Ability strategy analysis: Heal

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One of my favorite ability Heal. together with the other heal abilities like triage and tank heal those are all important for sustainability. In many of my matches i try to play one ore more heal units.


Restores a 1/3 of max health to this Unit's health each round, rounded down.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits

Triage/Tank heal - I like to combine it with multiple heal abilities sometime if have up to 3 heal units. Self heal for it self some triage to protect and heal the back and tank heal to heal the front imo an very sustainable strategy.
Strengthen - A extra health point that can be healed.
Life leech/Scavenger/Bloodlust - all these abilities will increase the health and will be beneficial to heal. i only got 1 unit that has heal and bloodlust (Quora). So these are not often combined with the heal ability
Martyr - If you bring an unit with martyr it might boos the self heal unit so it can heal better/more.

Be aware of abilities
Cripple - Be aware for cripple as that cannot be healed.
Affliction - I you unit gets afflicted you cannot self heal anymore. Note that this can be cleansed.
stun - When you are stunned you cannot heal for the round. Note that this also can be cleansed.

Ruleset benefits
Equalizer - When all units have much health heal can optimal heal the units

Select / favorite

All mine heal units:

My top healing units:


This week it wat hard again to choice from top 3 cards that i use are all really nice and all have great effectiveness on the battlefield on their on way.
Then i choose for Baakjira i can play it so often when magic is play but also as tank it great with the self heal and 13 health.
No with the weapon training meta this unit is getting very strong when it can also attack with either magic/range/melee.


Melee can attack from anywhere, this is already a nice setup for Baakjira in combination with Kulu Mastermind. With the 52 mana this is an good option I'm not worried about the thorns for these two units. Sot i propably go for high damage and a quick match.


Briar Patch:
All units will the thorns ability. Meaning that all melee unit will get return damage.

Melee Mayhem:
Melee units can attack from any position.

The Lineup


The extra health is always welcome expecially with baakjira it has more health to heal.

Units Lineup


Djinn Oshannus (lvl 4)
Strong magic protect unit. There is a greater chance you get some heavy hitters (5+ damage) with 52 mana so hope the forcefield will help.

Baakjira (lvl 3)
Star of this week the massive healer that also get buffed by the Kuli Mastermind. It gains 3 melee damage not worried about the thons because it will heal itself enough for it.

Kulu Mastermind (lvl 3)
Important in this strategy to boost the Baakjira with 3 melee damage. Note that this has shield so the return damage of the thorns is reduced.

Merdaali Guardian (lvl 8)
This unit will also receive the melee damage which is a bit of a risk because of the thorns rule set.

Coastal Sentry (lvl 10)
Here it is where i go for the quick high damage instead of the sustainability. So a bit risky

River Hellondale (lvl 3)
Important to buff all melee units with another +1 melee damage. The resurrect will probably

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Many magic units so the Djinn Oshannus is a good choice also force field will help against Jared scar.
My opponent has chosen for an taunt with 2 triage unit which makes it hard to get trough Coeurl Lurker

Round 1:


Wow first round the first will of Coeurl Lurker but it resurrected again an healed for 11. I need to keep landing all the hits on Coeurl Lurker Once this unit is out of the way the opportunity unit (Kulu Mastermind) kan start killing the triage unit.

Round 2:


Wow I missed the recharge of my opponent that that does not count as 12 damage and is not reduced to 1 with forcefield 😌. Now i a bit unsure if i will win the battle. Still have some heavy hitter but the 12 damage of Uriel the Purifier is hurting hard.

Round 3:

My Baakjira is not healing enough anymore. I missed twice at Uriel the Purifier so it fully healed.

Round 4:

Damn Baakjira killed by Jared Scar now that unit is boosted. Its pretty even at this moment. Only Jared Scar should not get more kills.

Round 5:

Looking better for me now. i strike first so it should be fine if i do not miss.

Round 6:

One miss not to bad. The dispel is very welcome in at this point so Jared Scar is now back to normal it had 2 kills.

Round 7:



This battle shows not only how great Baakjira is with weapon training but in general how good it is to have heal units. I brought 2 but also my opponent brought 3 healing unit.
I think heal is one of the most used abilities.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
ConscriptAbility post: Conscript
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize
DispelAbility post: Dispel
Divine ShieldAbility post: Divine Shield
DodgeAbility post: Dodge
Double StrikeAbility post: Double Strike
EnrageAbility post: Enrage
FlyingAbility post: Flying
ForcefieldAbility post: Forcefield
FuryAbility post: Fury
Giant KillerAbility post: Giant Killer
HalvingAbility post: Halving
HeadwindsAbility post: Headwinds

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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