my journey to the Alphabet Land (day E)


I collected 6 things starting from letter 'E' for the next round of the Alphabet hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya. To put it more precisely, not all of them are 'things'.

E — Easygoing


I'd like to start my research from this nice word -- it was probably the 1st one that came to my mind. Unfortunately I rarely use it in rel life -- simply cause I dont have the applicable situations! Nothing is all right in our lifes, nothing runs smoothly... or at least it happens so rare! That I almost forget this word...


But I still like it. Of course, one may say also: 'calmly' or 'relaxed', but 'easygoing' really have a different taste to it.

E — Exaggeration

Let me illustrate the said word with two images: a huge limousine above, and a birds palace below. I captured this construction in the yards at St.Petersburg, and didnt notice it was habitated with any tenants... exaggeration as it is -- looks shiny and decorative and superb, but not very functional and suitable for the usage in real life, having more contras than pro-s. Same with limo.


E — Eco-friendly


Above: a traditional Russian cast iron cooking pot used in the village household for purely eco purposes. Below: me, selling 1000 kg of waster paper I collected in May, 2019. Believe me, collecting 1000 kg of paper and, more importantly, keeping it somewhere -- takes a serious Efforts. And surely it is very eco-friendly deal. My profit (about 70$) I invested into getting Zenitar 16mm -- an artsy manual soviet lens. My family budget didnt suffer from my photo-dedication! (One of my friends joked about it -- that I probably sold my grandpa's library for that, very funny, haha!)


And one more illustration: a house built from eco-friendly materials. Unfortunately it is small, cold, non fire-safe and have a lot of other inconveniences, but its main and unquestionable value is eco-friendliness! (The materials were taken from the green house you see at the background).


E — Enquiry or Examination

enquiry 2175.JPG

Enquiry was the 1st thig I thought of looking at this image, but later adding it to the post, I considered Examination may suit even better. So I used both words rather than multiply my doubts about that ;) btw -- the kitten you see here is our white cat's baby-boy, the most active and sympatico one of them all.

E — Elves


It is hard and near to impossible to take a picture of a living elf, they became quite rare nowadays! but one can take a photo of an elf's doll, right? These collectionable hand-crafted dolls were made back in 2004 by my babygirl's Godmother, @iol -- she is a great artist. By the time I had no own DSLR camera, so I used Minolta Dimage 7i with unchangeable lense, which I borrowed from my office. So, this is the beginnings of my digital photography and subject photography. By the time I already got to know that using no-flash mode is better then the flash one!

Above is color-corrected version, below is original as shot. My color-retouching skills definitely had some progress since 2004!


E — Ecstasy and Euphoria


All the images taken by me, as always. I had more good words on my list, but didnt find good illustration... (or better say: I became happy with what I've got to post, and stoped any further examination). Theres a lot of great E-stuff around us!

efforts / ears / elite / emanation / equality / eraser / exit / excellent / exceptional / exotic / expert / eyes

Those are all good things... but nobody can fit an unfittable, right?
Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!"

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!


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