Ability strategy analysis: Blast

Ability strategy.gif


This week we are going to look at the blast ability. Directly when i start this blog I already known my number one card. This ability is very useful and does some nice extra damage.


Blast does adjacent monster some additional damage. How much damage is determined by the attacker. Attacker damage divided by two rounded up.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits
True strike - blast only works when you hit the target so with true strike you always hit.
Opportunity - This targets the lowest health monster that is often not in the front, therefore a bigger change blast will do 2 damage to a monster that is in front and in the back of the targeted monster.
Snipe - Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position. again here also a bigger change blast will do 2 more monster damage.
Reflection shield - This will prevent blast damage if it is used against you 😁

Ruleset benefit
Aim True - just as the true strike ability this give all monsters true strike

Abilities to be aware off
Magic reflect - Your blasting monster will take magic reflect damage from all monster that are impacted by the blast.
Return Fire - Your blasting monster will take return fire damage from all monsters impacted by blast!
Enrage - when a monster is hit by the blast is and its health just got knocked down by 1 it gains +1 attack and +1 speed be careful with this. especially when you use an magic monster with blast

rulesets to be aware off
This is for the same reasons as the abilities becuase now all monsters have these abilities
Fire and regret - all monsters have the return fire ability.
Counterspell - all monsters have the magic reflect ability.
What doesn't kill you - all monsters have the enrage abilitiy.

Select / favorite

Below you will find the monsters I own with blast, with the level I currently got them.

No1 Card.gif

As stated in the intro, when I start writing this I directly knew which monster is my number one here.
This monster has it all high health/armor blind/flying/blast. The only ability I normally dislike is scattershot, but with blast this can be helpful and fun.



This time it is brawl game change up the spice 😁
High mana this is in favor of the chaos dragon. Unfortunately the shields are removed.


All shields are removed from the monster. Also the monsters and summoners that normally give extra shields won't do because of this ruleset.

Healed Out:
Monsters/Summoners will lose the heal abilities like tank heal and triage.

The Lineup


To be able to select the chaos dragon you need a dragon summoner. This is my second summoner I got for diamond level. love the -1 range and speed of this summoner very versatile summoner.

Monsters Lineup


Pelacor Conjurer (lvl 8)
As tank I have chosen Pelacor Conjurer High health and with the flying in combination with the speed expect some misses a. When magic monster are used the magic reflect will do some damage in return.

Carnage Titan (lvl 3)
Another very nice dragon monster. With the double strike and 3 damage this monster is focused on the tank in the front.

Chaos Dragon (lvl 3)
Star of this week. Hopefully the blast in combination with the scattershot will deliver some nice extra damage

Captain Katie (lvl 2)
My gladius monster of this battle with the snipe it will attack range or magic monsters in the hope they have some less health so it can be killed fast and trigger the bloodlust.

Pelacor Arbalest (lvl 6)
Made it in the team also for the double strike like carnage titan.

Runic Skyclaw (lvl 2)
Because of the high health/speed and flying hoping on some misses in the back.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

-1 magic is not what I expected, this is good choice by my opponent therefor the blast damage is reduced from 2 => 1 damage. Also my nerf of range damage impact 3 of the monster of my opponent

Round 1:

Nice chaos dragon has landed his hit lira the dark doing damage also to liza fox and usut.
The cursed windeku has landed hit torn damage twice which is hurting to my carnage titan.

Round 2:


Again a nice shot of my chaos dragon this time doing damage to Dhampir Stalker, lira fox and lira the dark.
Two misses on my Pelacor Deceiver 👍

Round 3:

Now it is going hard. Also my Captain Katie has gained a bloodlust. One more round.

Round 4:

Captain Katie strikes again always nice to see when bloodlust triggers. This can cascade really quickly



Nice battle and always nice to have a win in the brawl.

Some other games with chaos dragon:

Click on the image to rewatch

It can also tank in the back.

A lot of blast damage in this battle 😁

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastThis post

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

Do you also want to be part of this amazing play to earn game consider using my refferal link.

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