my journey to the Alphabet Land, T: too much (leftovers)

This go as a bonus to my post for #AlphabetHunt challenge by @barbara-orenya.
Finally I pick up the T words on my bookshelves, but there were so many other great images left in my T things folder, so I decided its time to publish them -- before venturing into letter U. So, T leftovers!

T — Tea


My very old photo of our tea-acessories: favourite ceramic cups decorated with glaze, and a glass teapot with funny "ears", for quick brewing of tea using the "spill" method. This teapot has not survived to this day, alas.


A package of Pu-Er tea. Decade ago we used to breew it a lot in a milk. (A great recipe, believe me!)

T — Tandoor oven


T — Tower


St.Petersburg has this very curious building hided deeply in the yards. The remnant of the past life is hided so well, that 95% of the citizens living all their life in the city, are not in the know of it! Maybe one day I will shape this intresting story into a separate post.

T — Twins

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Beautiful babies of my friend from Moscow. Captured this frame on their visit to St.Petersburg a few years ago.

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T — Teasing


Same twins as above,-- being teased by her good mama.

T — Transient


Now thats an interesting word, isn't it? Why am I illustrating it with this photo? I photographed this "urban sculpture" during our joint walk around St.Petersburg yards with @tatdt. This statue of an artist's wife is located in the neightbourhood with her house, and she had opportunity to observe the entire long history of this statue, of its transmutations and transiety... she told me how drastically its appearance changed over time, in a sad and funny way. It's a really interesting story, but I have no other photos to illustrate it - I better leave it to @tatdt to tell it someday.

T — Tlan


An intresting word, Tlan! I bet you never heard of it. Well, me too! And if you dont like 'Tlan', then we have 'Top security' here

T — Top


This pic I collected during my summer holidays intentionally - for later possible use in the T-week hunt.

T — Trolley

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Same as the 'Top', but this is a fresh capture I collected last week. I met this sympatico trolley at St.Petersburg yards.

T — Tank


Found this toy at the local waste at the countryside village. As children grow up, their favourite toys often go to waste (if they are not broken and thrashed already before that!) Did you know, that the name "tank" comes from the English word tank, that is 'reservoire', 'big vessel for water'. Legend has it that in order to misinform the German spies who followed transporting of troops by rail, when sending the first tanks to the front, the British established rumors that this was a batch of fuel tanks ordered by the Russian army. Subsequently, the name stuck, and the word 'tank' received its modern meaning as a type of combat vehicle. In German army, a different name was assigned to it - Panzerkampfwagen (armored combat vehicle) or simply Panzer.

Название «танк» происходит от английского слова tank, то есть «бак», «цистерна», «резервуар». Легенда гласит, что с целью дезинформации немецких шпионов следивших за перевозкой войск по железной дороге, при отправке первых танков на фронт англичане отправили слухи, что это партия топливных цистерн, заказанная в Англии русской армией. Впоследствии название прижилось, и слово «танк» получило современный смысл как вид боевой машины. В немецкой армии за ним закрепилось другое название — Panzerkampfwagen (бронированная боевая повозка) или просто Panzer.

T — Tram


Once Petersburg was known as the city that had the longest network of tram lines ... alas, this is in the past, the peak point has been passed. In the 2000s, my wife and I were fond of the history of the St. Petersburg tram, went to the Parade dedicated to its 100th anniversary, visited the Tram Museum, bought and carefully studied a thick album dedicated to the history of the Tram in our city ... This old photo is from the Tram Museum (with a pinch of cross-processing :)


Когда-то Петербург был известен как город, имевший самую протяженную сеть трамвайных путей... увы, это в прошлом, точка пика пройдена. В 2000-е годы мы с женой увлекались историей Петербургского трамвая, ходили на Парад посвященный его 100 летнему юбилею, посетили Музей трамвая, купили и внимательно изучили толстый альбом, посвященный истории Трамвая в нашем городе... Это старое фото как раз из Музея трамвая (с щепоткой кросс-процессинга :)


This is me, in the center. Note the eyes shiny from passion: love to the History is burning me! :P

T — Tobacco

I have already posted before images connected with Tobacco: P was for Portsigars... but Portsigars, or Cigarette Cases, Cigars, Smokers (Tobacco addicts)... all this stuff in the end is just a derivative from Tobacco! So, I assorted my old shot of a Cigar and Coffee. I hope no one would argue that Сigar means Tobacco? (unlike cigarettes ... nowadays it is not always clear what they are made of!)


All the images taken by me, as always.
Here is an index to my previous #alphabethunting posts:

A: @qwerrie/my-jorney-to-the-alfabet-land-a
B: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-b
C: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-c
D: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-d
E: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-e
F: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-f
G: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-g
H: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-h
I: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-i
K: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-k
L: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-l
L: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-l-part2
M: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-m
N: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-n
O: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-o
P: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-p
Q: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-q
R: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-r
S: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-s
T: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-t
T: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-t2

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!


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