Ability strategy analysis: Bloodlust

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This week bloodlust, this is the most powerful ability imo. There are not many monster that have it. When you play brawl battles the gladius monsters all have bloodlust.

Lets deep dive in the bloodlust ability that is a lot of fun when your monster with bloodlust starts killing.


Every time this monster kills an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats, attack/health/speed/shield.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities that benefits
Rust - This will reduce the armor of the enemies team, therefor easier to kill them and start the bloodlust.
Inspire - +1 melee attack higher damage quicker killing.

Ruleset that benefits
Melee Mayhem - Melee monster may hit from all postion this way you can position the bloodlust monster bettter.

Explosive Weaponry - If you are lucky the bloodlust monster strike and the blast will also kill another monster then you can trigger it 1/2 or even 3 times with one blow. I have not seen it yet but is possible in combination with .

Equal Opportunity - Placing your bloodlust monster correctly and it will attack the lowest health monster. Lowest monster equals to faster killing, this can trigger the bloodlust more quickly.

Abilities to be aware off
Dispel - This can the remove the gained bloodlust stats

Halving - When hit by a monster with halving your stats are reduced therefor also less likely to kill monsters.

Rulesets to be aware off
Equalizer - All monster have equal health it might take a while before the bloodlust can trigger.

Select / favorite

For this ability post I only take into account the normal cards, so exclude galdius card else it would definitely be:

The "normal" monsters that I own with bloodlust are:

No1 Card.gif

Both Grum and Jared are very situational cards imo. My #1 goes to Jared Scar. Because of the true strike it cannot miss and Grum is just to slow, therefor I often do not select Grum Flameblade.


Lets take a look at battle where Jared Scar shines.


High mana battle. Earthquake is not the best for jared scar but with an extra repair it might work.


Al monster that do not have the flying ability will take 2 damage at the start of the round starting form round 2.

All monster have the trample ability. When a monster kills an enemy it will attack once more the monster behind it.

Fire & Regret:
All monster will have the return fire ability. When attack by ranged return fire is performed.

The Lineup


Standard since I play in diamond, hope to level-up some other summoners over time for now Lux suits me well

Monsters Lineup


Jared Scar (lvl 3)
Star of this week. With the 6 damage and true strike, I hope it starts killing directly at the start 🤣.

Time Mage (lvl 8)
The synergy with rust will take some shield down to let jared scar kill them more quickly.

Djinn Renova (lvl 6)
Made it in the team for the heal and extra health

Adelade Brightwing (lvl 3)
My only flying monster with repair important in this battle because of the earthquake rule set.

Spirit Hoarder (lvl 3)
Again heal, some what low health so it might be killed to quickly so bit of a gamble with him.

Coeurl Lurker (lvl 2)
High health and the taunt should deviate the focus away from jared scar. dodge and blind have minimal miss change 40% also from magic because of the phase ability

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Interesting setup my opponent has chosen the more common setup with lots of flying monsters. High health monster so i might take a while for the bloodlust to be triggered.

Round 1:

Uriel the Purifier is already almost dead and some nice misses on the Coeurl Lurker.

Round 2:

Unfortunately Jared Scar did not kill Uriel the Purifier. Would have been a nice start.
Again many misses on Coeurl Lurker.

Round 3:

There it is the first kill by Jared Scar not it got 7 melee damage and 8 health even the extra shield is very helpful with the earthquake ruleset.

Round 4:

Second kill, now 8 damage. when it start it won't stop that bloodlust

Round 5:

And the last kill bringup the total damage of Jared Scar to 9.



Love to watch the bloodlust when it start rolling it delivers an nice battle.

In the future we will see more bloodlust now with the new summoners that have conscript. For me it wil take a while before I can use them on diamond level.

And with the new ruleset are you not entertained. With this ruleset you are able to use one gladiator card.
This opens up al lot of monsters with bloodlust. I do not have many gladius monster that can compete on diamond level but still they are in some situation very good to use.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustThis post

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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