:52 PM
After over 60 million people died in China due to famines, farmers bribed their way back to being able to farm and sell food more so or again. Without that kind of innovation, the famines would have continued, people would have accelerated deaths each year.

11:14 PM
In the 2010s or in a short period of time, America absorbed like ten percent of the population or South America or a really big number at least, it is scary like what is happening in Europe with their Open Borders.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Umbrella Academy

2021-03-25 - Thursday - 01:33 AM - 02:23 AM - The Umbrella Academy 202
2021-03-25 - Thursday - 02:23 AM - 03:11 AM - The Umbrella Academy 203
2021-03-25 - Thursday - 03:11 AM - 03:59 AM - The Umbrella Academy 204

Health Ranger

10:52 AM - Situation Update, Mar 25, 2021 - Don't go down with the left-wing VACCINE SUICIDE CULT

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at 10:35 AM, 6.3 hours of sleep.

Chores Log

2021-03-25 - Thursday - Chores Log

Put 2 rectangle food things into both sides of the bird feeder, 10:45 Am. Took off screen and sliding glass doors for the backdoor here, screen door to truck, that was running into the glass door to make the squeek. We added oil to the wheels of the sliding glass door around 1 PM for ten or so minutes. Also, the sides and the lock part too. This should be done yearly he says. Washing dishes for an hour, 2 to 3 PM, got the mail, no critter feeding, dryer load, laundry basket deliver to mom's room. Been working on my VHS to DVD project the past 2 or so weeks. March was the first month of this current year that I've been working on it. I work on this project off and on in previous years as well, see my VHS to DVD Log for more info. In the afternoon, around 5 PM, the VCR broke. The video drive malfunctioned and I took it apart to try to fix it. I ended up taking parts off. Some of that was accidental. I put the parts in a plastic bag and kept it inside the VCR. The information about this VCR is as follows: Sansui VHS HQ Energy 4-Head Model number NO. VCR4520E, AC 120V 60Hz 8W, Orion Sales Inc, Princeton, Indiana. FCC ID A7RM4F1B, video system E68219CATM4F12, Serial NO. SR. Closer 6 PM, noticed problems with my VCR DVD Recorder combo machine, DVD recorder and player part made loud noises and then not so much later on, I might have kind of fixed it or it may still have issues. The VCR player part is dirty and I will try to clean it with a cleaning tape. Stethoscopes might be able to help with cracking safes.

Locks. Turn right for some. 3 rotations for first number, rotations to second number, then one rotation to final number.

Food Log

2021-03-25 - Thursday - I Eat Log

Breakfast: coffee, apple, 10:52 AM. Fried egg rice stuff, 11:25 AM. Soup on rice, 03:20 PM lunch, my room. And more around 7 PM for dinner, broccoli too. 2nd bagel, 10 PM, had my 1st bagel around dinner.


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