my journey to the Alphabet Land (day K)


My next post for the Alphabet Hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya. This time we had to find words starting with letter "K". Pretty easy quest, as there exist a lot of words, and as I noticed, this time everybody harvest and bring very unique and different words (except of the Kiss; but its such a good word that it seems one simply cant resist to grab it -- including myself).

PS. So far, I have checked absolutely beautiful K-posts from @silversaver888, @txatxy and @joanstewart. I cannot but recommend you to check their stories.

Ok, lets start my little excursion.

K — Kinematic


Kinematic was a word that for a strange reason stuck in my head, but, you know, its one of those obscure words that you dont even get the meaning of, not speaking of illustrating them! But suddenly, I stumbled upon this photo... and, you know, I think it is pretty much kinematic, i.e. shows a trajectory of movement.

I think there should be another logical part of this kinetic trajectory (pissing), but, you cannot have everything at once, right?

K — King Oyster

This week I really wanted to bring some mushroom to the show. And, suddenly, I found there exist almost no mushrooms starting with this name. Ridiculous! With the help of the dictionary, I've found only three: King Oyster, King Boleto and King Alfreds Cakes! Funny names, arent they?

the copyright in this photo of King Oyster is @pilzolli, source #

Getting a pic to cover this entry became a real mess. I remember pretty well that I've captured this fungus for #marketfriday in my local Auchan mall, but didnt publish the pics yet. I've spent more that hour (!) searching the said pics, but came to zero result... seems I dont have them on my external HD, the files are left at my home PC (as most of my photos, as well). So, I googled this photo -- believe me, it looks like a brother to my own photo (except my myshrooms were grown in China, and these came from Australia). I hope the contest-holder will not be mad at me for using not my own pic, I swear I have the same photo, just cant grab it since it is there and I am here, sitting at the village... its a decent emergency case!

those King Oysters look really fascinating! this photo I've googled out;


and this one too, src# . Of course I could easily add my own photo of a King Boleto mushroom... but it would not be the same, no, no, no! I think now you can see the difference, why!

K — Kettle


Kettle and Pot were two confusing words for me when I studied English at the primary school. Now I prefer to keep things simple and I consider the Kettle to be simply a metal pot!

Most of the time we use our Tefal electic model but last week we had a planned power-off day, and by day end, when we were ready to kill for a cup of coffee, I pulled this good old Kettle from the Attic, made a campfire and boiled some water without any electricity. Heh, the natural eco-friendly way is not that easy!


K — Kayak


Thanks Gog, kayak is 'kayak' but not 'cayak', like thousand of other good words. Kayaks are a kind of boat that is slim and small and is used by 1-2 people at once, more often by a single person at a time. In some other terms, it can also be mentioned as a canoe. In Russia, it is considered to be a tourist equipment by many folks, for its extremely light weight and compactness. This is my 1st acquaintance with this device at the Ladoga skerries, back in 2012.

K — Kick / Kicking



This is a Radiohead sticker promoting the reissue of their classic Ok Computer LP back in 2017. I found it last summer after a Radiohead-related party at St.Petersburg. I agree, the photo dont tell you anything what the kicking actually is (go educate yourself about it!) but the more important is that I found it, and its exclusive and original, innit?

K — Kiss

Yes, K for the kiss, and its nothing you can do with it. Mountains kissing the sky is a great metaphor. My photo is not poetic, its just a cool street photo, a reportage from the life as it can be witnessed sometimes, I hope you appreciate this reportage point of view too.

Here is a place for the copyright; this time, not all of the images taken by me, but every author is credited...
I also considered some other K-words, and the list of omitted entries I could not illustrte or found less intresting after all, is here to provide you a good after-taste:

kafkaesque / kiplingesque / knee-deep / kennel / kitschy / khomus / knotty

Those are all good things... but nobody can fit an unfittable, right?
"Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!", как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор.

Now I think its a right time to create an index to my posts for this great challenge.

A: @qwerrie/my-jorney-to-the-alfabet-land-a
B: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-b
C: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-c
D: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-d
E: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-day-e
F: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-f
G: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-g
H: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-h
I: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-i
J: @qwerrie/alphabet-land-j

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!


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