
Restaurant charges customers $50 Face Tax. Obama may someday say, "Hey folks, you can't get me, I'm NOT even American." Is Richard Grenell the first ever temporary acting President of the United States via military rule in 2021 or was it just an accident that he was listed as President on the Internet? Our bodies are on the third dimension, our soul is in higher dimensions, but there are things in the lower dimensions which are trying to suck us in like a black hole, could you imagine living life on the first or second dimension? What kind of Hell would that be? There are places it got so bad in Europe that they started mixing them up into cocktails. Take them all. It's like a party.

2021, March

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2021-03-21 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-21 - Sunday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-20 16:02:26 There is a DISTINCTION between what is LEGAL and what is LAWFUL.png

There is a DISTINCTION between what is LEGAL and what is LAWFUL

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Our bodies are on the third dimension, our soul is in higher dimensions, but there are things in the lower dimensions which are trying to suck us in like a black hole, could you imagine living life on the first or second dimension? What kind of Hell would that be?

Obama may someday say, "Hey folks, you can't get me, I'm NOT even American."

Restaurant charges customers $50 Face Tax.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Restaurant charges customers $50 Face Tax.

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Sunday Walk Through a Park

01:19 PM - Hive

Those ducks are funny, those seagulls are cute, I love especially purple flowers, purple and orange are especially beautiful colors.

I love nature, I love these photos, that first sculpture of the rocks made me think of the Star Trek Enterprise flying through outer-space.

I didn't realize how small hedgehogs are and yet so cute. They remind me of like a hybrid of cats and mice. But also, hedgehogs are quite unique as well.

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 08:08 PM PST LMS JA - VHS Log created. Also see DVD Log to correlate info between the VHS and DVD logs, cross reference to verify details and to double check everything, one log may have things that can help explain the other or vice versa.

Runaway Lady

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 02:00 PM - VHS Log - VHS 62
2021-03-21 - Sunday - DVD 01

Ricky & Joey filmed this in 1996 or 1997. This is at the very beginning of the VHS tape.

After that, random things on TV which might have already been on here. So, after our video, it went back to the TV. Stuff relating to Halloween and maybe Christmas too. News. A thing about a monkey painting. Baywatch. CNN. The death of Princess Diana in 1997 in September or end of August. On the Bio channel was a bio on the life of Andy Griffith who did Matlock and the Andy Griffith show among other things.

Power Rangers 3

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 08:08 PM - VHS Log
2021-03-21 - Sunday - DVD 01


Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace: The entire film as it aired on television, I think KPTV in Oregon at that time in 1999 or 2000 or whenever it first aired on TV. The entire film or the first hour or longer. I saw up to like the fight at the end and also the fight with Maul too. There was also behind the scenes with George Lucas and friends.

Other random things on television like Hal Lindsay for a second, and a focus on The Weakest Link, Star Trek Edition featuring the actors who played some of your favorite space captains, doctors, and even Q. Not Qanon or quantum computers or the CIA or whatever. The Q character. James Kirk. No Picard. Reading Rainbow man. The doctor from Voyager. Wesley Crusher. The black chick from Voyager. Seven of Nine I think. No Riker I don't think. A few others. Simpsons where they made towels after Homer.

1997-02-08 - Joey playing basketball for a second, mom and Crystal try to record it. Had to zoom out. Hard to zoom out. I wore white shorts, shirt tucked in, while others worse black shorts.

1997-03-07 - Power Rangers 3, I recorded the beginning parts of the film, I copied a lot from the first Rangers movie we made in 1996, this would be our second movie which came out before the second actual Rangers film came out. So, this movie was just me recording and acting. I recorded Puffer the cat as Loxxcatt talking to a bug as his sidekick who mentioned how Lot failed to take over the world in the last film. Loxxcatt plots to go to earth. We see a bowling pin over a shower curtain as the ship over space. Oh, I do have Crystal saying she was the pink or yellow ranger to copy a bit we did after filming our last Rangers film. I recorded myself a few times saying I was each of the male rangers. I then had the words written out, Power Rangers 3, and I filmed the poster over the TV which was playing the Lamb Chop Play-Along kids show theme song on PBS.

After that, it cuts to random things on TV and it cut to TV before a few times as well going back and forth between TV and camcorder footage a few times. Jerry Springer, small ugly people who are bald and old and look like kids. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I see Angel too and the one guy reminds me of Mike Cernovich. NBA. Quiz show with kids. The tape ends with the 1992 Olympics Dream Team playing basketball against other teams. Then the VHS tape ended and rewinded back to the beginning. I reviewed each second of this tape from start to finish, no skipping at all.

Super Boy. Family Ties

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 08:30 PM - VHS Log
2021-03-21 - Sunday - DVD 01

1988 Super Boy recorded in 1988 via a VCR in Forest Grove, Oregon. It was on television and I either remember it at that time as it was on television when I was three or later on as we watched. Reading Rainbow dealing with bees.

Family Ties, the final episode, I either saw it live or saw a rerun. They all say goodbye. The father says when you swallow an apple seed, a apple tree grows inside you or something like that, I remember.

Family Ties appears to have been recorded over Reading Rainbow. So, then it went back to Reading Rainbow.

A kids show featuring puppet animals talking to astronauts. The flag. Stars. A bear. A frog.

I reviewed each second of this tape from start to finish, no skipping at all.

Blank at the end for a good portion of the tape.

Black & White

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 09:00 PM - VHS Log
2021-03-21 - Sunday - DVD 01

Black and white Japanese like movie. Man. Many kids. Japanese or Chinese man sings to Asians and white kids too.

NBC. Interview. Lady. Baywatch man. Commercials. Jay Leno Halloween Special. Looks like cable. Gomer Piles help people as he goes to pick up a general at an airport. Coach show intro. Three's Company anniversary show with I Love Lucy. Jordan phone commercial. Car commercial. Saved By The Bell. Web TV. Phone commercial. Beverley Hills show where they are in court. Roseanne. Huggies. Matlock.

Me playing my 1998 NBA N64 basketball game. I record this to DVD starting with Matlock for a second. I had an All-Star game, the east against the west. The west attempt to dunk it each time while the east try to hit threes. I play both teams on my Nintendo 64, I did this sometimes for some games as a kid at times for hours and hours. This was either in 1998 or after that. Some of the players I made included names like Cool Kid Joey 85, Ricky Peanut Butter, Elder, etc. Also, Magic Johnson or M. Johnson. Some have no names.

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 11:33 PM - DVD Log created

DVD 02

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 11:33 PM - DVD 02

This second DVD of this day starts off with where I left off from the previous DVD, I continued recording the VHS tape which had me playing that Nintendo N64 1998 NBA basketball video game. See VHS Log.

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Facebook Message

Somebody asked me if I believed in Covid-19 via a Facebook message. Here is my response as follows:

08:48 PM
Yes, those viruses are bad and essential vitamins helps people. Also, I like freedom over tyranny.

07:40 PM
Yes, I believe in Covid-19 and I believe in other things too at the same time.

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Will Obama run away?

12:51 AM - Facebook

Obama may someday say, "Hey folks, you can't get me, I'm NOT even American."

Social Credit Score is Already Here

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 08:42 AM - Globalism Log o Facebook

Merrill Lynch is a division of Bank of America and they currently assign ESG credit scores for customers.


All around the world, people have had credit scores for many years now. So, many of us know what a credit score is and how it affects us. In China, they not only have credit scores but social credit scores.


Not only that, but if your score is not high enough, you cannot travel for example. On top of that, track and tracing apps on phones helps enforce that system. In many places, they literally lock people inside their homes as if they're in prison.


What they're doing right now in China, they're beginning to do more and more in the western world, first in Europe and then in America. We usually see things tested in China, we then see it tried in Europe. Eventually, we see it in the USA later on. We see this pattern again and again.


Their goal is to make it so you cannot travel, cannot work, cannot get money, cannot buy and sell, etc, unless if your social credit score is high enough or good enough.


But if you do something they don't like, your score goes down. If you expose their lies, your score goes down. If you tell people about this, your score goes down. If you talk about natural remedies, your score goes down. If you help people learn how to think and be free, your score goes down. They hope you continue to do everything they tell you to do. They hope you continue to get weaker and more dependent on them. They hope you give up. They hope you feel so hopeless that you stop caring. They hope you become a goldfish and become unable to connect the dots.

Chat with me on Twitter

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Chat with me on YouTube

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08:27 PM
I found some videos of me from 1997.


08:31 PM - Facebook

Jorge Peralta, there is a government website which deals with securities and you should be able to type in your number to see how much money you are worth. I've not tested it yet because I've misplaced my birth certificate, don't tell anybody. I don't know if there are any weird numbers on passports which could be used instead. I shared the link to the website some days ago or maybe yesterday. There may be other websites too. I would need to find a number first in order to see what happens when you lookup these numbers in the databases to see what comes up if anything.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

China is FUCKING UP America

12:29 AM - Hive

I am talking to you about things you know. When you say they are of elementary school students in America, you're lying, I'm talking about Korean culture, not American culture, you have all the time in the world to think.

But you also need to see how bad Biden is. Don't just think. Do the research. A meme is just a picture. So, you know what a picture is. So, therefore, you CANNOT say, "I don't know what a meme is." Why? Because you know what a picture is. What is a meme? Oh, a meme is a picture. So, you know that.

You know what I am saying. You know I am right. China is raping America. China is having sex with America. Not with Americans but with the economy. China is fucking up with the United States of America and the world.

Biden is a puppet, a stooge. China is the monster. China is a dragon.

01:00 PM
Our bodies are on the third dimension, our soul is in higher dimensions, but there are things in the lower dimensions which are trying to suck us in like a black hole, could you imagine living life on the first or second dimension? What kind of Hell would that be?

Are you bored yet?

07:32 PM - Hive

The different definitions to boredom always got to me. What you write is kind of funny, so busy yeah, too busy to be bored.

Yeah, you can be bored as in having nothing to do. One example might be if you're at a bus stop waiting for the bus. You can be bored waiting.

The other boredom is when you are folding clothes like you said, you can feel bored or you can be bored in the sense of being absent of activities.

I guess those are the two main types of boredom, that it is either to be or to feel bored. I was never bored as a kid, so I can't really relate or perhaps I used different words to describe my emotions, moods, my feelings.

I never liked it when people asked me I was bored. I think I am choosing to learn how to better respond to questions I don't like with a funny answer maybe. I always found the question, "Are you bored?" to be a boring question haha.

When people asked me if I was bored, I would think, how can anybody be bored ever? But that doesn't mean I am never disappointed, that doesn't mean I am never wishing I could be doing something else, it doesn't mean I always enjoy every second of my life.

Overall, talking about being bored is a funny thing to talk about now. If you asked me are you bored now, I might say something like, "Oh, yeah, I was pretty bored like so bored until I saw your post about boards, I mean bores, I mean boredom ahahaha."

Or, "Yes, I used to be bored but then I joined Hive Blog and all my boredness went down the drain to Boring Land with all the other Boring Things and Boring People."

Who is Dan?

09:12 PM - Hive

If a person promised not to abandon a project but then did too quickly, without enough notice, like out of the blue, that is crazy.

I'm not going to say Dan Larimer does do things he should not do because I don't really know all the details, reasons, excuses, motives, etc.

But I can say its dangerous to give people that kind of first impression of giving up kind of thing, from the outside looking in, it looks too risky to do what Dan did.

My advice is to try to stick around if possible, try not to always abandon projects too quickly, too all of a sudden without warning until projects go hot or until they die out off.

Like, at least try to sell it to Disney for 2 billion dollars like George Lucas did with Star Wars. Just kidding, that's an example of what not to do.

Better example, at least find people to replace you before taking off.

Why did we leave Steem?

09:24 PM - Hive

To play Devil's advocate, didn't we all leave Steem and Steemit?

The answer would probably be no, technically Tron Overlord Justin Sun stole Steem from us in a sense. So we had to rebrand the fork of Steem which in a sense is still the very heart and soul of Steem.

Well, Hive is Steem 2.0 in many ways.

There is no reason why Dan Larimer couldn't stick around. Why in the world would he leave Hive? What in the world is more important than Hive?

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Freedom Force Battalion


Is Richard Grenell the first ever temporary acting President of the United States via military rule in 2021 or was just an accident that he was listed as President on the Internet?

The Umbrella Academy 103

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 12:48 AM - 01:48 AM - The Umbrella Academy 103

Did mom kill dad? But she is a robot. No, she is not a human. She is machine. Flashback to Robin Williams in Bicentennial Man and Data in Star Trek Next Generation. But androids are not on the same level. Fight. Turning off mom. One kid is ordinary but does music and writes. Talks to a man who likes her. One guy is really strong, his shirt falls off and he looks part animal with hair or fur like a monster. He runs off to his room, he didn't want his siblings to know or see what he looks like underneath it all.

Ron Gibson


Restaurant charges customers $50 Face Tax.

In Florida, leftists are going to restaurants attacking people and they go out into streets like flash mobs to do random twerking. This is spring break. Play Cardi B while they beat up people and go wild and it makes sense, that's the frequency says Owen.

Gina said control the language to control the culture, the left have been doing that globally and especially in America in the 1900s. I was born in 1985 in Oregon, I grew up there and then started saying things like in my twenties especiall relating to how I define my own words. Well, that may have been an extreme and yet it counters what the left does. Also, may the best ideas win.

They mix the vaccines.

10:55 PM
There are places it got so bad in Europe that they started mixing them up into cocktails. Take them all. It's like a party.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Freedom Force Battalion


The Umbrella Academy 103

2021-03-21 - Sunday - 12:48 AM - 01:48 AM - The Umbrella Academy 103

Freedom Force Battalion


Lisa Haven

08:23 AM - ALERT! Americans Now Assigned an ESG Score! Do You Know It? You Should Or You May Be Denied!!!

X22 Report


Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at 8 AM, critter fed, squeak door. Cloudy day. I hear the shower as I get up. Sunday school on Matthew 6, the Lord's Prayer. Everything being healed violates freewill. Not to say freewill ends someday. Not exactly. I mentioned that but didn't take the time to explain the details. I mentioned how I pray to ask God to help me if I am stuck in a cycle of thinking and praying the same things over and over again. I see the weakness, pray, write, talk. Accountability. Transparency. Integrity. Pray while breathing, without ceasing. I'm leading it next week. Continue after the Lord's Prayer. Sermon on perspective, by Nate. Video of how big the earth is to the biggest stars we know about. If earth was a golf ball and do we have the perspective of how small we are and how big God is? We are also big in some ways compared to atoms and small things. We matter and we are special. But there is more to it. Woke up with sore throat. I had coffee with creamer during Sunday School and should not. I should say no. Said no to Oreo cookies yesterday and donuts today. It's possibly to make healthy donuts, pizza, etc. But many don't. Assume you bought unhealthy versions of food unless if you know for sure how it was made step by step from the ground up literally. Beans. Hole in bags. Broom. Kids. Prayer. Till. Not Bruce Lee. Piano for special music. Was told I do good when I lead SS. People encouraged till for piano. Pain on my left jaw, the upper and lower teeth in the very back, the wisdom teeth in part. Well, not too bad and on and off sometimes in 2010s and to this day, past ten years or so. But it gets better and doesn't bother me for months and then comes back a few times a year or maybe less often than that some years. Depends on how I am taking care of myself. Did some research today on the problem and I do this sometimes and already wrote articles about it before. I put hydrogen peroxide, mouth wash, and then apple cider in my mouth and swished it around. Not all 3 at the same time. Also used garlic too. These things can help. A little bit of a sore throat on my left side as I already said and it could be a cold and not related to my teeth. But I also brush my teeth a bunch in the afternoon. Copied a VHS tape today with the Runaway Lady animation video I made with brother Rick @rsarnold316 made on a tape with the death of Princess Diana on it and it might been recorded after she died as our home video is at the beginning and appears to be recorded over other things.

I started a VHS log. They came home around 8 PM, raining, I carried 3 heavy boxes of lentils into the house from the jeep, nice to be outside, mom said a years worth of lentils, still eating dinner, not my favorite dinner, I added too much ketchup.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: coffee, 8:10 AM. Orange. Eggs. Granola.
Lunch: Soup stuff around 1 or 2.
Dinner: 2 potatoes on soup around like 7.

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