Ability strategy analysis: Dispel

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This week deep dive will be Dispel. An ability that is not played that often. Often its just a ability that come along with the other stats is my opinion.
Lets try and focus on and see if we need to pay more attention on the dispel ability


When an unit hits with dispel, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.

Positive status effects include: inspire, protect, strengthen, swiftness, martyr, bloodlust, and weapons training

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

The dispel ability will remove positive status effects from a monster even if it has the Immunity ability.
Dispel works against inspire, protect, strengthen, swiftness.

Dispel removes the martyr, bloodlust, and weapons training

Dispel works with demoralize, rust, weaken and slow to remove strength from your enemies team

Abilities benefits

Poison - it only removes positive status effect so poison you opponent will not be removed by dispel.

Ruleset benefits
All rule set where there are positive effect the dispel as an advantage to remove these so rules like
Armored Up - when a dispel unit attack an unit with remove the extra gained shield from this rule set.
Weak Magic - with this rule set there is an higher chance your opponent will add some extra armor with , this added armor can be dispeled.

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The cards that I own with the dispel ability are:

No1 Card.gif

I like to play the venari bonesmith because of the poison and life leech. I think the dispel and poison is good combo. Also when i play death this unit is often in my setup.

Also I have a soft spot for venari wavesmtih not because of the stats any more but it was almost my first card I purchased I think it was about 6$ if I recall it correct for 1 bcx 😱 now it is 0.03



Lets have a look at an battle with the Venari Bonesmith


Medium mana cap battle with not many option. When I play death the Venari Bonesmith is one of my favorite monster.


All armor is removed from units and one cannot gain armor.

The Lineup


Not many choice this time it was dragon or death both able to play the venari bonesmith i assume some magic monster so therfor the -1 magic.

Monsters Lineup


Pelacor Deceiver (lvl 10)
Very strong unit with flying and not so long ago you could earn this card just by playing the game.
Love the part of play and earn card even if they are soulbound. Especially with soulbound it nice to see who is putting in the effort to play their battles.
This unit is important in this strategy slow opponent and +1 speed on your own unit so misses have consequent with the backfire.

Venator Kinjo (lvl 4)
Slow the opponent this will help the Pelacor Deceiver get some extra misses so it can backfire.

Venari Bonesmith (lvl 8)
Important monster when the opponent uses swiftness or other positive buffs it will be dispelled and removed. again to support the Pelacor Deceiver to get more misses.
Then the poison and life leech are really great for this unit. Most of the time it is in the team for the poison and life leech.

Silent Sha-vi (lvl 10)
Heavy hitter killing the units at the back.

Uraeus (lvl 6)
Love the poison to helps the Silent Sha-vi with the backline

Cursed Windeku (lvl 7)
For this battle in the back to protect myself from sneak units.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle



Start :

One thing that already stands out it that the speed of my opponent is also high to there goes my strategy on many misses.
Still the placing of my sneak unit and the slow it will kill his Uraeus before it can land his poison.

Round 1:

This demonstrate the advantage of dispel now that my opponent Pelacor Deceiver has now 3 speed and increased the chance to miss with +10%. And my venari bonesmith landed his poison.

Round 2:

Did not pay attention to the amplify of the Venator Kinjo causing my Cursed Windeku do 3 damage with its thorns instead of 2 damage

Round 3:

The battle is over probably one more round

Round 4/5:



Just a waiting game my opponent was not able to attack any more.



In some niche situations the dispel is certainly an addition to your game. Still this ability is for me an secondary ability, not an ability that I will my team around.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

Do you also want to be part of this amazing play to earn game consider using my refferal link.

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