Ability strategy analysis: Blind

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This week we are going to look at the blind ability. This is one of the abilities is often overlook including myself. Most the time my team selection is not based or formed around a blind monster.
But that being said misses are very important in this game and blind helps with this.


All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have an increased chance of missing their target.

+15% chance of evading

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

The best synergy with this ability is speed

Abilities that synergies well with blind

Flying - The flying increased the evade change with another 25% total of base evade of 40% . The only monster that i own with blind and flying is
Swiftness - positive impact on the miss calculation because of the speed increase by this ability
Slow - Instead of you own speed increase a speed reduction at the enemy side
Backfire - there is only one monster that has this on max level is but the increased change on the miss triggers the backfire.

Normally also Dodge would have been a nice synergy but as far as I know there are no monsters with dodge and blind.

Rulesets where blind benefits
Lost magic - No magic monsters are allowed therefore blind has impact for all monster on the battlefield.
Up close and personal - Only melee monster may be used then you are sure blind will have effect.

Rulesets to be aware off
When these rulesets are in play do not use blind monster at least not for the blind ability.
Aim True - All monsters will hit no matter the evade change
Wands out - only magic monsters are allowed therefore blind will have no extra benefit.

Select / favorite

Below you will find the monster with blind that I own. Presented on the level that i own.

No1 Card.gif

Even that one of my favorite monster is chaos dragon I choose the flying squid. The main reason because of the speed it has, this synergies will with blind. if it up against a 1 speed monster it has 5-1=4 4*10=40% speed difference +15% of blind totals 55% change that monster will miss on the flying squid.



High mana cap no magic and no heal monster perfect to play the flying squid and go for high speed miss setup.


Lost Magic:
No magic monsters are allowed either melee or ranged.

Healed Out:
No monster with heal are allowed. So no tank heal or triage.

The Lineup


There it is a again the most versatile summoner. This time in combination with water. it just +1 health better than kelya

Monsters Lineup


Diemonshark (lvl 7)
One of the most used an powerful monster i just upgraded it to level 7 there it gets retaliate High health and already a decent speed when it gets enrage even one more speed.

Flying Squid (lvl 8)
Star of this week. high speed important with the blind all monsters get an 15% extra miss change. because there is melee or ranged for all monsters the evade calculation will be key.

Swamp Spitter (lvl 5)
Made it in the team for the repair normally Merdaali Guardian would be standing here but there is no heal so this is a good alternative.

Deeplurker (lvl 10)
Another favorite of mine. Also one of the first to be upgraded to max level so it gets the extra demoralize.

Runi (lvl 4)
No it still shines in my teams. When land 1.5 is ready it will be put up for work on my land.
The true strike and rebirth are key. I assume also my opponent will play the high speed game, then true strike will make difference

Wave Brood (lvl 4)
Even the void does not make much sense here the high health and the taunt so it will be targeted first is my play here.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Seems like my opponent has taken the same route in determining his team. High speed, his Flying Squid is even higher and got backfire which makes me want to upgrade mine 😁.
My repair might be the icing on the cake to win this battle, but I'm not sure at this point. Most of his monsters are higher levels than mine 🤞.

Round 1:

Some misses already. The return fire of his wave brood is also nice doing some damage in return.

Round 2:

Now both tank are out of the way. His diemonshark retaliated and misses on my Flying Squid important miss.

Round 3:

Another retaliate evaded by my Flying Squid. My runi has died once, resurrected with 1 health and 2 shields.

Round 4:


Two missed by mine Diemonshark 😌. and many more misses on his diemonshark lucky it is dead now.

Round 5:

Getting to the end of the battle the Flying Squids are up against each other.
At this point I think I'm in a disadvantage, 3 monsters up against 4. First attack by mine Flying Squid is a miss so his Flying Squid backfire, that hurts

Round 6:


Yes, forgot about the poison, that killed the Supply Runner before it could strike. but still not out of the woods. I hope my repair monster goes first.

Round 7:

It did repair first and another miss on my Flying Squid. Now the Sandworm can only take down one shield.

Round 8:

There it is victory. Flying Squid has survived the battle.



Even the higher level monsters did not made the difference in the end. A bit of luck with the right misses on the right time made this victory.
Love the Flying Squid for the blind which give all team members an additional 15% miss chance.

Other battle examples

Click on the image to rewatch the battle

Nice battle with a lot of heal and some extra misses, might be just the 15% extra of the blind. Also a crucial resurrect of my djinn.

Just watch how many misses

Coeurl Lurker with enrage and the extra blind of the flying squid many misses again.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindThis post

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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