Ability strategy analysis: Camouflage

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This week camouflage. When ability is played well it has great impact.
Most of the time it is placed in the back last position not always neccessary.
I personally do not use often camouflage monsters, i should do more often.
I would love to have where all monsters get coumoflage and you control the battle most often where you opponennt will attack first.


Monsters with camouflage cannot be directly targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position.
Monsters with camouflage remains hidden, despite sneak, snipe, or opportunity rulesets.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits
There are a few abilities that benefit also the rest of your team and because it is hard to target you camouflage monster, it has a greater chance it uphold the benefits longer. Abilities such as:
Slow - enemy team is slowed down with 1 speed.
Swiftness - All your teammates have +1 speed.
weaken - enemy monsters all have 1 health less.
repair - every round one shield is repaired very important skill imo.
Note I have only selected abilities that my actual camouflaged monsters got.

Abilities to be aware off
Depending on what type of attack your camouflage monster has be aware of his counter return damage , or the rulesets

Blast - Blast monster can still hit the camouflage monster with his blast damage.
scattershot - monster with scattershot can still land there lucky shot on your camouflaged monster

Ruleset benefits
Super sneak - even with all monster having sneak ability it still cannot hit the camouflages monster.
Target practice - Als for this one all monster will have snipe ability which normally could make your monster a traget because of the camouflage it is not possible to hit you.

Ruleset to be aware of

Explosive Weaponry - Even though camouflaged monsters can not take direct damage unless they are in the first position, they can still take damage from blast.
Aimless - Monsters with scattershot can hit there lucky shot on your camouflages monster.

Select / favorite

Below you find my current selection of camouflage monster.

No1 Card.gif

This week it is hard to select one most of them i use occasionally. Love the countess for the extra speed, kinjo is almost in every Nuxious Fumes rule set because he got Immunity.
I choose Scave Hireling because the repair is often very important in many occasions. Now with Weapons Training even possible to give it some attack.



Medium mana, true stike is a nice combination to use the camouflage and repair of the scave hireling.
Because of the counterspell i will not chose magic monstes for this battle.


Aim True:
All monsters will get the true strike ability and they al will hit their taget.

Rise of the Commons:
Only common and rare monsters may be used in battles.

All monsters will receive the magic reflect ability.

The Lineup


my trust worthy lux, the extra shield is key in this setup. with the double repair.

Monsters Lineup


Diemonshark (lvl 7)
high health, high shield not expecting any magic monster so this is for me a logical choice for me.

Venari Marksrat (lvl 1)
Important placing i expect some kind of opportunity monster so this is killed to buff my diemonshark and deeplurker.

Deeplurker (lvl 10)
Love the poison on this monster. with the demorlize and the opportunity one of my favorite monsters of the game.

Scavo Hireling (lvl 6)
Normally i place this in the back for this strategy is does not really matter most important is the repair.

Merdaali Guardian (lvl 8)
Obvious choice with the heal and repair.

Merdhampir (lvl 10)
Some protection from sneak monsters with the cripple and life leach it should be able to withstand some rounds

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

A setup i was expecting i think the extra repair will be important in this battle.
His Deeplurker will firstly attack the Venari Marksrat as planned.
Nice to see that my opponent has a higher level diemonshark +1 melee attack. And i have higher level deeplurker -1 melee fro all melee monster that is -3 melee damage.
So it is wise to look which monster to upgrade first.
I must say i also love the diemonshark a lot and is on my whishlist to upgrade in time, for mee de deeplurker is more important to upgrade becuase of the demoralize.

Round 1:

Targets hit as expected. Not much movement yet. but the extra shield is already an advatange.

Round 2:

The Venari Marksrat has buffed the deeplurker and the diemonshark. Now it will go quicker. and the extra shield will prevent my enemy to do any damage or limited damage. Because he first have to take down the shields.

Round 3:

Taking down the enemy monster down one by one. it is over for my opponent.

Round 4:

My opponent had landed his poison. This is not a problem because of the heal.

Round 5:

Nice to see my diemonshark got an retaliate and kills the deeplurker then got a trample and hits Angelic Mandarin, nice to see.

Round 6:




Nice to see the Scavo Hireling contributing to the match. I need to pay more attation to the camouflage monster, also need to upgrade some more 🤣.
When the Scavo Hireling is maxed it also will get slow.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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