Ability strategy analysis: Conscript

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This week deep dive is Conscript. This ability is pretty new since the soulbound rewards card are created. I waited a while before writing this post because i needed some experience with this ability and also to level up my soulbound deck so i can play it on my level, currently gold.

In my opinion this is an very strong ability it allows you to use 1 gladius card.
So if you have been playing brawls it known how strong some of the gladius units are.


When an summoner has the conscript ability it will allow the user to select one gladiator unit.

With brawl you can select 2 card, not sure but i think if the ruleset Are you not entertained you might even can have 3 gladiator card in brawl.
In ranked battle you can select 2 gladiator card while Are you not entertained is also in the battle

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

The best thing of this summoner ability is that you can use one gladiator card. This mean an bloodlust unit. Everything that helpt bloodlust is bonus in this case
Abilities benefits to keep the bloodlust going

tank heal/heal/triage - IMO all the heal abilities are important to keep the gladiator card alive and

Rust - take armor down so you gladiator unit can kill units quicker.

Ruleset benefits
Melee Mayhe/Equal Opportunitym - Place an melee gladiator card in a position where it still can attack and will not be targeted, better change to land the bloodlust.
Explosive Weaponry - If your bloodlust monster kills an adjacent monster with bloodlust, the ability will trigger. Some special circumstances will create a 2 for 1 effect

Be aware of ruleset
Reverse speed - When the gladiator card gains speed on every kill this can work in a disadvantage with his rule set
Equalizer - It may take longer for the blood lust ability to trigger especially if all monsters have high health

Select / favorite

Currenlty there are only summoners that have the conscript ability. These are my conscript summoners

No1 Card.gif

This would be my number one main reason because it is dragon and you can play it with any other slinter so also the all beloved Quora Towershead
The +1 speed is almost in every best an great boost.



Medium/high mana cap battle. All unit will have enrage and only melee units. I like this one because it can give you an edge when you use Quoura because then you bringing one magic unit to the battlefield.


What Doesn't Kill You:
All units will gain the enrage ability. Enrage will boost your units stats when it is hit.

Up Close & Personal:
Only unit with melee attack may be used. For unit with double attack unit one of them being meel are allowed like:

Holy Protection:
All unit will gain the divine shield ability. This will absorbed the first attack.

The Lineup


This week no1 summoner that has the conscript ability. Love it because you can play any splinter and dragon has some nice strong units.

Monsters Lineup


Djinn Chwala (lvl 5)
Because of the melee mayhem the thorns will do some extra damage. High health unit that will serve as tank

Carnage Titan (lvl 3)
Second dragon unit with reach import to get melee unit in the field that can strike so reach is important in this match. The double strike with 3 damage is 6 damage per round 👍.
And the because of the shield it is protected from blast damage in the second position.

Quora Towershead (lvl 2)
Star of this week because it has magic it can do damage with the heal is an perfect combo. When the bloodlust is triggered most of the time it keep on rolling and kills the entire time before you know it.

Venari Scout (lvl 8)
Small unit with opportunity so it can strike at the weak units of my opponent.

Disintegrator (lvl 8)
Important because you know there will be melee unit (melee mayhem). So the demoralize is key to reduce melee damage of my opponent/

Uraeus (lvl 5)
Sneak an some extra poison could weakening the enemy so that Quora can take them down

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

Analyse the battle setup:
My opponent has some nice beta card. my first thoughts some high health to get trough in the front with 8 and 13 so it will take a while before Quora can do its thing.
Als a nice placing of Hydra with the thorns and heal.
Lets see what the battle brings.

Round 1:

Ouch the golin mech is enrage and will do 6 damage now, that is serious. but it will be dead in the next with some luck Quora might take the kill and it will be an nice quickly turn of the battle in my advantage.

Round 2:

I forgot two things.

  1. Thorns will enrage my enemy quicker now
  2. The hydra has retaliate which kille my ureaus 😌.

At this point i'm not sure if i will win this battle.

Round 3:

First kill by Quora, now it can start slow to hurt more. Look at the enrage Sand Worm 8 damage lucky his first attack only took an divine shield down.

Round 4:

Second kill of Quora, now it is not looking good for my opponent.

Round 5:

Third kill now my Quora is to strong. The match is over. Also my opponent disintegrator will do no damage against my Carnage Titan because of the shield.

Round 6:

Fourth kill this is what i ment when she get the ball rolling it is often game over. One more round.

Round 7:

Last kill by Quora. Victory!



This conscript ability is/was game changing allowing some of the most powerful units into the ranked mode. Very fun to play especially when you have been playing brawls for such a long time.
This is one of the most important game change in a long time this als gives players that have been active and playing for a while some advantage 😍. I love the idea that long time players should be rewarded in such a matter not always with financial benefit but with game play bonus and advantage go splinterland 👏.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize
DispelAbility post: Dispel
Divine ShieldAbility post: Divine Shield
DodgeAbility post: Dodge
EnrageAbility post: Enrage

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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