my journey to the Alphabet Land: A

I'm going to take part in a fun challenge suggested by @barbara-orenya:
each week a letter of the alphabet is chosen, and we have to find 6 objects, scene, or feeling, starting with that letter. Feel free to join this fun game to join, use hashtag #alphabethunt and also tag @barbara-orenya (posting a link in comments to the prompt would make it easier to find your post for sure...)


This is not necessarily a thing... maybe that could be qualified as 'feeling'?.. anyway I decided that would be a great cover for my post. I took a picture of a numbered limited edition CD that I have in posession since 2002. A great piece of original music by a funny Russian band 'Messer fur Frau Muller' (made of pop tunes, easy-listening electro and endless cut-and-paste quotes from soviet retro films).


I love to take pics of abandoned stuff and places, they have some inexplicable charm and attraction to most of us.


A little architector in the making :)
I captured this shot at our countryhouse 4 years ago.
Now she is mostly into building huts (from chairs, blankets and pillows).


This is a real soviet award - an order of October Revolution -- an old soviet car factory was awarded with it, so this huge copy is hanging outdoors, by its main entrance, and easily can be accessed and shot. Inscription has a famous motto: "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"


This young lady probably is an art student. St.Petersburg suggests a lot of intresting stuff to draw dessiner des images de la vie en plein air (at open air) here, thats for sure.


This can of anchovies with bread and butter made my breakfast one day. It was a sunny morning, and these fishes were so teasing and appealing, that I could not but document them, and created a little macro photo-session.

Anis seed

Anis seeds are among my fave subjects. Not necessarily it is my fave spice to use for the foo, no. It is rather quite special for that -- but definitely it is my fave spice for its visual side. And due to their complex shape these stars are hard nut to crack, to get a decent macro shots with all details being in focus. This test shoot I made at the 'Yarkiy Mir' photo store, testing the Canon 105 2.8L lens - probably the top macro lens for the Canon system... and too expensive, I simply could not invest my money into it, thought I really liked it. maybe, one day, Santa Klaus will do his magic on me, and make me the happiest man on Earth for a few hours, who knows.

Anyway. Hope you enjoyed this little virtual walk into the Alphabet land with me. Do join the fun!

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