my journey to the Alphabet Land (day F)

My post for the next round of the Alphabet Hunt challenge by @barbara-orenya... Letter 'F' -- it was not hard, except I had too much good stuff to choose from, and had to eliminate so many intresting photos.. which sometimes became very painful thing -- but six means six, that is the rule of the challenge! Sometimes restrictions and limitations create a solid complexity - in a good way :)

F — Fishfabrique

Well, one can think I am killing two hares with one shot. No, that was not my intention (tho we really can have two words at once here). 'Fishfabrique nouvelle' is the name of a very cool small music club at St.Petersburg. I happened to get a free access to the gig of a great accordeon band few years ago... planned to use accordeon from this photo, but didnt.

F — Funmen


This is a curious one! I guess only Russian-speaking auditoria will get the punch behind this picture. Its the last thing to explain the humour, tho... ok: the tablet that I hold is actually the 1/2 part of an ad lettering which (in full) says 'fundament' (foundation, basement). But the second part we didnt find during the walk in the forest, so having only the half brings us to a "Fun-men". Profit!

I would be surprised if anybody will come up with a same word this round. The chance of such a coincidence must be vere, very, very low! I would be upset, if that happens.


By the way, on the second photo of a fun-men you see the original, unedit colours. Which version you 'd prefer: the nicer or the realistic one?

F — Frolic

I consider this to be a rare word, at least I never met in in other texts... probably I would never know it, if not my stay in this hostel at Poznan, Poland. (It was a great trip to see a Radiohead's gig back in 2009 -- very memorable venture for me).

F — Flea market


I remembered this word and strongly wished to include it in my list, as I like this sort of stuff very much, and a lot of other folks, as well.. but I simply didn’t have any photos at all.


Я вспомнил это слово, и решил во что бы то ни стало найти подходящие фотки. целый вечер перебирал архивы, пока не нашел искомое за 2008 год! это - то, чего давно нет. в городе много секонд-хенд магазинов, но в 2020-м они выглядят совсем не так, как этот, родом из 90-х. (Внутри: огромный темный ангар, в котором продавцы - живые люди, а не наемные работники крупных фирм, торгуют всякой рухлядью, в основном одеждой, раскладывая ее на раскладушках и столиках, а иногда и на полу). Сегодня в городе всего две барахолки, и обе закрыты. Сделать свежие фотографии никак не возможно :/
I remembered this word, and strongly wished to include it in my list, but I didn’t have photos. I had to dig through my archives all of the evening until I found these photos from 2008! This is something that has long been gone. There exist a lot of second-hand shops in the city, but now, in 2020, they look completely different from this one from the 90s. (How this market looks inside: a dark hangar in which sellers -- common living people, rather than hired employees of large companies,-- are selling their things, having folding beds and tables, and sometimes the floor, as their counters and displays). Today St.Petersburg probably has only two flea markets, and both are closed due to C-19. It is not possible to take fresh photos: /

F — Firewood


Firewood is firewood, and I think theres nothing to comment about it here. We all like fire, arent we? Trivia! Tho I can tell you, they do take some room, especially if your house, like a medieval Fortress, is not connected to the central communications and you have to burn a large quantaties of Firewood during 6 months, to make your home warm. In the previous epochs, the city had proper infrastructures, like 'firewood storage sheds' - usually they were located in the yards, and made up an essential part of the cityscape. No more like that today.

F — Fingers


Here I decided to take a double shot and added the photo for ShadowHunt contest by @melinda010100 -- I just felt it fit perfectly here.

So, yes, the thing you see on the photo is shadow... but also its a fingers! My good friend did this performance for me, when we had a walk around St.Petersburg roofs one day.


All the images taken by me, as always. This round I also considered other words, which finally lost their position to more successful rivals:

Feathers / Fluffy / Fight / Fountains / Feeding

Those are all good things... but nobody can fit an unfittable, right?
Как говорил мой старый наставник-редактор: "Нельзя впихнуть невпихуемое!"

Hope you enjoyed travelling with me. Come back next week, and join the fun!


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