
Learn To Say No Just For One Day.

If A Tree Falls In a Forest But The Supreme Court is Not There To Hear It, Does That Mean Election Fraud Does Not Exist?

Sitting on a couch with our favorite teddy bear.

My gender is oatmeal. That is the kind of sex or gender I am. In India, doctors are saying women who get the Covid Vaccines are showing signs of the beginning stages of sudden breast cancer. Wow. This is amazing. Sign me up. Now we can all be Booby-Free Angelina Jolie. Please stick ten of those things in my arms today. Quick, this cannot come fast enough. Make boobs not great again. Please tell your friends how awesome this is. Learn To Say No Just For One Day Article. Tree Court Article.

Globalist vs Brazil

In Brazil, they're trying to force the government to not only waive all liability for the Covid Vaccines but also to sign over military bases over to them as well, it's insane but crazy things happen daily if only you knew the half of it. Back to American news. The Supreme Court has committed treason against the constitution and the republic of these American states. They've ruled saying whoever cheats the most in an election gets to be the alleged president of this defunct fake corporation which we illegally call in all caps THE UNITED STATES OF [not 'for'] AMERICA. Cheating is not only allowed but now also endorsed by the highest court of the land.

February of 2021

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2021-02-25 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-25 - Thursday
Published in February of 2021

Captain Biden Flying Around Zapping Brown Kids.jpeg

Captain Biden Flying Around Zapping Brown Kids

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Too Late And Too Early?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 09:19 PM - 2020 Election Log

Before it happened, they went to sue and the highest court of the land said it's too soon.

So, after it happened, they went back to sue again (and/or other people came to sue too) and then the Supreme Court said with no laugh track at all, sorry, but it's too late.

It's already over. We don't care how bad it was. We're not even going to look at it. We're dismissing it.

If a tree falls in a forest and the Supreme Court is not there to hear it fall, then not only did the tree not make a sound when it fell, the tree does NOT even exist.

Sorry folks, you were too early and then you were too late. Better luck next time.

Tree Falls Make Sound Nobody Hears img008-edit1.jpg

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

India Boobs

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 09:58 PM - Covid Log - Hive Blog

In India, doctors are saying women who get the Covid Vaccines are showing signs of the beginning stages of sudden breast cancer. Wow. This is amazing. Sign me up. Now we can all be Booby-Free Angelina Jolie. Please stick ten of those things in my arms today. Quick, this cannot come fast enough. Make boobs not great again. Please tell your friends how awesome this is.


10:14 PM

In Brazil, they're trying to force the government to not only waive all liability for the Covid Vaccines but also to sign over military bases over to them as well, it's insane but crazy things happen daily if only you knew the half of it.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Can we not share things?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 12:33 AM PST LMS JA - Tech Log - Hive Blog

On number 7, I would argue saying the reward pool should not treat shared videos, posts, Twitter Tweets, Facebook posts, shared photos, shared memes, links, random things shared from random websites, forums, emails, etc, etc, differently. Don't treat them differently and let the people decide. But perhaps if not enough people upvote a shared item, then perhaps resource credits, the manna, the Hive Power, should go down. Perhaps punish people that way in order to limit spam, abuse, etc. But I believe in rewarding people for sharing. Besides, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, they make billions to trillions of dollars letting us share things on their platforms. Why can't we do the same? Like, is it ok when they do it and not ok when alternative tech do it?

Open groups over closed groups?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 12:42 AM - Tech Log

On Facebook, there are open and closed groups. Hive Blog could mirror that to highlight open communities and tribes that allow non-members to post and comment. So, I would try to find an app, a website, or something that would highlight open groups to new users. I prefer open groups as well. For me, I want groups to be as open as possible. So, I say it should display open groups by default. And then individuals can go into the settings to click on an option to search for closed groups. That would be my advice for everyone to consider. I think open is usually more appealing.

I've been here since 2017 and I still only understand half of it lol, so no problem hahaha, I like your comment.

Should we include links in groups?

12:56 AM - Hive

As a community owner, I would love to be able to include links on like a header or sidebar of a group. I really want to be able to include links to the other groups I run as well and anything else that might be relevant at the top of the screen or on the side. I guess what I can do for now is simply pin a few posts and include the links inside those posts.

Oatmeal High Council

My Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

sitting on a couch with our favorite teddy bear

01:15 AM - Hive

1990 apc Joey Rick Bear Couch Ahhh.png

Here is a photo of me @joeyarnoldvn in red, a teddy bear also in red, and my older and taller brother @rsarnold316 in the blue.

This was probably as late as 1991 or possibly as early as the late 1980s. In the background are what looks like my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slippers. So, this photo couldn't have been taken before whenever those types of slippers came out.

This photo looks kind of funny, we look kind of tired and maybe hungry. Our mom was probably the one taking the picture of us.

Mommy, put that camera down and go back into the kitchen and make us a sandwich, please with sugar on top, we love you momma, ahahahaha.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

What is your gender?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 06:44 PM - Health Log

My gender is oatmeal. That is the kind of sex or gender I am.

If it is illegal to discriminate against trans, then I am trans-oatmeal, meaning part oatmeal and part woman, and we must believe all women and we must be pro-choice. I am pro-choice meaning I am for choices and my choice is to be oatmeal because I am oatmeal because you are what you eat and I eat oatmeal and my whole entire body are made up of oatmeal molecules. It's science. Molecules are clearly science. So, don't dis me, it's science. Don't be a science denier.

Badly Folded Proteins?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 10:10 PM - Health Log

There seems to be some proteins which are folded wrongly. So, I asked what proteins were. They might be a collection of amino acids which is a series of molecules. I might be skipping steps. But some molecules make up compounds and some maybe not. We may not want to eat some things as they are too big to fit into the cell. Instead, you want to digest smaller parts and have certain things form inside the cells as opposed to trying to consume it when we eat in hopes of it going into our cells.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Are zombies real?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 06:50 PM - Zombies Log - Facebook | Hive Blog

When I say zombie, I think all the zombies reading this will say, "Hey, zombies are not real, argghhhhhhhh!" I will then say to those zombies reading this right now, I say unto them, "Well, I guess you're right, please don't eat me, whatever you say my fellow zombies, I mean not zombies. Forgive me, I know not what I say. Again, please don't eat me, I apologize a million times." I'm Sorry Miss Jackson, I Am For Real, Never Met To Make Your Daughter Cry, I Apologize A Million Times. Oooooooh ohhhh ohhhhhh goes the owl.

Learn To Say No Just For One Day

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 08:21 PM - Freewill Log - Facebook

A good life lesson is to simply choose to say no to something, say it to yourself a day before. Tell yourself you can do it the next day but not tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, maybe yes. Don't wait until you are in the moment. That makes it much harder to say no as you are in it.


You have to plan it ahead of time. At the same time, don't be too unrealistic and say you will never ever do a bad habit, a bad lifestyle, a bad choice, a bad decision, a bad direction, a bad addiction, etc, etc, fill in the blanks here. It doesn't even have to be bad or good. That is not the most important thing here.


Don't make up too many excuses, reasons, distractions, faults, blame, rabbit trails, symptoms, etc. Don't get lost in thinking about why whatever you did might be ok or understandable or not too bad or so on and so forth, Don't get distracted by these thoughts, desires, feelings, beliefs, etc.


What really matters is digging deep into who you want to be. Focus on who you are and who you strive to become. We are human and we make mistakes. But don't fall for the lie that says you have to do certain things. The secret is that you can say no to things. But the secret lies in procrastination. That is part of the secret.


So, when you are ready, any day now, you can simply purposely procrastinate on a bad habit. And again, it does not have to be a bad habit. It can be a good habit. It can be simply not the best habit possible. What is important is that you prioritize the choices you make. But the secret lies in not just focusing on what you want to do but also in understanding the the things which you want to do short-term speaking which does not align with your long-term aspirations.


Get a notebook and write down short-term habits and desires. Write down things you do and things you want to do on a daily and weekly basis. After that, write down a list of more long-term habits and goals which you do and which you try to do on a monthly and yearly basis. After that, try to draw lines between which short-term things can help with which of your long-term things. Put stars on some of your favorite items.


Don't just list things you want to do. Also list things you do both good and bad. Be honest with yourself, nobody else has to see your list. Write down everything you do on a short-term and long-term basis. You can even underline items and you can even use highlighters. But after that, then find short-term items which are hindering your long-term items and circle them. After you find out which of the short-term items are getting in the way of your long-term items, then make a new list of just those short-term items and include when these items happen, when, where, why, how, who, what, what for, how often, etc.


After that, you can then make a plan to simply procrastinate on one of those short-term items for just one day. And simply commit to it. You can write it down. You can tell an accountability partner or friend. But make it easy and tell yourself no to a particular item. It is not enough to just say yes to things you want to do because certain short-term items will get in the way of the things you want to do. So, it is your life and you have the freewill to do what you want to do both good and bad.


Take it a day at a time and simply plan a day ahead. Tell yourself not tomorrow on any particular short-term item. Mentally prepare yourself. Spiritually and emotionally set yourself to saying yes to certain things and also no to certain things. It is not necessarily that you have to specifically say yes to a long list of things you must do for a particular day. Well, to some extent, that may already be built-in. You may already have a set of short-term and long-term responsibilities, meaning things you do and things should do and things you must do and things you tell yourself to do and things you choose to do and things you are told to do.


So, it can be common sense and self-explanatory to focus on responsibilities, obligations, duties, jobs, careers, chores, homework, school work, house work, yard work, errands, maintenance, laundry, dishes, garbage, cleaning, housekeeping, babysitting, etc. But at the same time, on top of that, it is important to plan ahead to say no to something every once in a while as a means of discipline. Your ability to grow as a person can come at a steady pace as opposed to sudden and radical change. You could reform how you live your life overnight. You could change a million things about how you live your life. You could make a list of thousands of things you want yourself to do and not do starting this very second. Now, I'm not going to tell you not to try that. You can do whatever you want.


But what good will it be if you are unable to maintain a major lifestyle shift long-term speaking? Habits can take 30 days to form. But you should take it a day at a time. And understand that there are certain short-term items on your lists which will always be there. Don't think you can make these items disappear forever. Think of these short-term items as weeds. So, say in your heart you will pluck a particular weed for a day. Just a day. Just pledge to yourself you will pluck out the weed for a day. Understand the weeds will continue to pop up again and again. Understand that the weeds may not necessarily be who you are. Don't be surprised when you see weeds grow from the garden of your soul. Just remember you're the gardener.


You're the farmer of your life. Farming takes a lot of work. Don't lie to yourself. It takes a lot of work to garden and to farm in general. So, therefore, take it a day at a time. But plan ahead. Tell yourself which things you will do and not do for a particular day. You don't have to make a plan for each day. And you don't have to say no each day. But as often as you can, try to plan on a coming No Day. As you prepare to sleep, write down a No Item on paper. Go to sleep thinking on how you will not do that one thing until the day after tomorrow. Wake up and look at that list you made yourself and keep looking at your list throughout the day.


Then go to bed that day saying to yourself you did it, you did it. And you can always plan to do it for the next day. You can choose to continue the fasting to not do a particular thing for an additional day or you can come back to it in a week or a month or a year or a decade. And then when you are ready to procrastinate or fast from a particular short-term item for just 24 hours, then write it down and do it. The hard part is feeling like you're going to die or something if you don't do the particular short-term item.


If you don't have the confidence and will power to say no to something for 24 hours straight, then how about 12 hours or six hours? Make it a shorter time period or go find a friend who can help you say no to something for a short period of time. Good luck.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

The Supreme Court has committed treason against the constitution and the republic of these American states. They've ruled saying whoever cheats the most in an election gets to be the alleged president of this defunct fake corporation which we illegally call in all caps THE UNITED STATES OF [not 'for'] AMERICA. Cheating is not only allowed but now also endorsed by the highest court of the land.

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Life After Covid?

03:06 AM

I still interact with people in the real world and I never wear a mask. I would rather die than wear a mask.


Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 02:03 AM - 02:50 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 108

Did he kill the cop? Is Emma also Karen?

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 03:06 AM - 03:54 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 109

He was making a question mark tattoo on her which meant he would kill Karen or Emma and she got him to turn it into a heart. He fell in love with her and she lived. Was the daughter a killer too?


10:35 PM - Fireside Chat Ep. 175 — Dealing With the Woke Mob

In Oregon, if you believe math only has one right answer, then you are a white supremacist. no joke. Sounds like a joke but it's not. Are we actively living a circus or a simulation?

People from Buffalo, New York are called Buffalonians.


Tell Me Your Secrets

2021-02-25 - Thursday - 02:03 AM - 02:50 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 108
2021-02-25 - Thursday - 03:06 AM - 03:54 AM - Tell Me Your Secrets 109

Health Ranger

11:19 AM - Situation Update, Feb. 25th, 2021 - Is FAKE Prez. Biden about to be exposed and removed?

That Star Wars Girl

10:24 PM - The J.A.C.K Show 2021: “I’m not a nerd, I don’t know what that means”


10:35 PM - Fireside Chat Ep. 175 — Dealing With the Woke Mob

Dear diary, got up at 11:10 AM. Looks like there might be a little bit of snow outside. I might be imagining things. But it looks like it snowed but then most of it melted at night. Bathroom tub cleaning, sweeping the floor, around noon and or closer to 1 or 2. And then dishes. Feeding backyard animals. Mail by like 3 or 4. Recycling. Garbage. All out. Compost to tumbler and some to side place too. There was snow by the truck, a few square inches in front of it. And off and on today while doing those things and through to 6:13 PM, cleaning room, organizing papers, found a watch, organized electronics, bags, found toilet paper in one backpack, and other random things. More dishes around 6:30 PM while we got out the fish to be added for my second helping of dinner. In the afternoon, was talking to mom about politics, health, entertainment. Saw Jay Leno on Last Man Standing, episode 8 or 9 of season 9. It says the last season. There is 11 episodes scheduled for this current season I see. I just looked it up. Also looked at Rookie and Young Sheldon for mom. I usually look to see what she is watching during the day. She has a notebook and she screens through shows and likes to watch some shows. She studies people, behaviors, things, reactions to real life things while watching. Funny to see Jay. Imagine if Johnny Carson went back to acting on shows after hosting hos tonight show. That is what Jay did. Funny to see the one woman from Hong Kong. I talked to mom about health. There seems to be some proteins which are folded wrongly. So, I asked what proteins were. They might be a collection of amino acids which is a series of molecules. I might be skipping steps. But some molecules make up compounds and some maybe not. We may not want to eat some things as they are too big to fit into the cell. Instead, you want to digest smaller parts and have certain things form inside the cells as opposed to trying to consume it when we eat in hopes of it going into our cells.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: banana, coffee, 11:16 AM
Lunch: yogurt smoothy around 2 PM while cleaning my room.
Dinner: mac and peas and some kind of meat like helper around 6:13 PM and a few bites before that too. And then some fish too.

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